This deprecates the use of the external pandoc-citeproc filter; citation processing is now built in to pandoc. * Add dependency on citeproc library. * Add Text.Pandoc.Citeproc module (and some associated unexported modules under Text.Pandoc.Citeproc). Exports `processCitations`. [API change] * Add data files needed for Text.Pandoc.Citeproc: default.csl in the data directory, and a citeproc directory that is just used at compile-time. Note that we've added file-embed as a mandatory rather than a conditional depedency, because of the biblatex localization files. We might eventually want to use readDataFile for this, but it would take some code reorganization. * Text.Pandoc.Loging: Add `CiteprocWarning` to `LogMessage` and use it in `processCitations`. [API change] * Add tests from the pandoc-citeproc package as command tests (including some tests pandoc-citeproc did not pass). * Remove instructions for building pandoc-citeproc from CI and release binary build instructions. We will no longer distribute pandoc-citeproc. * Markdown reader: tweak abbreviation support. Don't insert a nonbreaking space after a potential abbreviation if it comes right before a note or citation. This messes up several things, including citeproc's moving of note citations. * Add `csljson` as and input and output format. This allows pandoc to convert between `csljson` and other bibliography formats, and to generate formatted versions of CSL JSON bibliographies. * Add module Text.Pandoc.Writers.CslJson, exporting `writeCslJson`. [API change] * Add module Text.Pandoc.Readers.CslJson, exporting `readCslJson`. [API change] * Added `bibtex`, `biblatex` as input formats. This allows pandoc to convert between BibLaTeX and BibTeX and other bibliography formats, and to generated formatted versions of BibTeX/BibLaTeX bibliographies. * Add module Text.Pandoc.Readers.BibTeX, exporting `readBibTeX` and `readBibLaTeX`. [API change] * Make "standalone" implicit if output format is a bibliography format. This is needed because pandoc readers for bibliography formats put the bibliographic information in the `references` field of metadata; and unless standalone is specified, metadata gets ignored. (TODO: This needs improvement. We should trigger standalone for the reader when the input format is bibliographic, and for the writer when the output format is markdown.) * Carry over `citationNoteNum` to `citationNoteNumber`. This was just ignored in pandoc-citeproc. * Text.Pandoc.Filter: Add `CiteprocFilter` constructor to Filter. [API change] This runs the processCitations transformation. We need to treat it like a filter so it can be placed in the sequence of filter runs (after some, before others). In FromYAML, this is parsed from `citeproc` or `{type: citeproc}`, so this special filter may be specified either way in a defaults file (or by `citeproc: true`, though this gives no control of positioning relative to other filters). TODO: we need to add something to the manual section on defaults files for this. * Add deprecation warning if `upandoc-citeproc` filter is used. * Add `--citeproc/-C` option to trigger citation processing. This behaves like a filter and will be positioned relative to filters as they appear on the command line. * Rewrote the manual on citatations, adding a dedicated Citations section which also includes some information formerly found in the pandoc-citeproc man page. * Look for CSL styles in the `csl` subdirectory of the pandoc user data directory. This changes the old pandoc-citeproc behavior, which looked in `~/.csl`. Users can simply symlink `~/.csl` to the `csl` subdirectory of their pandoc user data directory if they want the old behavior. * Add support for CSL bibliography entry formatting to LaTeX, HTML, Ms writers. Added CSL-related CSS to styles.html.
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<summary>Vancouver style as outlined by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Sample References</summary>
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