fiddlosopher 60989d0637 Added support for tables in markdown reader and in LaTeX,
DocBook, and HTML writers.  The syntax is documented in
README.  Tests have been added to the test suite.

git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2007-01-15 19:52:42 +00:00

578 lines
24 KiB

Copyright (C) 2006 John MacFarlane <jgm at berkeley dot edu>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Shared
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm at berkeley dot edu>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Utility functions and definitions used by the various Pandoc modules.
module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
-- * List processing
-- * Text processing
-- * Parsing
HeaderType (..),
ParserContext (..),
QuoteContext (..),
ParserState (..),
-- * Native format prettyprinting
-- * Pandoc block list processing
WriterOptions (..),
-- * SGML
) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Pandoc.Entities ( decodeEntities, encodeEntities, characterEntity )
import Text.Regex ( matchRegexAll, mkRegex, subRegex, Regex )
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PP ( text, char, (<>), ($$), nest, Doc,
isEmpty )
import Char ( toLower )
import List ( find, groupBy )
-- | Parse a string with a given parser and state.
readWith :: GenParser Char ParserState a -- ^ parser
-> ParserState -- ^ initial state
-> String -- ^ input string
-> a
readWith parser state input =
case runParser parser state "source" input of
Left err -> error $ "\nError:\n" ++ show err
Right result -> result
-- | Parse a string with @parser@ (for testing).
testStringWith :: (Show a) =>
GenParser Char ParserState a
-> String
-> IO ()
testStringWith parser str = putStrLn $ show $
readWith parser defaultParserState str
data HeaderType
= SingleHeader Char -- ^ Single line of characters underneath
| DoubleHeader Char -- ^ Lines of characters above and below
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ParserContext
= ListItemState -- ^ Used when running parser on list item contents
| NullState -- ^ Default state
deriving (Eq, Show)
data QuoteContext
= InSingleQuote -- ^ Used when we're parsing inside single quotes
| InDoubleQuote -- ^ Used when we're parsing inside double quotes
| NoQuote -- ^ Used when we're not parsing inside quotes
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ParserState = ParserState
{ stateParseRaw :: Bool, -- ^ Parse untranslatable HTML
-- and LaTeX?
stateParserContext :: ParserContext, -- ^ What are we parsing?
stateQuoteContext :: QuoteContext, -- ^ Inside quoted environment?
stateKeyBlocks :: [Block], -- ^ List of reference key blocks
stateKeysUsed :: [[Inline]], -- ^ List of references used
stateNoteBlocks :: [Block], -- ^ List of note blocks
stateNoteIdentifiers :: [String], -- ^ List of footnote identifiers
-- in the order encountered
stateTabStop :: Int, -- ^ Tab stop
stateStandalone :: Bool, -- ^ If @True@, parse
-- bibliographic info
stateTitle :: [Inline], -- ^ Title of document
stateAuthors :: [String], -- ^ Authors of document
stateDate :: String, -- ^ Date of document
stateStrict :: Bool, -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax
stateSmart :: Bool, -- ^ Use smart typography
stateColumns :: Int, -- ^ Number of columns in
-- terminal (used for tables)
stateHeaderTable :: [HeaderType] -- ^ List of header types used,
-- in what order (rst only)
deriving Show
defaultParserState :: ParserState
defaultParserState =
ParserState { stateParseRaw = False,
stateParserContext = NullState,
stateQuoteContext = NoQuote,
stateKeyBlocks = [],
stateKeysUsed = [],
stateNoteBlocks = [],
stateNoteIdentifiers = [],
stateTabStop = 4,
stateStandalone = False,
stateTitle = [],
stateAuthors = [],
stateDate = [],
stateStrict = False,
stateSmart = False,
stateColumns = 80,
stateHeaderTable = [] }
-- | Indent string as a block.
indentBy :: Int -- ^ Number of spaces to indent the block
-> Int -- ^ Number of spaces (rel to block) to indent first line
-> String -- ^ Contents of block to indent
-> String
indentBy num first [] = ""
indentBy num first str =
let (firstLine:restLines) = lines str
firstLineIndent = num + first in
(replicate firstLineIndent ' ') ++ firstLine ++ "\n" ++ (joinWithSep "\n" $ map (\line -> (replicate num ' ') ++ line) restLines)
-- | Prettyprint list of Pandoc blocks elements.
prettyBlockList :: Int -- ^ Number of spaces to indent list of blocks
-> [Block] -- ^ List of blocks
-> String
prettyBlockList indent [] = indentBy indent 0 "[]"
prettyBlockList indent blocks = indentBy indent (-2) $ "[ " ++
(joinWithSep "\n, " (map prettyBlock blocks)) ++ " ]"
-- | Prettyprint Pandoc block element.
prettyBlock :: Block -> String
prettyBlock (BlockQuote blocks) = "BlockQuote\n " ++
(prettyBlockList 2 blocks)
prettyBlock (Note ref blocks) = "Note " ++ (show ref) ++ "\n " ++
(prettyBlockList 2 blocks)
prettyBlock (OrderedList blockLists) =
"OrderedList\n" ++ indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ (joinWithSep ", "
(map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) blockLists))) ++ " ]"
prettyBlock (BulletList blockLists) = "BulletList\n" ++
indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ (joinWithSep ", "
(map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) blockLists))) ++ " ]"
prettyBlock block = show block
-- | Prettyprint Pandoc document.
prettyPandoc :: Pandoc -> String
prettyPandoc (Pandoc meta blocks) = "Pandoc " ++ "(" ++ (show meta) ++
")\n" ++ (prettyBlockList 0 blocks) ++ "\n"
-- | Convert tabs to spaces (with adjustable tab stop).
tabsToSpaces :: Int -- ^ Tabstop
-> String -- ^ String to convert
-> String
tabsToSpaces tabstop str =
unlines (map (tabsInLine tabstop tabstop) (lines str))
-- | Convert tabs to spaces in one line.
tabsInLine :: Int -- ^ Number of spaces to next tab stop
-> Int -- ^ Tabstop
-> String -- ^ Line to convert
-> String
tabsInLine num tabstop "" = ""
tabsInLine num tabstop (c:cs) =
let replacement = (if (c == '\t') then (replicate num ' ') else [c]) in
let nextnumraw = (num - (length replacement)) in
let nextnum = if (nextnumraw < 1)
then (nextnumraw + tabstop)
else nextnumraw in
replacement ++ (tabsInLine nextnum tabstop cs)
-- | Substitute string for every occurrence of regular expression.
gsub :: String -- ^ Regular expression (as string) to substitute for
-> String -- ^ String to substitute for the regex
-> String -- ^ String to be substituted in
-> String
gsub regex replacement str = subRegex (mkRegex regex) str replacement
-- | Escape designated characters with backslash.
backslashEscape :: [Char] -- ^ list of special characters to escape
-> String -- ^ string input
-> String
backslashEscape special [] = []
backslashEscape special (x:xs) = if x `elem` special
then '\\':x:(backslashEscape special xs)
else x:(backslashEscape special xs)
-- | Escape string by applying a function, but don't touch anything that matches regex.
escapePreservingRegex :: (String -> String) -- ^ Escaping function
-> Regex -- ^ Regular expression
-> String -- ^ String to be escaped
-> String
escapePreservingRegex escapeFunction regex str =
case (matchRegexAll regex str) of
Nothing -> escapeFunction str
Just (before, matched, after, _) -> (escapeFunction before) ++
matched ++ (escapePreservingRegex escapeFunction regex after)
-- | Returns @True@ if string ends with given character.
endsWith :: Char -> [Char] -> Bool
endsWith char [] = False
endsWith char str = (char == last str)
-- | Returns @True@ if block is a @Note@ block
isNoteBlock :: Block -> Bool
isNoteBlock (Note ref blocks) = True
isNoteBlock _ = False
-- | Joins a list of lists, separated by another list.
joinWithSep :: [a] -- ^ List to use as separator
-> [[a]] -- ^ Lists to join
-> [a]
joinWithSep sep [] = []
joinWithSep sep lst = foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ sep ++ b) lst
-- | Strip trailing newlines from string.
stripTrailingNewlines :: String -> String
stripTrailingNewlines "" = ""
stripTrailingNewlines str =
if (last str) == '\n'
then stripTrailingNewlines (init str)
else str
-- | Remove leading and trailing space (including newlines) from string.
removeLeadingTrailingSpace :: String -> String
removeLeadingTrailingSpace = removeLeadingSpace . removeTrailingSpace
-- | Remove leading space (including newlines) from string.
removeLeadingSpace :: String -> String
removeLeadingSpace = dropWhile (\x -> (x == ' ') || (x == '\n') ||
(x == '\t'))
-- | Remove trailing space (including newlines) from string.
removeTrailingSpace :: String -> String
removeTrailingSpace = reverse . removeLeadingSpace . reverse
-- | Strip leading and trailing characters from string
stripFirstAndLast str =
drop 1 $ take ((length str) - 1) str
-- | Split list into groups separated by sep.
splitBy :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitBy _ [] = []
splitBy sep lst =
let (first, rest) = break (== sep) lst
rest' = dropWhile (== sep) rest in
first:(splitBy sep rest')
-- | Split list into chunks divided at specified indices.
splitByIndices :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitByIndices [] lst = [lst]
splitByIndices (x:xs) lst =
let (first, rest) = splitAt x lst in
first:(splitByIndices (map (\y -> y - x) xs) rest)
-- | Normalize a list of inline elements: remove leading and trailing
-- @Space@ elements, and collapse double @Space@s into singles.
normalizeSpaces :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
normalizeSpaces [] = []
normalizeSpaces list =
let removeDoubles [] = []
removeDoubles (Space:Space:rest) = removeDoubles (Space:rest)
removeDoubles (x:rest) = x:(removeDoubles rest) in
let removeLeading [] = []
removeLeading lst = if ((head lst) == Space)
then tail lst
else lst in
let removeTrailing [] = []
removeTrailing lst = if ((last lst) == Space)
then init lst
else lst in
removeLeading $ removeTrailing $ removeDoubles list
-- | Change final list item from @Para@ to @Plain@ if the list should
-- be compact.
compactify :: [[Block]] -- ^ List of list items (each a list of blocks)
-> [[Block]]
compactify [] = []
compactify items =
let final = last items
others = init items in
case final of
[Para a] -> if any containsPara others
then items
else others ++ [[Plain a]]
otherwise -> items
containsPara :: [Block] -> Bool
containsPara [] = False
containsPara ((Para a):rest) = True
containsPara ((BulletList items):rest) = (any containsPara items) ||
(containsPara rest)
containsPara ((OrderedList items):rest) = (any containsPara items) ||
(containsPara rest)
containsPara (x:rest) = containsPara rest
-- | Options for writers
data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
{ writerStandalone :: Bool -- ^ Include header and footer
, writerTitlePrefix :: String -- ^ Prefix for HTML titles
, writerHeader :: String -- ^ Header for the document
, writerIncludeBefore :: String -- ^ String to include before the body
, writerIncludeAfter :: String -- ^ String to include after the body
, writerS5 :: Bool -- ^ We're writing S5
, writerIncremental :: Bool -- ^ Incremental S5 lists
, writerNumberSections :: Bool -- ^ Number sections in LaTeX
, writerStrictMarkdown :: Bool -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax
, writerTabStop :: Int -- ^ Tabstop for conversion between
-- spaces and tabs
, writerNotes :: [Block] -- ^ List of note blocks
} deriving Show
-- Functions for constructing lists of reference keys
-- | Returns @Just@ numerical key reference if there's already a key
-- for the specified target in the list of blocks, otherwise @Nothing@.
keyFoundIn :: [Block] -- ^ List of key blocks to search
-> Target -- ^ Target to search for
-> Maybe String
keyFoundIn [] src = Nothing
keyFoundIn ((Key [Str num] src1):rest) src = if (src1 == src)
then Just num
else keyFoundIn rest src
keyFoundIn (_:rest) src = keyFoundIn rest src
-- | Return next unique numerical key, given keyList
nextUniqueKey :: [[Inline]] -> String
nextUniqueKey keys =
let nums = [1..10000]
notAKey n = not (any (== [Str (show n)]) keys) in
case (find notAKey nums) of
Just x -> show x
Nothing -> error "Could not find unique key for reference link"
-- | Generate a reference for a URL (either an existing reference, if
-- there is one, or a new one, if there isn't) and update parser state.
generateReference :: String -- ^ URL
-> String -- ^ Title
-> GenParser tok ParserState Target
generateReference url title = do
let src = Src (decodeEntities url) (decodeEntities title)
state <- getState
let keyBlocks = stateKeyBlocks state
let keysUsed = stateKeysUsed state
case (keyFoundIn keyBlocks src) of
Just num -> return (Ref [Str num])
Nothing -> do
let nextNum = nextUniqueKey keysUsed
updateState (\st -> st { stateKeyBlocks =
(Key [Str nextNum] src):keyBlocks,
stateKeysUsed =
[Str nextNum]:keysUsed })
return (Ref [Str nextNum])
-- code to replace reference links with real links and remove unneeded key blocks
type KeyTable = [([Inline], Target)]
-- | Returns @True@ if block is a Key block
isRefBlock :: Block -> Bool
isRefBlock (Key _ _) = True
isRefBlock _ = False
-- | Returns a pair of a list of pairs of keys and associated sources, and a new
-- list of blocks with the included key blocks deleted.
keyTable :: [Block] -> (KeyTable, [Block])
keyTable [] = ([],[])
keyTable ((Key ref target):lst) = (((ref, target):table), rest)
where (table, rest) = keyTable lst
keyTable (Null:lst) = keyTable lst -- get rid of Nulls
keyTable (Blank:lst) = keyTable lst -- get rid of Blanks
keyTable ((BlockQuote blocks):lst) = ((table1 ++ table2),
((BlockQuote rest1):rest2))
where (table1, rest1) = keyTable blocks
(table2, rest2) = keyTable lst
keyTable ((Note ref blocks):lst) = ((table1 ++ table2),
((Note ref rest1):rest2))
where (table1, rest1) = keyTable blocks
(table2, rest2) = keyTable lst
keyTable ((OrderedList blockLists):lst) = ((table1 ++ table2),
((OrderedList rest1):rest2))
where results = map keyTable blockLists
rest1 = map snd results
table1 = concatMap fst results
(table2, rest2) = keyTable lst
keyTable ((BulletList blockLists):lst) = ((table1 ++ table2),
((BulletList rest1):rest2))
where results = map keyTable blockLists
rest1 = map snd results
table1 = concatMap fst results
(table2, rest2) = keyTable lst
keyTable (other:lst) = (table, (other:rest))
where (table, rest) = keyTable lst
-- | Look up key in key table and return target object.
lookupKeySrc :: KeyTable -- ^ Key table
-> [Inline] -- ^ Key
-> Maybe Target
lookupKeySrc table key = case table of
[] -> Nothing
(k, src):rest -> if (refsMatch k key)
then Just src
else lookupKeySrc rest key
-- | Returns @True@ if keys match (case insensitive).
refsMatch :: [Inline] -> [Inline] -> Bool
refsMatch ((Str x):restx) ((Str y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Code x):restx) ((Code y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((TeX x):restx) ((TeX y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((HtmlInline x):restx) ((HtmlInline y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((NoteRef x):restx) ((NoteRef y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Emph x):restx) ((Emph y):resty) =
refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Strong x):restx) ((Strong y):resty) =
refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Quoted t x):restx) ((Quoted u y):resty) =
t == u && refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch (x:restx) (y:resty) = (x == y) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch [] x = null x
refsMatch x [] = null x
-- | Replace reference links with explicit links in list of blocks,
-- removing key blocks.
replaceReferenceLinks :: [Block] -> [Block]
replaceReferenceLinks blocks =
let (keytable, purged) = keyTable blocks in
replaceRefLinksBlockList keytable purged
-- | Use key table to replace reference links with explicit links in a list
-- of blocks
replaceRefLinksBlockList :: KeyTable -> [Block] -> [Block]
replaceRefLinksBlockList keytable lst =
map (replaceRefLinksBlock keytable) lst
-- | Use key table to replace reference links with explicit links in a block
replaceRefLinksBlock :: KeyTable -> Block -> Block
replaceRefLinksBlock keytable (Plain lst) =
Plain (map (replaceRefLinksInline keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksBlock keytable (Para lst) =
Para (map (replaceRefLinksInline keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksBlock keytable (Header lvl lst) =
Header lvl (map (replaceRefLinksInline keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksBlock keytable (BlockQuote lst) =
BlockQuote (map (replaceRefLinksBlock keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksBlock keytable (Note ref lst) =
Note ref (map (replaceRefLinksBlock keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksBlock keytable (OrderedList lst) =
OrderedList (map (replaceRefLinksBlockList keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksBlock keytable (BulletList lst) =
BulletList (map (replaceRefLinksBlockList keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksBlock keytable other = other
-- | Use key table to replace reference links with explicit links in an
-- inline element.
replaceRefLinksInline :: KeyTable -> Inline -> Inline
replaceRefLinksInline keytable (Link text (Ref ref)) = (Link newText newRef)
where newRef = case lookupKeySrc keytable
(if (null ref) then text else ref) of
Nothing -> (Ref ref)
Just src -> src
newText = map (replaceRefLinksInline keytable) text
replaceRefLinksInline keytable (Image text (Ref ref)) = (Image newText newRef)
where newRef = case lookupKeySrc keytable
(if (null ref) then text else ref) of
Nothing -> (Ref ref)
Just src -> src
newText = map (replaceRefLinksInline keytable) text
replaceRefLinksInline keytable (Emph lst) =
Emph (map (replaceRefLinksInline keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksInline keytable (Strong lst) =
Strong (map (replaceRefLinksInline keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksInline keytable (Quoted t lst) =
Quoted t (map (replaceRefLinksInline keytable) lst)
replaceRefLinksInline keytable other = other
-- | Escape string, preserving character entities.
stringToSGML :: String -> String
stringToSGML =
encodeEntities . (escapePreservingRegex escapeSGML characterEntity)
-- | Escape string as needed for HTML. Entity references are not preserved.
escapeSGML :: String -> String
escapeSGML [] = []
escapeSGML (x:xs) = case x of
'&' -> "&amp;" ++ escapeSGML xs
'<' -> "&lt;" ++ escapeSGML xs
'>' -> "&gt;" ++ escapeSGML xs
'"' -> "&quot;" ++ escapeSGML xs
_ -> x:(escapeSGML xs)
-- | Return a text object with a string of formatted SGML attributes.
attributeList :: [(String, String)] -> Doc
attributeList = text . concatMap
(\(a, b) -> " " ++ stringToSGML a ++ "=\"" ++ stringToSGML b ++ "\"")
-- | Put the supplied contents between start and end tags of tagType,
-- with specified attributes and (if specified) indentation.
inTags:: Bool -> String -> [(String, String)] -> Doc -> Doc
inTags isIndented tagType attribs contents =
let openTag = PP.char '<' <> text tagType <> attributeList attribs <>
PP.char '>'
closeTag = text "</" <> text tagType <> PP.char '>' in
if isIndented
then openTag $$ nest 2 contents $$ closeTag
else openTag <> contents <> closeTag
-- | Return a self-closing tag of tagType with specified attributes
selfClosingTag :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Doc
selfClosingTag tagType attribs =
PP.char '<' <> text tagType <> attributeList attribs <> text " />"
-- | Put the supplied contents between start and end tags of tagType.
inTagsSimple :: String -> Doc -> Doc
inTagsSimple tagType = inTags False tagType []
-- | Put the supplied contents in indented block btw start and end tags.
inTagsIndented :: String -> Doc -> Doc
inTagsIndented tagType = inTags True tagType []