* Depend on pandoc 1.12. * Added yaml dependency. * `Text.Pandoc.XML`: Removed `stripTags`. (API change.) * `Text.Pandoc.Shared`: Added `metaToJSON`. This will be used in writers to create a JSON object for use in the templates from the pandoc metadata. * Revised readers and writers to use the new Meta type. * `Text.Pandoc.Options`: Added `Ext_yaml_title_block`. * Markdown reader: Added support for YAML metadata block. Note that it must come at the beginning of the document. * `Text.Pandoc.Parsing.ParserState`: Replace `stateTitle`, `stateAuthors`, `stateDate` with `stateMeta`. * RST reader: Improved metadata. Treat initial field list as metadata when standalone specified. Previously ALL fields "title", "author", "date" in field lists were treated as metadata, even if not at the beginning. Use `subtitle` metadata field for subtitle. * `Text.Pandoc.Templates`: Export `renderTemplate'` that takes a string instead of a compiled template.. * OPML template: Use 'for' loop for authors. * Org template: '#+TITLE:' is inserted before the title. Previously the writer did this.
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193 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- provides Arbitrary instance for Pandoc types
module Tests.Arbitrary ()
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (normalize, escapeURI)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
realString :: Gen String
realString = resize 8 $ listOf $ frequency [ (9, elements [' '..'\127'])
, (1, elements ['\128'..'\9999']) ]
arbAttr :: Gen Attr
arbAttr = do
id' <- elements ["","loc"]
classes <- elements [[],["haskell"],["c","numberLines"]]
keyvals <- elements [[],[("start","22")],[("a","11"),("b_2","a b c")]]
return (id',classes,keyvals)
instance Arbitrary Inlines where
arbitrary = liftM (fromList :: [Inline] -> Inlines) arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Blocks where
arbitrary = liftM (fromList :: [Block] -> Blocks) arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Inline where
arbitrary = resize 3 $ arbInline 2
arbInlines :: Int -> Gen [Inline]
arbInlines n = listOf1 (arbInline n) `suchThat` (not . startsWithSpace)
where startsWithSpace (Space:_) = True
startsWithSpace _ = False
-- restrict to 3 levels of nesting max; otherwise we get
-- bogged down in indefinitely large structures
arbInline :: Int -> Gen Inline
arbInline n = frequency $ [ (60, liftM Str realString)
, (60, return Space)
, (10, liftM2 Code arbAttr realString)
, (5, elements [ RawInline "html" "<a id=\"eek\">"
, RawInline "latex" "\\my{command}" ])
] ++ [ x | x <- nesters, n > 1]
where nesters = [ (10, liftM Emph $ arbInlines (n-1))
, (10, liftM Strong $ arbInlines (n-1))
, (10, liftM Strikeout $ arbInlines (n-1))
, (10, liftM Superscript $ arbInlines (n-1))
, (10, liftM Subscript $ arbInlines (n-1))
-- , (10, liftM SmallCaps $ arbInlines (n-1))
, (10, do x1 <- arbitrary
x2 <- arbInlines (n-1)
return $ Quoted x1 x2)
, (10, do x1 <- arbitrary
x2 <- realString
return $ Math x1 x2)
, (10, do x1 <- arbInlines (n-1)
x3 <- realString
x2 <- liftM escapeURI realString
return $ Link x1 (x2,x3))
, (10, do x1 <- arbInlines (n-1)
x3 <- realString
x2 <- liftM escapeURI realString
return $ Image x1 (x2,x3))
, (2, liftM Note $ resize 3 $ listOf1 $ arbBlock (n-1))
instance Arbitrary Block where
arbitrary = resize 3 $ arbBlock 2
arbBlock :: Int -> Gen Block
arbBlock n = frequency $ [ (10, liftM Plain $ arbInlines (n-1))
, (15, liftM Para $ arbInlines (n-1))
, (5, liftM2 CodeBlock arbAttr realString)
, (2, elements [ RawBlock "html"
, RawBlock "latex"
, (5, do x1 <- choose (1 :: Int, 6)
x2 <- arbInlines (n-1)
return (Header x1 nullAttr x2))
, (2, return HorizontalRule)
] ++ [x | x <- nesters, n > 0]
where nesters = [ (5, liftM BlockQuote $ listOf1 $ arbBlock (n-1))
, (5, do x2 <- arbitrary
x3 <- arbitrary
x1 <- arbitrary `suchThat` (> 0)
x4 <- listOf1 $ listOf1 $ arbBlock (n-1)
return $ OrderedList (x1,x2,x3) x4 )
, (5, liftM BulletList $ (listOf1 $ listOf1 $ arbBlock (n-1)))
, (5, do items <- listOf1 $ do
x1 <- listOf1 $ listOf1 $ arbBlock (n-1)
x2 <- arbInlines (n-1)
return (x2,x1)
return $ DefinitionList items)
, (2, do rs <- choose (1 :: Int, 4)
cs <- choose (1 :: Int, 4)
x1 <- arbInlines (n-1)
x2 <- vector cs
x3 <- vectorOf cs $ elements [0, 0.25]
x4 <- vectorOf cs $ listOf $ arbBlock (n-1)
x5 <- vectorOf rs $ vectorOf cs
$ listOf $ arbBlock (n-1)
return (Table x1 x2 x3 x4 x5))
instance Arbitrary Pandoc where
arbitrary = resize 8 $ liftM normalize
$ liftM2 Pandoc arbitrary arbitrary
instance Arbitrary CitationMode where
= do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 2)
case x of
0 -> return AuthorInText
1 -> return SuppressAuthor
2 -> return NormalCitation
_ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
instance Arbitrary Citation where
= do x1 <- liftM (filter (`notElem` ",;]@ \t\n")) arbitrary
x2 <- arbitrary
x3 <- arbitrary
x4 <- arbitrary
x5 <- arbitrary
x6 <- arbitrary
return (Citation x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
instance Arbitrary MathType where
= do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 1)
case x of
0 -> return DisplayMath
1 -> return InlineMath
_ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
instance Arbitrary QuoteType where
= do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 1)
case x of
0 -> return SingleQuote
1 -> return DoubleQuote
_ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
instance Arbitrary Meta where
= do (x1 :: Inlines) <- arbitrary
(x2 :: [Inlines]) <- liftM (filter (not . isNull)) arbitrary
(x3 :: Inlines) <- arbitrary
return $ setMeta "title" x1
$ setMeta "author" x2
$ setMeta "date" x3
$ nullMeta
instance Arbitrary Alignment where
= do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 3)
case x of
0 -> return AlignLeft
1 -> return AlignRight
2 -> return AlignCenter
3 -> return AlignDefault
_ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
instance Arbitrary ListNumberStyle where
= do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 6)
case x of
0 -> return DefaultStyle
1 -> return Example
2 -> return Decimal
3 -> return LowerRoman
4 -> return UpperRoman
5 -> return LowerAlpha
6 -> return UpperAlpha
_ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
instance Arbitrary ListNumberDelim where
= do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 3)
case x of
0 -> return DefaultDelim
1 -> return Period
2 -> return OneParen
3 -> return TwoParens
_ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"