Done using tools/emojis.hs, which uses the list from the gem GitHub uses. Future updates can be done with this tool. Closes #5666.
1815 lines
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1815 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Emoji
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2015 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Emoji symbol lookup from canonical string identifier.
module Text.Pandoc.Emoji ( emojis, emojiToInline ) where
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Inline (Span, Str))
emojis :: M.Map String String
emojis = M.fromList
, "\128104\8205\10084\65039\8205\128104"
, "\128105\8205\10084\65039\8205\128104"
, "\128105\8205\10084\65039\8205\128105"
, "\128104\8205\10084\65039\8205\128139\8205\128104"
, "\128105\8205\10084\65039\8205\128139\8205\128104"
, "\128105\8205\10084\65039\8205\128139\8205\128105"
, "\127988\917607\917602\917605\917614\917607\917631"
, "\128104\8205\128104\8205\128102\8205\128102"
, "\128104\8205\128104\8205\128103\8205\128102"
, "\128104\8205\128104\8205\128103\8205\128103"
, "\128104\8205\128105\8205\128102\8205\128102"
, "\128104\8205\128105\8205\128103\8205\128102"
, "\128104\8205\128105\8205\128103\8205\128103"
, "\128105\8205\128105\8205\128102\8205\128102"
, "\128105\8205\128105\8205\128103\8205\128102"
, "\128105\8205\128105\8205\128103\8205\128103"
, "\127988\917607\917602\917619\917603\917620\917631"
emojiToInline :: String -> Maybe Inline
emojiToInline emojikey = makeSpan <$> M.lookup emojikey emojis
where makeSpan = Span ("", ["emoji"], [("data-emoji", emojikey)]) . (:[]) . Str