John MacFarlane feb70b6e93 Made spacing at end of output more consistent.
Previously some of the writers added spurious whitespace.
This has been removed, resolving Issue .

NOTE: If your application combines pandoc's output with other
text, for example in a template, you may need to add spacing.
For example, a pandoc-generated markdown file will not have
a blank line after the final block element.  If you are inserting
it into another markdown file, you will need to make sure there
is a blank line between it and the next block element.
2010-07-20 12:42:12 -07:00

68 lines
2.2 KiB

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<h1 id="lhs-test"
>lhs test</h1
> is an arrow that takes a pair of values and combines them to return a single value:</p
><pre class="sourceCode haskell"
>unsplit :: (<span class="dt"
> a) =&gt; (b -&gt; c -&gt; d) -&gt; a (b, c) d<br
/>unsplit <span class="fu"
> arr <span class="fu"
> <span class="fu"
> <br
/> <span class="co"
>-- arr (\op (x,y) -&gt; x `op` y) </span
> combines two arrows into a new arrow by running the two arrows on a pair of values (one arrow on the first item of the pair and one arrow on the second item of the pair).</p
>f *** g = first f &gt;&gt;&gt; second g
>Block quote:</p
>foo bar</p