2022-02-23 09:20:06 +01:00

299 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Readers.Creole
Copyright : © 2017 Sascha Wilde
2017-2022 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Sascha Wilde <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Tests for the creole reader.
module Tests.Readers.Creole (tests) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (HasCallStack)
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
creole :: Text -> Pandoc
creole = purely $ readCreole def{ readerStandalone = True }
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: (ToString c, HasCallStack)
=> String -> (Text, c) -> TestTree
(=:) = test creole
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [
testGroup "Basic Text Formatting" [
"bold, single line, fully delimited" =:
"only **bold** is bold"
=?> para ("only " <> strong "bold" <> " is bold")
, "italics, single line, fully delimited" =:
"only //this// is in italics"
=?> para ("only " <> emph "this" <> " is in italics")
, "bold in italics, fully delimited" =:
"//**this**// is in bold italics"
=?> para (emph (strong "this") <> " is in bold italics")
, "italics in bold, fully delimited" =:
"**//this//** is in bold italics"
=?> para (strong (emph "this") <> " is in bold italics")
, "escape bold marker" =:
"~**not bold" =?> para "**not bold"
, "escape italics marker" =:
"~//not in italics" =?> para "//not in italics"
, "inline nowiki, simple" =:
"this is {{{**not** ~interpreted}}} at all"
=?> para ("this is " <> code "**not** ~interpreted" <> " at all")
, "inline nowiki, curly braces inside" =:
"this is {{{{{{//including// some `}' chars}}}}}}"
=?> para ("this is " <> code "{{{//including// some `}' chars}}}")
, "placeholder" =:
"foo <<<place holder>>> bar"
=?> para "foo bar"
, "placeholder escaped" =:
"foo ~<<<no place holder>>> bar"
=?> para "foo <<<no place holder>>> bar"
, testGroup "Headers" [
"header level 1, no space, no trailing =" =:
"= Top-Level Header"
=?> header 1 (str "Top-Level Header")
, "header level 1, leading space, trailing =" =:
" = Top-Level Header = "
=?> header 1 (str "Top-Level Header")
, "header level 2, no space, no trailing =" =:
"== Second Level"
=?> header 2 (str "Second Level")
, "header level 2, leading space, no trailing =" =:
" == Second Level"
=?> header 2 (str "Second Level")
, "header level 3, no space, no trailing =" =:
"=== Third"
=?> header 3 (str "Third")
, "header level 3, no space, > 3 trailing =" =:
"=== Third ======="
=?> header 3 (str "Third")
, "header level 4, no space, no trailing =" =:
"==== Fourth Level Heading"
=?> header 4 (str "Fourth Level Heading")
, "header level 4, no space, < 4 trailing =" =:
"==== Fourth Level Heading =="
=?> header 4 (str "Fourth Level Heading")
, "header level 5, no space, no trailing =" =:
"===== Fifth"
=?> header 5 (str "Fifth")
, "header level 6, no space, no trailing =" =:
"====== Sixth"
=?> header 6 (str "Sixth")
, testGroup "Paragraphs" [
"paragraphs: multiple, one line" =:
"first line\n\nanother line\n"
=?> para "first line" <> para "another line"
, testGroup "Lists" [
"unordered list, two entries, one separating space" =:
"* foo\n* bar"
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo", plain "bar" ]
, "unordered list, three entries, one separating space" =:
"* foo\n* bar\n* baz"
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo", plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, "para followed by, unordered list, two entries, one separating space" =:
"blubber\n* foo\n* bar"
=?> para "blubber" <> bulletList [ plain "foo", plain "bar" ]
, "nested unordered list, one separating space" =:
"* foo\n** bar\n** baz\n* blubb"
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested many unordered lists, one separating space" =:
("* foo\n** bar\n*** third\n*** third two\n** baz\n*** third again\n"
<> "**** fourth\n***** fith\n* blubb")
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar"
<> bulletList [ plain "third"
, plain "third two"]
, plain "baz"
<> bulletList [ plain "third again"
<> bulletList [
plain "fourth"
<> bulletList [
plain "fith"
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested unordered list, mixed separating space" =:
"*foo\n ** bar\n **baz\n * blubb"
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested unordered list, one separating space, trailing space" =:
"* foo \n** bar \n** baz \n* blubb "
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "ordered list, two entries, one separating space" =:
"# foo\n# bar"
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo", plain "bar" ]
, "ordered list, three entries, one separating space" =:
"# foo\n# bar\n# baz"
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo", plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, "para followed by, ordered list, two entries, one separating space" =:
"blubber\n# foo\n# bar"
=?> para "blubber" <> orderedList [ plain "foo", plain "bar" ]
, "nested ordered list, one separating space" =:
"# foo\n## bar\n## baz\n# blubb"
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> orderedList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested ordered list, one separating space, trailing space" =:
"# foo \n## bar \n## baz \n# blubb "
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> orderedList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested many ordered lists, one separating space" =:
("# foo\n## bar\n### third\n### third two\n## baz\n### third again\n"
<> "#### fourth\n##### fith\n# blubb")
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> orderedList [ plain "bar"
<> orderedList [ plain "third"
, plain "third two"]
, plain "baz"
<> orderedList [ plain "third again"
<> orderedList [
plain "fourth"
<> orderedList [
plain "fith"
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested ordered list, mixed separating space" =:
"#foo\n ## bar\n ##baz\n # blubb"
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> orderedList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "mixed nested ordered and unordered lists, one separating space" =:
("# foo\n** bar\n### third\n### third two\n** baz\n### third again\n"
<> "#### fourth\n***** fith\n# blubb")
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar"
<> orderedList [ plain "third"
, plain "third two"]
, plain "baz"
<> orderedList [ plain "third again"
<> orderedList [
plain "fourth"
<> bulletList [
plain "fith"
, plain "blubb" ]
, testGroup "NoWiki" [
"quoted block, simple" =:
"{{{\nfoo bar\n //baz//\n}}}"
=?> codeBlock "foo bar\n //baz//"
, "quoted block, curly bracket exception" =:
"{{{\nfoo bar\n }}}\nbaz\n }}}\n}}}"
=?> codeBlock "foo bar\n }}}\nbaz\n}}}"
, "forced line breaks" =:
"{{{no break!\\\\here}}} but a break\\\\here!"
=?> para (code "no break!\\\\here" <> " but a break"
<> linebreak <> "here!"),
"quoted block, after trailing white space" =:
"this is a paragraph \n{{{\nfoo bar\n //baz//\n}}}"
=?> para "this is a paragraph" <> codeBlock "foo bar\n //baz//"
, testGroup "Images and Links" [
"image simple" =:
"{{foo.png}}" =?> para (image "foo.png" "" (str ""))
, "image with alt text" =:
"Image of a bar: {{/path/to/bar.png|A Bar}} look at it!"
=?> para ("Image of a bar: "
<> image "/path/to/bar.png" "" (str "A Bar") <> " look at it!")
, "auto link" =:
"foo bar"
=?> para ("foo "
<> link "" ""
(str "")
<> " bar")
, "escaped auto link" =:
"foo ~ bar"
=?> para "foo bar"
, "wiki link simple" =:
"foo [[]] bar"
=?> para ("foo "
<> link "" ""
(str "")
<> " bar")
, "wiki link with name" =:
"foo [[|my link]] bar"
=?> para ("foo "
<> link "" ""
(str "my link")
<> " bar")
, "image link" =:
=?> para (link "" "" (image "foo.png" "" (str "")))
, testGroup "Table" [
"Table with Header" =:
T.unlines [ "|= Foo |= Bar |= Baz |"
, "| One | Two | Three |"
, "| 1 | 2 | 3 |"
, "| A | B | C |"
=?> simpleTable
[plain "Foo", plain "Bar" , plain "Baz"]
[[plain "One", plain "Two" , plain "Three"]
,[plain "1", plain "2" , plain "3"]
,[plain "A", plain "B" , plain "C"]]
, "Table without Header" =:
T.unlines [ "| One | Two | Three |"
, "| 1 | 2 | 3 |"
, "| A | B | C |"
=?> simpleTable [mempty]
[[plain "One", plain "Two" , plain "Three"]
,[plain "1", plain "2" , plain "3"]
,[plain "A", plain "B" , plain "C"]]
, "Table without Header, no markers at line ends" =:
T.unlines [ "| One | Two | Three"
, "| 1 | 2 | 3"
, "| A | B | C "
=?> simpleTable [mempty]
[[plain "One", plain "Two" , plain "Three"]
,[plain "1", plain "2" , plain "3"]
,[plain "A", plain "B" , plain "C"]]
, "Table with Header, with formatting" =:
T.unlines [ "|= **Foo** |= **Bar** |= **Baz** |"
, "|//one// element |//second// elt|Three |"
, "| {{{1}}} | {{{{}}}} | [[link]] |"
=?> simpleTable
[plain $ strong "Foo", plain $ strong "Bar" , plain $ strong "Baz"]
[[plain (emph "one" <> " element"), plain (emph "second" <> " elt")
,plain "Three"]
,[plain $ code "1", plain $ code "{}"
,plain $ link "link" "" (str "link")]]