2017-01-25 17:07:40 +01:00

103 lines
4.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.OPML ( readOPML ) where
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML (readHtml)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown (readMarkdown)
import Text.XML.Light
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Entity (lookupEntity)
import Data.Generics
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Default
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
type OPML m = StateT OPMLState m
data OPMLState = OPMLState{
opmlSectionLevel :: Int
, opmlDocTitle :: Inlines
, opmlDocAuthors :: [Inlines]
, opmlDocDate :: Inlines
} deriving Show
instance Default OPMLState where
def = OPMLState{ opmlSectionLevel = 0
, opmlDocTitle = mempty
, opmlDocAuthors = []
, opmlDocDate = mempty
readOPML :: PandocMonad m => ReaderOptions -> String -> m Pandoc
readOPML _ inp = do
(bs, st') <- flip runStateT def (mapM parseBlock $ normalizeTree $ parseXML inp)
return $
setTitle (opmlDocTitle st') $
setAuthors (opmlDocAuthors st') $
setDate (opmlDocDate st') $
doc $ mconcat bs
-- normalize input, consolidating adjacent Text and CRef elements
normalizeTree :: [Content] -> [Content]
normalizeTree = everywhere (mkT go)
where go :: [Content] -> [Content]
go (Text (CData CDataRaw _ _):xs) = xs
go (Text (CData CDataText s1 z):Text (CData CDataText s2 _):xs) =
Text (CData CDataText (s1 ++ s2) z):xs
go (Text (CData CDataText s1 z):CRef r:xs) =
Text (CData CDataText (s1 ++ convertEntity r) z):xs
go (CRef r:Text (CData CDataText s1 z):xs) =
Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r ++ s1) z):xs
go (CRef r1:CRef r2:xs) =
Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r1 ++ convertEntity r2) Nothing):xs
go xs = xs
convertEntity :: String -> String
convertEntity e = maybe (map toUpper e) id (lookupEntity e)
-- convenience function to get an attribute value, defaulting to ""
attrValue :: String -> Element -> String
attrValue attr elt =
case lookupAttrBy (\x -> qName x == attr) (elAttribs elt) of
Just z -> z
Nothing -> ""
-- exceptT :: PandocMonad m => Either PandocError a -> OPML m a
-- exceptT = either throwError return
asHtml :: PandocMonad m => String -> OPML m Inlines
asHtml s =
(\(Pandoc _ bs) -> case bs of
[Plain ils] -> fromList ils
_ -> mempty) <$> (lift $ readHtml def s)
asMarkdown :: PandocMonad m => String -> OPML m Blocks
asMarkdown s = (\(Pandoc _ bs) -> fromList bs) <$> (lift $ readMarkdown def s)
getBlocks :: PandocMonad m => Element -> OPML m Blocks
getBlocks e = mconcat <$> (mapM parseBlock $ elContent e)
parseBlock :: PandocMonad m => Content -> OPML m Blocks
parseBlock (Elem e) =
case qName (elName e) of
"ownerName" -> mempty <$ modify (\st ->
st{opmlDocAuthors = [text $ strContent e]})
"dateModified" -> mempty <$ modify (\st ->
st{opmlDocDate = text $ strContent e})
"title" -> mempty <$ modify (\st ->
st{opmlDocTitle = text $ strContent e})
"outline" -> gets opmlSectionLevel >>= sect . (+1)
"?xml" -> return mempty
_ -> getBlocks e
where sect n = do headerText <- asHtml $ attrValue "text" e
noteBlocks <- asMarkdown $ attrValue "_note" e
modify $ \st -> st{ opmlSectionLevel = n }
bs <- getBlocks e
modify $ \st -> st{ opmlSectionLevel = n - 1 }
let headerText' = case map toUpper (attrValue "type" e) of
"LINK" -> link
(attrValue "url" e) "" headerText
_ -> headerText
return $ header n headerText' <> noteBlocks <> bs
parseBlock _ = return mempty