John MacFarlane 92c527713b Docx writer: allow empty paragraphs.
See #2252.

This also changes fixDisplayMath from Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
so that it no longer produces empty Para as an artifact.
(That was the original reason the writer omitted them.)
2017-12-02 17:17:39 -08:00

310 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Copyright (C) 2013-2017 John MacFarlane <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2013-2017 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Shared utility functions for pandoc writers.
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (
, metaToJSON'
, addVariablesToJSON
, getField
, setField
, resetField
, defField
, tagWithAttrs
, fixDisplayMath
, unsmartify
, gridTable
import Control.Monad (zipWithM)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), Result (..), ToJSON (..), Value (Object),
encode, fromJSON)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.List (groupBy, intersperse, transpose)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 (toStringLazy)
import Text.Pandoc.XML (escapeStringForXML)
-- | Create JSON value for template from a 'Meta' and an association list
-- of variables, specified at the command line or in the writer.
-- Variables overwrite metadata fields with the same names.
-- If multiple variables are set with the same name, a list is
-- assigned. Does nothing if 'writerTemplate' is Nothing.
metaToJSON :: (Functor m, Monad m, ToJSON a)
=> WriterOptions
-> ([Block] -> m a)
-> ([Inline] -> m a)
-> Meta
-> m Value
metaToJSON opts blockWriter inlineWriter meta
| isJust (writerTemplate opts) =
addVariablesToJSON opts <$> metaToJSON' blockWriter inlineWriter meta
| otherwise = return (Object H.empty)
-- | Like 'metaToJSON', but does not include variables and is
-- not sensitive to 'writerTemplate'.
metaToJSON' :: (Functor m, Monad m, ToJSON a)
=> ([Block] -> m a)
-> ([Inline] -> m a)
-> Meta
-> m Value
metaToJSON' blockWriter inlineWriter (Meta metamap) = do
renderedMap <- Traversable.mapM
(metaValueToJSON blockWriter inlineWriter)
return $ M.foldrWithKey defField (Object H.empty) renderedMap
-- | Add variables to JSON object, replacing any existing values.
-- Also include @meta-json@, a field containing a string representation
-- of the original JSON object itself, prior to addition of variables.
addVariablesToJSON :: WriterOptions -> Value -> Value
addVariablesToJSON opts metadata =
foldl (\acc (x,y) -> setField x y acc)
(defField "meta-json" (toStringLazy $ encode metadata) (Object mempty))
(writerVariables opts)
`combineMetadata` metadata
where combineMetadata (Object o1) (Object o2) = Object $ H.union o1 o2
combineMetadata x _ = x
metaValueToJSON :: (Functor m, Monad m, ToJSON a)
=> ([Block] -> m a)
-> ([Inline] -> m a)
-> MetaValue
-> m Value
metaValueToJSON blockWriter inlineWriter (MetaMap metamap) = toJSON <$>
Traversable.mapM (metaValueToJSON blockWriter inlineWriter) metamap
metaValueToJSON blockWriter inlineWriter (MetaList xs) = toJSON <$>
Traversable.mapM (metaValueToJSON blockWriter inlineWriter) xs
metaValueToJSON _ _ (MetaBool b) = return $ toJSON b
metaValueToJSON _ inlineWriter (MetaString s) = toJSON <$>
inlineWriter (Builder.toList (Builder.text s))
metaValueToJSON blockWriter _ (MetaBlocks bs) = toJSON <$> blockWriter bs
metaValueToJSON _ inlineWriter (MetaInlines is) = toJSON <$> inlineWriter is
-- | Retrieve a field value from a JSON object.
getField :: FromJSON a
=> String
-> Value
-> Maybe a
getField field (Object hashmap) = do
result <- H.lookup (T.pack field) hashmap
case fromJSON result of
Success x -> return x
_ -> fail "Could not convert from JSON"
getField _ _ = fail "Not a JSON object"
setField :: ToJSON a
=> String
-> a
-> Value
-> Value
-- | Set a field of a JSON object. If the field already has a value,
-- convert it into a list with the new value appended to the old value(s).
-- This is a utility function to be used in preparing template contexts.
setField field val (Object hashmap) =
Object $ H.insertWith combine (T.pack field) (toJSON val) hashmap
where combine newval oldval =
case fromJSON oldval of
Success xs -> toJSON $ xs ++ [newval]
_ -> toJSON [oldval, newval]
setField _ _ x = x
resetField :: ToJSON a
=> String
-> a
-> Value
-> Value
-- | Reset a field of a JSON object. If the field already has a value,
-- the new value replaces it.
-- This is a utility function to be used in preparing template contexts.
resetField field val (Object hashmap) =
Object $ H.insert (T.pack field) (toJSON val) hashmap
resetField _ _ x = x
defField :: ToJSON a
=> String
-> a
-> Value
-> Value
-- | Set a field of a JSON object if it currently has no value.
-- If it has a value, do nothing.
-- This is a utility function to be used in preparing template contexts.
defField field val (Object hashmap) =
Object $ H.insertWith f (T.pack field) (toJSON val) hashmap
where f _newval oldval = oldval
defField _ _ x = x
-- Produce an HTML tag with the given pandoc attributes.
tagWithAttrs :: String -> Attr -> Doc
tagWithAttrs tag (ident,classes,kvs) = hsep
["<" <> text tag
,if null ident
then empty
else "id=" <> doubleQuotes (text ident)
,if null classes
then empty
else "class=" <> doubleQuotes (text (unwords classes))
,hsep (map (\(k,v) -> text k <> "=" <>
doubleQuotes (text (escapeStringForXML v))) kvs)
] <> ">"
isDisplayMath :: Inline -> Bool
isDisplayMath (Math DisplayMath _) = True
isDisplayMath _ = False
stripLeadingTrailingSpace :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
stripLeadingTrailingSpace = go . reverse . go . reverse
where go (Space:xs) = xs
go (SoftBreak:xs) = xs
go xs = xs
-- Put display math in its own block (for ODT/DOCX).
fixDisplayMath :: Block -> Block
fixDisplayMath (Plain lst)
| any isDisplayMath lst && not (all isDisplayMath lst) =
-- chop into several paragraphs so each displaymath is its own
Div ("",["math"],[]) $
map Plain $
filter (not . null) $
map stripLeadingTrailingSpace $
groupBy (\x y -> (isDisplayMath x && isDisplayMath y) ||
not (isDisplayMath x || isDisplayMath y)) lst
fixDisplayMath (Para lst)
| any isDisplayMath lst && not (all isDisplayMath lst) =
-- chop into several paragraphs so each displaymath is its own
Div ("",["math"],[]) $
map Para $
filter (not . null) $
map stripLeadingTrailingSpace $
groupBy (\x y -> (isDisplayMath x && isDisplayMath y) ||
not (isDisplayMath x || isDisplayMath y)) lst
fixDisplayMath x = x
unsmartify :: WriterOptions -> String -> String
unsmartify opts ('\8217':xs) = '\'' : unsmartify opts xs
unsmartify opts ('\8230':xs) = "..." ++ unsmartify opts xs
unsmartify opts ('\8211':xs)
| isEnabled Ext_old_dashes opts = '-' : unsmartify opts xs
| otherwise = "--" ++ unsmartify opts xs
unsmartify opts ('\8212':xs)
| isEnabled Ext_old_dashes opts = "--" ++ unsmartify opts xs
| otherwise = "---" ++ unsmartify opts xs
unsmartify opts ('\8220':xs) = '"' : unsmartify opts xs
unsmartify opts ('\8221':xs) = '"' : unsmartify opts xs
unsmartify opts ('\8216':xs) = '\'' : unsmartify opts xs
unsmartify opts (x:xs) = x : unsmartify opts xs
unsmartify _ [] = []
gridTable :: Monad m
=> WriterOptions
-> (WriterOptions -> [Block] -> m Doc)
-> Bool -- ^ headless
-> [Alignment]
-> [Double]
-> [[Block]]
-> [[[Block]]]
-> m Doc
gridTable opts blocksToDoc headless aligns widths headers rows = do
let numcols = maximum (length aligns : length widths :
map length (headers:rows))
let handleGivenWidths widths' = do
let widthsInChars' = map (
(\x -> if x < 1 then 1 else x) .
(\x -> x - 3) . floor .
(fromIntegral (writerColumns opts) *)
) widths'
rawHeaders' <- zipWithM blocksToDoc
(map (\w -> opts{writerColumns =
min (w - 2) (writerColumns opts)}) widthsInChars')
rawRows' <- mapM
(\cs -> zipWithM blocksToDoc
(map (\w -> opts{writerColumns =
min (w - 2) (writerColumns opts)}) widthsInChars')
return (widthsInChars', rawHeaders', rawRows')
let handleZeroWidths = do
rawHeaders' <- mapM (blocksToDoc opts) headers
rawRows' <- mapM (mapM (blocksToDoc opts)) rows
let numChars [] = 0
numChars xs = maximum . map offset $ xs
let widthsInChars' =
map numChars $ transpose (rawHeaders' : rawRows')
if sum widthsInChars' > writerColumns opts
then -- use even widths
(replicate numcols (1.0 / fromIntegral numcols) :: [Double])
else return (widthsInChars', rawHeaders', rawRows')
(widthsInChars, rawHeaders, rawRows) <- if all (== 0) widths
then handleZeroWidths
else handleGivenWidths widths
let hpipeBlocks blocks = hcat [beg, middle, end]
where h = maximum (1 : map height blocks)
sep' = lblock 3 $ vcat (replicate h (text " | "))
beg = lblock 2 $ vcat (replicate h (text "| "))
end = lblock 2 $ vcat (replicate h (text " |"))
middle = chomp $ hcat $ intersperse sep' blocks
let makeRow = hpipeBlocks . zipWith lblock widthsInChars
let head' = makeRow rawHeaders
let rows' = map (makeRow . map chomp) rawRows
let borderpart ch align widthInChars =
(if align == AlignLeft || align == AlignCenter
then char ':'
else char ch) <>
text (replicate widthInChars ch) <>
(if align == AlignRight || align == AlignCenter
then char ':'
else char ch)
let border ch aligns' widthsInChars' =
char '+' <>
hcat (intersperse (char '+') (zipWith (borderpart ch)
aligns' widthsInChars')) <> char '+'
let body = vcat $ intersperse (border '-' (repeat AlignDefault) widthsInChars)
let head'' = if headless
then empty
else head' $$ border '=' aligns widthsInChars
if headless
then return $
border '-' aligns widthsInChars $$
body $$
border '-' (repeat AlignDefault) widthsInChars
else return $
border '-' (repeat AlignDefault) widthsInChars $$
head'' $$
body $$
border '-' (repeat AlignDefault) widthsInChars