Jesse Rosenthal 76442a791c Powerpoint Writer tests: Add quickcheck tests for content types.
We want to make sure we always have an override for each xml file in
the content types file.
2017-12-29 10:43:36 -05:00

169 lines
5.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tests.Writers.Powerpoint (tests) where
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, sort)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
getPptxArchive :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> IO Archive
getPptxArchive opts pd = do
mbs <- runIO $
do setUserDataDir $ Just "../data"
writePowerpoint opts pd
case mbs of
Left e -> throwIO e
Right bs -> return $ toArchive bs
----- Number of Slides -----------
numberOfSlides :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> IO Int
numberOfSlides opts pd = do
archive <- getPptxArchive opts pd
return $
length $
filter (isSuffixOf ".xml") $
filter (isPrefixOf "ppt/slides/slide") $
filesInArchive archive
testNumberOfSlides :: TestName -> Int -> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> TestTree
testNumberOfSlides name n opts pd =
testCase name $ do
n' <- numberOfSlides opts pd
n' @=? n
numSlideTests :: TestTree
numSlideTests = testGroup "Number of slides in output"
[ testNumberOfSlides
"simple one-slide deck" 1
(doc $ para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"with metadata (header slide)" 2
(setTitle "My Title" $ doc $ para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With h1 slide (using default slide-level)" 2
(doc $ header 1 "Header" <> para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With h2 slide (using default slide-level)" 2
(doc $ header 1 "Header" <> header 2 "subeader" <> para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With h1 slide (using slide-level 3)" 2
def {writerSlideLevel= Just 3}
(doc $ header 1 "Header" <> para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With h2 slide (using slide-level 3)" 3
def {writerSlideLevel= Just 3}
(doc $ header 1 "Header" <> header 2 "subeader" <> para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With image slide, no header" 3
(doc $
para "first slide" <>
(para $ image "lalune.jpg" "" "") <>
para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With image slide, header" 3
(doc $
para "first slide" <>
header 2 "image header" <>
(para $ image "lalune.jpg" "" "") <>
para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With table, no header" 3
(doc $
para "first slide" <>
(simpleTable [para "foo" <> para "bar"] [[para "this" <> para "that"]]) <>
para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With table, header" 3
(doc $
para "first slide" <>
header 2 "table header" <>
(simpleTable [para "foo" <> para "bar"] [[para "this" <> para "that"]]) <>
para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"hrule" 2
(doc $
para "first slide" <> horizontalRule <> para "last slide")
, testNumberOfSlides
"with notes slide" 2
(doc $
para $ text "Foo" <> note (para "note text"))
----- Content Types -----------
contentTypesFileExists :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> TestTree
contentTypesFileExists opts pd =
testCase "Existence of [Content_Types].xml file" $
do archive <- getPptxArchive opts pd
assertBool "Missing [Content_Types].xml file" $
"[Content_Types].xml" `elem` (filesInArchive archive)
-- We want an "Override" entry for each xml file under ppt/.
prop_ContentOverrides :: Pandoc -> IO Bool
prop_ContentOverrides pd = do
-- remove Math to avoid warnings
let go :: Inline -> Inline
go (Math _ _) = Str "Math"
go i = i
pd' = walk go pd
archive <- getPptxArchive def pd'
let xmlFiles = filter ("[Content_Types].xml" /=) $
filter (isSuffixOf ".xml") $
filesInArchive archive
contentTypes <- case findEntryByPath "[Content_Types].xml" archive of
Just ent -> return $ fromEntry ent
Nothing -> throwIO $
PandocSomeError "Missing [Content_Types].xml file"
typesElem <- case parseXMLDoc contentTypes of
Just element -> return $ element
Nothing -> throwIO $
PandocSomeError "[Content_Types].xml cannot be parsed"
let ns = findAttr (QName "xmlns" Nothing Nothing) typesElem
overrides = findChildren (QName "Override" ns Nothing) typesElem
partNames = mapMaybe (findAttr (QName "PartName" Nothing Nothing)) overrides
-- files in content_types are absolute
absXmlFiles = map (\fp -> case fp of
('/':_) -> fp
_ -> '/': fp
return $ sort absXmlFiles == sort partNames
contentOverridesTests :: TestTree
contentOverridesTests = localOption (QuickCheckTests 20) $
testProperty "Content Overrides for each XML file" $
\x -> ioProperty $ prop_ContentOverrides (x :: Pandoc)
contentTypeTests :: TestTree
contentTypeTests = testGroup "[Content_Types].xml file"
[ contentTypesFileExists def (doc $ para "foo")
, contentOverridesTests
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [ numSlideTests
, contentTypeTests