* Simplify by collapsing a do block into a single <$> * Remove an unnecessary variable: `all` takes any Foldable, so only blocksToInlines needs toList.
452 lines
17 KiB
452 lines
17 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Readers.Docx
Copyright : © 2017-2020 Jesse Rosenthal, John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Tests for the word docx reader.
module Tests.Readers.Docx (tests) where
import Prelude
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class as P
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag, lookupMedia, mediaDirectory)
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-- We define a wrapper around pandoc that doesn't normalize in the
-- tests. Since we do our own normalization, we want to make sure
-- we're doing it right.
data NoNormPandoc = NoNormPandoc {unNoNorm :: Pandoc}
deriving Show
noNorm :: Pandoc -> NoNormPandoc
noNorm = NoNormPandoc
defopts :: ReaderOptions
defopts = def{ readerExtensions = getDefaultExtensions "docx" }
instance ToString NoNormPandoc where
toString d = T.unpack $ purely (writeNative def{ writerTemplate = s }) $ toPandoc d
where s = case d of
NoNormPandoc (Pandoc (Meta m) _)
| M.null m -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just mempty -- need this to get meta output
instance ToPandoc NoNormPandoc where
toPandoc = unNoNorm
compareOutput :: ReaderOptions
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> IO (NoNormPandoc, NoNormPandoc)
compareOutput opts docxFile nativeFile = do
df <- B.readFile docxFile
nf <- UTF8.toText <$> BS.readFile nativeFile
p <- runIOorExplode $ readDocx opts df
df' <- runIOorExplode $ readNative def nf
return (noNorm p, noNorm df')
testCompareWithOptsIO :: ReaderOptions -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO TestTree
testCompareWithOptsIO opts name docxFile nativeFile = do
(dp, np) <- compareOutput opts docxFile nativeFile
return $ test id name (dp, np)
testCompareWithOpts :: ReaderOptions -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testCompareWithOpts opts name docxFile nativeFile =
unsafePerformIO $ testCompareWithOptsIO opts name docxFile nativeFile
testCompare :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testCompare = testCompareWithOpts defopts
testForWarningsWithOptsIO :: ReaderOptions -> String -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO TestTree
testForWarningsWithOptsIO opts name docxFile expected = do
df <- B.readFile docxFile
logs <- runIOorExplode $ setVerbosity ERROR >> readDocx opts df >> P.getLog
let warns = [m | DocxParserWarning m <- logs]
return $ test id name (T.unlines warns, unlines expected)
testForWarningsWithOpts :: ReaderOptions -> String -> FilePath -> [String] -> TestTree
testForWarningsWithOpts opts name docxFile expected =
unsafePerformIO $ testForWarningsWithOptsIO opts name docxFile expected
-- testForWarnings :: String -> FilePath -> [String] -> TestTree
-- testForWarnings = testForWarningsWithOpts defopts
getMedia :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)
getMedia archivePath mediaPath = fmap fromEntry . findEntryByPath
("word/" ++ mediaPath) . toArchive <$> B.readFile archivePath
compareMediaPathIO :: FilePath -> MediaBag -> FilePath -> IO Bool
compareMediaPathIO mediaPath mediaBag docxPath = do
docxMedia <- getMedia docxPath mediaPath
let mbBS = case lookupMedia mediaPath mediaBag of
Just (_, bs) -> bs
Nothing -> error ("couldn't find " ++
mediaPath ++
" in media bag")
docxBS = fromMaybe (error ("couldn't find " ++
mediaPath ++
" in media bag")) docxMedia
return $ mbBS == docxBS
compareMediaBagIO :: FilePath -> IO Bool
compareMediaBagIO docxFile = do
df <- B.readFile docxFile
mb <- runIOorExplode $ readDocx defopts df >> P.getMediaBag
bools <- mapM
(\(fp, _, _) -> compareMediaPathIO fp mb docxFile)
(mediaDirectory mb)
return $ and bools
testMediaBagIO :: String -> FilePath -> IO TestTree
testMediaBagIO name docxFile = do
outcome <- compareMediaBagIO docxFile
return $ testCase name (assertBool
("Media didn't match media bag in file " ++ docxFile)
testMediaBag :: String -> FilePath -> TestTree
testMediaBag name docxFile = unsafePerformIO $ testMediaBagIO name docxFile
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [ testGroup "document"
[ testCompare
"allow different document.xml file as defined in _rels/.rels"
, testGroup "inlines"
[ testCompare
"font formatting"
, testCompare
"font formatting with character styles"
, testCompare
, testCompare
"hyperlinks in <w:instrText> tag"
, testCompare
"inline image"
, testCompare
"VML image"
, testCompare
"inline image in links"
, testCompare
"handling unicode input"
, testCompare
"literal tabs"
, testCompare
"special punctuation"
, testCompare
"normalizing inlines"
, testCompare
"normalizing inlines deep inside blocks"
, testCompare
"move trailing spaces outside of formatting"
, testCompare
"remove trailing spaces from last inline"
, testCompare
"inline code (with VerbatimChar style)"
, testCompare
"inline code in subscript and superscript"
, testCompare
"inlines inside of Structured Document Tags"
, testCompare
"Structured Document Tags in footnotes"
, testCompare
"nested Structured Document Tags"
, testCompare
"nested Smart Tags"
, testCompare
"remove anchor spans with nothing pointing to them"
, testCompare
"collapse overlapping targets (anchor spans)"
, testGroup "blocks"
[ testCompare
, testCompare
"headers already having auto identifiers"
, testCompare
"avoid zero-level headers"
, testCompare
"nested anchor spans in header"
, testCompare
"single numbered item not made into list"
, testCompare
"enumerated headers not made into numbered list"
, testCompare
"i18n blocks (headers and blockquotes)"
, testCompare
, testCompare
"compact lists"
, testCompare
"lists with level overrides"
, testCompare
"lists continuing after interruption"
, testCompare
"lists restarting after interruption"
, testCompare
"sublists reset numbering to 1"
, testCompare
"definition lists"
, testCompare
"custom defined lists in styles"
, testCompare
"user deletes bullet after list item (=> part of item par)"
, testCompare
"user deletes bullet after par (=> new par)"
, testCompare
"footnotes and endnotes"
, testCompare
"links in footnotes and endnotes"
, testCompare
"blockquotes (parsing indent as blockquote)"
, testCompare
"hanging indents"
, testCompare
, testCompare
"tables with lists in cells"
, testCompare
"tables with one row"
, testCompare
"tables with variable width"
, testCompare
"code block"
, testCompare
"combine adjacent code blocks"
, testCompare
"dropcap paragraphs"
, testGroup "track changes"
[ testCompare
"insertion (default)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AcceptChanges}
"insert insertion (accept)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=RejectChanges}
"remove insertion (reject)"
, testCompare
"deletion (default)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AcceptChanges}
"remove deletion (accept)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=RejectChanges}
"insert deletion (reject)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AllChanges}
"keep insertion (all)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AllChanges}
"keep deletion (all)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AcceptChanges}
"move text (accept)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=RejectChanges}
"move text (reject)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AllChanges}
"move text (all)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AcceptChanges}
"comments (accept -- no comments)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=RejectChanges}
"comments (reject -- comments)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AllChanges}
"comments (all comments)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AcceptChanges}
"paragraph insertion/deletion (accept)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=RejectChanges}
"paragraph insertion/deletion (reject)"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AllChanges}
"paragraph insertion/deletion (all)"
, testForWarningsWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AcceptChanges}
"comment warnings (accept -- no warnings)"
, testForWarningsWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=RejectChanges}
"comment warnings (reject -- no warnings)"
, testForWarningsWithOpts def{readerTrackChanges=AllChanges}
"comment warnings (all)"
["Docx comment 1 will not retain formatting"]
, testGroup "media"
[ testMediaBag
"image extraction"
, testGroup "custom styles"
[ testCompare
"custom styles (`+styles`) not enabled (default)"
, testCompareWithOpts
def{readerExtensions=extensionsFromList [Ext_styles]}
"custom styles (`+styles`) enabled"
, testCompareWithOpts
def{readerExtensions=extensionsFromList [Ext_styles]}
"custom styles (`+styles`): Compact style is removed from output"
, testGroup "metadata"
[ testCompareWithOpts def{readerStandalone=True}
"metadata fields"
, testCompareWithOpts def{readerStandalone=True}
"stop recording metadata with normal text"