These changes restore the 20px font size while increasing readibility by reducing line width. (The number of words per line is now similar to that of pandoc's default LaTeX/PDF output.) With the narrower lines, we also need less interline and interparagraph space, so the content becomes more compact and skimmable: - Change default font size back to 20px. - Set font-size for print media to 12pt. - Reduce interline space. - Reduce interparagraph space. - Reduce line width. - Remove the special `line-height: 1` for table cells, which I had suggested but which now seems a mistake. - Remove the special line-height for pre. - Ensure that there is a bit more space before a heading than after. - Slightly reduced space after title header.
179 lines
3.6 KiB
179 lines
3.6 KiB
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