Quite a few modules were missing copyright notices. This commit adds copyright notices everywhere via haddock module headers. The old license boilerplate comment is redundant with this and has been removed. Update copyright years to 2019. Closes #4592.
240 lines
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240 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Readers.Org.Directive
Copyright : © 2014-2019 Albert Krewinkel
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Tests parsing of org directives (like @#+OPTIONS@).
module Tests.Readers.Org.Directive (tests) where
import Prelude
import Data.Time (UTCTime (UTCTime), secondsToDiffTime)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day (ModifiedJulianDay))
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Tests.Helpers ((=?>), ToString, purely, test)
import Tests.Readers.Org.Shared ((=:), tagSpan)
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
testWithFiles :: (ToString c)
=> [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)]
-> String -- ^ name of test case
-> (T.Text, c) -- ^ (input, expected value)
-> TestTree
testWithFiles fileDefs = test (orgWithFiles fileDefs)
orgWithFiles :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)] -> T.Text -> Pandoc
orgWithFiles fileDefs input =
let readOrg' = readOrg def{ readerExtensions = getDefaultExtensions "org" }
in flip purely input $ \inp -> do
modifyPureState (\st -> st { stFiles = files fileDefs })
readOrg' inp
files :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)] -> FileTree
files fileDefs =
let dummyTime = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 125) (secondsToDiffTime 0)
in foldr (\(fp, bs) -> insertInFileTree fp (FileInfo dummyTime bs))
mempty fileDefs
tests :: [TestTree]
tests =
[ testGroup "export options"
[ "disable simple sub/superscript syntax" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: ^:nil"
, "a^b"
] =?>
para "a^b"
, "directly select drawers to be exported" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: d:(\"IMPORTANT\")"
, "23"
, ":END:"
, ":BORING:"
, "very boring"
, ":END:"
] =?>
divWith (mempty, ["IMPORTANT", "drawer"], mempty) (para "23")
, "exclude drawers from being exported" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: d:(not \"BORING\")"
, "5"
, ":END:"
, ":BORING:"
, "very boring"
, ":END:"
] =?>
divWith (mempty, ["IMPORTANT", "drawer"], mempty) (para "5")
, "don't include archive trees" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: arch:nil"
, "* old :ARCHIVE:"
] =?>
(mempty ::Blocks)
, "include complete archive trees" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: arch:t"
, "* old :ARCHIVE:"
, " boring"
] =?>
mconcat [ headerWith ("old", [], mempty) 1
("old" <> space <> tagSpan "ARCHIVE")
, para "boring"
, "include archive tree header only" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: arch:headline"
, "* old :ARCHIVE:"
, " boring"
] =?>
headerWith ("old", [], mempty) 1 ("old" <> space <> tagSpan "ARCHIVE")
, "limit headline depth" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: H:2"
, "* top-level section"
, "** subsection"
, "*** list item 1"
, "*** list item 2"
] =?>
mconcat [ headerWith ("top-level-section", [], []) 1 "top-level section"
, headerWith ("subsection", [], []) 2 "subsection"
, orderedList [ para "list item 1", para "list item 2" ]
, "turn all headlines into lists" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: H:0"
, "first block"
, "* top-level section 1"
, "** subsection"
, "* top-level section 2"
] =?>
mconcat [ para "first block"
, orderedList
[ para "top-level section 1" <>
orderedList [ para "subsection" ]
, para "top-level section 2" ]
, "preserve linebreaks as hard breaks" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: \\n:t"
, "first"
, "second"
] =?>
para ("first" <> linebreak <> "second")
, "disable author export" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: author:nil"
, "#+AUTHOR: ShyGuy"
] =?>
Pandoc nullMeta mempty
, "disable creator export" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: creator:nil"
, "#+creator: The Architect"
] =?>
Pandoc nullMeta mempty
, "disable email export" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: email:nil"
, "#+email: no-mail-please@example.com"
] =?>
Pandoc nullMeta mempty
, "disable inclusion of todo keywords" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: todo:nil"
, "** DONE todo export"
] =?>
headerWith ("todo-export", [], []) 2 "todo export"
, "remove tags from headlines" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: tags:nil"
, "* Headline :hello:world:"
] =?>
headerWith ("headline", [], mempty) 1 "Headline"
, testGroup "planning information"
[ "include planning info after headlines" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: p:t"
, "* important"
, " DEADLINE: <2018-10-01 Mon> SCHEDULED: <2018-09-15 Sat>"
] =?>
mconcat [ headerWith ("important", mempty, mempty) 1 "important"
, plain $ strong "DEADLINE:"
<> space
<> emph (str "<2018-10-01 Mon>")
<> space
<> strong "SCHEDULED:"
<> space
<> emph (str "<2018-09-15 Sat>")
, "empty planning info is not included" =:
T.unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: p:t"
, "* Wichtig"
] =?>
headerWith ("wichtig", mempty, mempty) 1 "Wichtig"
, testGroup "Include"
[ testWithFiles [("./other.org", "content of other file\n")]
"file inclusion"
(T.unlines [ "#+include: \"other.org\"" ] =?>
plain "content of other file")
, testWithFiles [("./world.org", "World\n\n")]
"Included file belongs to item"
(T.unlines [ "- Hello,\n #+include: \"world.org\"" ] =?>
bulletList [para "Hello," <> para "World"])
, testWithFiles [("./level3.org", "*** Level3\n\n")]
"Default include preserves level"
(T.unlines [ "#+include: \"level3.org\"" ] =?>
headerWith ("level3", [], []) 3 "Level3")
, testWithFiles [("./level3.org", "*** Level3\n\n")]
"Minlevel shifts level leftward"
(T.unlines [ "#+include: \"level3.org\" :minlevel 1" ] =?>
headerWith ("level3", [], []) 1 "Level3")
, testWithFiles [("./level1.org", "* Level1\n\n")]
"Minlevel shifts level rightward"
(T.unlines [ "#+include: \"level1.org\" :minlevel 3" ] =?>
headerWith ("level1", [], []) 3 "Level1")
, testWithFiles [("./src.hs", "putStrLn outString\n")]
"Include file as source code snippet"
(T.unlines [ "#+include: \"src.hs\" src haskell" ] =?>
codeBlockWith ("", ["haskell"], []) "putStrLn outString\n")
, testWithFiles [("./export-latex.org", "\\emph{Hello}\n")]
"Include file as export snippet"
(T.unlines [ "#+include: \"export-latex.org\" export latex" ] =?>
rawBlock "latex" "\\emph{Hello}\n")
, testWithFiles [("./subdir/foo-bar.latex", "foo\n"),
("./hello.lisp", "(print \"Hello!\")\n")
"include directive is limited to one line"
(T.unlines [ "#+INCLUDE: \"hello.lisp\" src lisp"
, "#+include: \"subdir/foo-bar.latex\" export latex"
, "bar"
] =?>
[ codeBlockWith ("", ["lisp"], []) "(print \"Hello!\")\n"
, rawBlock "latex" "foo\n"
, para "bar"