This is necessary as the latex citation commands include there own punctuation, which resulted in doubled commas for markdown documents where citeproc output works correctly.
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\usepackage[breaklinks=true,unicode=true,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}
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\section{Pandoc with citeproc-hs}
\textcite{item1} says blah.
\textcite[p.~30]{item1} says blah.
\textcite[p.~30, with suffix]{item1} says blah.
\textcites{item1}[p.~30]{item2}[see also][]{item3} says blah.
In a note.%
\footnote{A citation without locators \autocite{item3}.}
A citation group
\autocites[see][p.~34--35]{item1}[also][chap. 3]{item3}.
Another one \autocite[see][p.~34--35]{item1}.
And another one in a note.%
\footnote{Some citations \autocites[see][chap. 3]{item2}{item3}{item1}.}
Citation with a suffix and locator
\autocite[pp.~33, 35--37, and nowhere else]{item1}.
Citation with suffix only \autocite[and nowhere else]{item1}.
Now some modifiers.%
\footnote{Like a citation without author: \autocite*{item1}, and now Doe with
a locator \autocite*[p.~44]{item2}.}
With some markup \autocite[\emph{see}][p. \textbf{32}]{item1}.