- The (non-exported) prelude is in prelude/Prelude.hs. - It exports Monoid and Applicative, like base 4.8 prelude, but works with older base versions. - It exports (<>) for mappend. - It hides 'catch' on older base versions. This allows us to remove many imports of Data.Monoid and Control.Applicative, and remove Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid. It should allow us to use -Wall again for ghc 7.10.
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module Tests.Writers.AsciiDoc (tests) where
import Test.Framework
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc
import Tests.Helpers
import Tests.Arbitrary()
asciidoc :: (ToString a, ToPandoc a) => a -> String
asciidoc = writeAsciiDoc def{ writerWrapText = False } . toPandoc
tests :: [Test]
tests = [ testGroup "emphasis"
[ test asciidoc "emph word before" $
para (text "foo" <> emph (text "bar")) =?>
, test asciidoc "emph word after" $
para (emph (text "foo") <> text "bar") =?>
, test asciidoc "emph quoted" $
para (doubleQuoted (emph (text "foo"))) =?>
, test asciidoc "strong word before" $
para (text "foo" <> strong (text "bar")) =?>
, test asciidoc "strong word after" $
para (strong (text "foo") <> text "bar") =?>
, test asciidoc "strong quoted" $
para (singleQuoted (strong (text "foo"))) =?>
, testGroup "tables"
[ test asciidoc "empty cells" $
simpleTable [] [[mempty],[mempty]] =?> unlines
[ "[cols=\"\",]"
, "|===="
, "|"
, "|"
, "|===="
, test asciidoc "multiblock cells" $
simpleTable [] [[para (text "Para 1") <> para (text "Para 2")]]
=?> unlines
[ "[cols=\"\",]"
, "|====="
, "a|"
, "Para 1"
, ""
, "Para 2"
, ""
, "|====="