John MacFarlane c1e474f005 Restored Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid.
Don't use custom prelude for latest ghc.

This is a better approach to making 'stack ghci' and 'cabal repl'
work.  Instead of using NoImplicitPrelude, we only use the custom
prelude for older ghc versions.  The custom prelude presents a
uniform API that matches the current base version's prelude.
So, when developing (presumably with latest ghc), we don't
use a custom prelude at all and hence have no trouble with ghci.

The custom prelude no longer exports (<>):  we now want to
match the base 4.8 prelude behavior.
2015-11-09 11:19:25 -08:00

329 lines
11 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, CPP,
OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
Copyright (C) 2009-2015 John MacFarlane <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Templates
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2009-2015 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
A simple templating system with variable substitution and conditionals.
The following program illustrates its use:
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> import Data.Text
> import Data.Aeson
> import Text.Pandoc.Templates
> data Employee = Employee { firstName :: String
> , lastName :: String
> , salary :: Maybe Int }
> instance ToJSON Employee where
> toJSON e = object [ "name" .= object [ "first" .= firstName e
> , "last" .= lastName e ]
> , "salary" .= salary e ]
> employees :: [Employee]
> employees = [ Employee "John" "Doe" Nothing
> , Employee "Omar" "Smith" (Just 30000)
> , Employee "Sara" "Chen" (Just 60000) ]
> template :: Template
> template = either error id $ compileTemplate
> "$for(employee)$Hi, $$. $if(employee.salary)$You make $employee.salary$.$else$No salary data.$endif$$sep$\n$endfor$"
> main = putStrLn $ renderTemplate template $ object ["employee" .= employees ]
A slot for an interpolated variable is a variable name surrounded
by dollar signs. To include a literal @$@ in your template, use
@$$@. Variable names must begin with a letter and can contain letters,
numbers, @_@, @-@, and @.@.
The values of variables are determined by a JSON object that is
passed as a parameter to @renderTemplate@. So, for example,
@title@ will return the value of the @title@ field, and
@employee.salary@ will return the value of the @salary@ field
of the object that is the value of the @employee@ field.
The value of a variable will be indented to the same level as the
A conditional begins with @$if(variable_name)$@ and ends with @$endif$@.
It may optionally contain an @$else$@ section. The if section is
used if @variable_name@ has a non-null value, otherwise the else section
is used.
Conditional keywords should not be indented, or unexpected spacing
problems may occur.
The @$for$@ keyword can be used to iterate over an array. If
the value of the associated variable is not an array, a single
iteration will be performed on its value.
You may optionally specify separators using @$sep$@, as in the
example above.
module Text.Pandoc.Templates ( renderTemplate
, renderTemplate'
, TemplateTarget(..)
, varListToJSON
, compileTemplate
, Template
, getDefaultTemplate ) where
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Control.Monad (guard, when)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), Value(..))
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import qualified Control.Exception.Extensible as E (try, IOException)
#if MIN_VERSION_blaze_html(0,5,0)
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
import Text.Blaze.Internal (preEscapedText)
import Text.Blaze (preEscapedText, Html)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, fromChunks)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (readDataFileUTF8, ordNub)
import Data.Vector ((!?))
import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>))
-- | Get default template for the specified writer.
getDefaultTemplate :: (Maybe FilePath) -- ^ User data directory to search first
-> String -- ^ Name of writer
-> IO (Either E.IOException String)
getDefaultTemplate user writer = do
let format = takeWhile (`notElem` ("+-" :: String)) writer -- strip off extensions
case format of
"native" -> return $ Right ""
"json" -> return $ Right ""
"docx" -> return $ Right ""
"fb2" -> return $ Right ""
"odt" -> getDefaultTemplate user "opendocument"
"markdown_strict" -> getDefaultTemplate user "markdown"
"multimarkdown" -> getDefaultTemplate user "markdown"
"markdown_github" -> getDefaultTemplate user "markdown"
"markdown_mmd" -> getDefaultTemplate user "markdown"
"markdown_phpextra" -> getDefaultTemplate user "markdown"
_ -> let fname = "templates" </> "default" <.> format
in E.try $ readDataFileUTF8 user fname
newtype Template = Template { unTemplate :: Value -> Text }
deriving Monoid
type Variable = [Text]
class TemplateTarget a where
toTarget :: Text -> a
instance TemplateTarget Text where
toTarget = id
instance TemplateTarget String where
toTarget = T.unpack
instance TemplateTarget ByteString where
toTarget = fromChunks . (:[]) . encodeUtf8
instance TemplateTarget Html where
toTarget = preEscapedText
varListToJSON :: [(String, String)] -> Value
varListToJSON assoc = toJSON $ M.fromList assoc'
where assoc' = [(T.pack k, toVal [T.pack z | (y,z) <- assoc,
not (null z),
y == k])
| k <- ordNub $ map fst assoc ]
toVal [x] = toJSON x
toVal [] = Null
toVal xs = toJSON xs
renderTemplate :: (ToJSON a, TemplateTarget b) => Template -> a -> b
renderTemplate (Template f) context = toTarget $ f $ toJSON context
compileTemplate :: Text -> Either String Template
compileTemplate template =
case P.parse (pTemplate <* P.eof) "template" template of
Left e -> Left (show e)
Right x -> Right x
-- | Like 'renderTemplate', but compiles the template first,
-- raising an error if compilation fails.
renderTemplate' :: (ToJSON a, TemplateTarget b) => String -> a -> b
renderTemplate' template =
renderTemplate (either error id $ compileTemplate $ T.pack template)
var :: Variable -> Template
var = Template . resolveVar
resolveVar :: Variable -> Value -> Text
resolveVar var' val =
case multiLookup var' val of
Just (Array vec) -> maybe mempty (resolveVar []) $ vec !? 0
Just (String t) -> T.stripEnd t
Just (Number n) -> T.pack $ show n
Just (Bool True) -> "true"
Just (Object _) -> "true"
Just _ -> mempty
Nothing -> mempty
multiLookup :: [Text] -> Value -> Maybe Value
multiLookup [] x = Just x
multiLookup (v:vs) (Object o) = H.lookup v o >>= multiLookup vs
multiLookup _ _ = Nothing
lit :: Text -> Template
lit = Template . const
cond :: Variable -> Template -> Template -> Template
cond var' (Template ifyes) (Template ifno) = Template $ \val ->
case resolveVar var' val of
"" -> ifno val
_ -> ifyes val
iter :: Variable -> Template -> Template -> Template
iter var' template sep = Template $ \val -> unTemplate
(case multiLookup var' val of
Just (Array vec) -> mconcat $ intersperse sep
$ map (setVar template var')
$ toList vec
Just x -> cond var' (setVar template var' x) mempty
Nothing -> mempty) val
setVar :: Template -> Variable -> Value -> Template
setVar (Template f) var' val = Template $ f . replaceVar var' val
replaceVar :: Variable -> Value -> Value -> Value
replaceVar [] new _ = new
replaceVar (v:vs) new (Object o) =
Object $ H.adjust (\x -> replaceVar vs new x) v o
replaceVar _ _ old = old
--- parsing
pTemplate :: Parser Template
pTemplate = do
sp <- P.option mempty pInitialSpace
rest <- mconcat <$> many (pConditional <|>
pFor <|>
pNewline <|>
pVar <|>
pLit <|>
return $ sp <> rest
takeWhile1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text
takeWhile1 f = T.pack <$> P.many1 (P.satisfy f)
pLit :: Parser Template
pLit = lit <$> takeWhile1 (\x -> x /='$' && x /= '\n')
pNewline :: Parser Template
pNewline = do
P.char '\n'
sp <- P.option mempty pInitialSpace
return $ lit "\n" <> sp
pInitialSpace :: Parser Template
pInitialSpace = do
sps <- takeWhile1 (==' ')
let indentVar = if T.null sps
then id
else indent (T.length sps)
v <- P.option mempty $ indentVar <$> pVar
return $ lit sps <> v
pEscapedDollar :: Parser Template
pEscapedDollar = lit "$" <$ P.try (P.string "$$")
pVar :: Parser Template
pVar = var <$> (P.try $ P.char '$' *> pIdent <* P.char '$')
pIdent :: Parser [Text]
pIdent = do
first <- pIdentPart
rest <- many (P.char '.' *> pIdentPart)
return (first:rest)
pIdentPart :: Parser Text
pIdentPart = P.try $ do
first <- P.letter
rest <- T.pack <$> P.many (P.satisfy (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '-'))
let id' = T.singleton first <> rest
guard $ id' `notElem` reservedWords
return id'
reservedWords :: [Text]
reservedWords = ["else","endif","for","endfor","sep"]
skipEndline :: Parser ()
skipEndline = P.try $ P.skipMany (P.satisfy (`elem` (" \t" :: String))) >> P.char '\n' >> return ()
pConditional :: Parser Template
pConditional = do
P.try $ P.string "$if("
id' <- pIdent
P.string ")$"
-- if newline after the "if", then a newline after "endif" will be swallowed
multiline <- P.option False (True <$ skipEndline)
ifContents <- pTemplate
elseContents <- P.option mempty $ P.try $
do P.string "$else$"
when multiline $ P.option () skipEndline
P.string "$endif$"
when multiline $ P.option () skipEndline
return $ cond id' ifContents elseContents
pFor :: Parser Template
pFor = do
P.try $ P.string "$for("
id' <- pIdent
P.string ")$"
-- if newline after the "for", then a newline after "endfor" will be swallowed
multiline <- P.option False $ skipEndline >> return True
contents <- pTemplate
sep <- P.option mempty $
do P.try $ P.string "$sep$"
when multiline $ P.option () skipEndline
P.string "$endfor$"
when multiline $ P.option () skipEndline
return $ iter id' contents sep
indent :: Int -> Template -> Template
indent 0 x = x
indent ind (Template f) = Template $ \val -> indent' (f val)
where indent' t = T.concat
$ intersperse ("\n" <> T.replicate ind " ") $ T.lines t