Elliot Bobrow 7fdc01ac0d
Use formatCode from #7525 in HTML and MediaWiki (#8162)
Move formatting from inside inline code elements to the outside in order
to retain formatting.
2022-07-06 22:10:24 +02:00

1686 lines
43 KiB

[ Para [ Span ( "front.xhtml" , [] , [] ) [] ]
, Div
( "" , [ "section" ] , [] )
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Str "Reflowable"
, Space
, Str "EPUB"
, Space
, Str "3"
, Space
, Str "Conformance"
, Space
, Str "Test"
, Space
, Str "Document:"
, Space
, Str "0100"
, Div
( "" , [ "section" ] , [] )
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Str "Status"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "Document"
, Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "publication"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "currently"
, Space
, Str "considered"
, Space
, Span
( "" , [ "status" ] , [] )
[ Str "[UNDER" , Space , Str "DEVELOPMENT]" ]
, Space
, Str "by"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "IDPF."
, Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "publication"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "part"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "version"
, Space
, Span ( "" , [ "version" ] , [] ) [ Str "X.X" ]
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "EPUB"
, Space
, Str "3.0"
, Space
, Str "Compliance"
, Space
, Str "Test"
, Space
, Str "Suite"
, Space
, Str "released"
, SoftBreak
, Str "on"
, Space
, RawInline (Format "html") "<time class=\"release\">"
, Str "TBD"
, RawInline (Format "html") "</time>"
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Before"
, Space
, Str "using"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "publication"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "evaluate"
, Space
, Str "reading"
, Space
, Str "systems,"
, Space
, Str "testers"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "strongly"
, Space
, Str "encouraged"
, Space
, Str "to"
, SoftBreak
, Str "verify"
, Space
, Str "that"
, Space
, Str "they"
, Space
, Str "have"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "latest"
, Space
, Str "release"
, Space
, Str "by"
, Space
, Str "checking"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "current"
, Space
, Str "release"
, Space
, Str "version"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "date"
, Space
, Str "of"
, SoftBreak
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "suite"
, Space
, Str "at"
, Space
, Link
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Str "TBD" ]
( "" , "" )
, Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "publication"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "one"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "several"
, Space
, Str "that"
, Space
, Str "currently"
, Space
, Str "comprise"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "EPUB"
, Space
, Str "3"
, Space
, Str "conformance"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "suite"
, SoftBreak
, Str "for"
, Space
, Str "reflowable"
, Space
, Str "content."
, Space
, Str "The"
, Space
, Str "complete"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "suite"
, Space
, Str "includes"
, Space
, Str "all"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "following"
, Space
, Str "publications:"
, OrderedList
( 1 , DefaultStyle , DefaultDelim )
[ [ Plain [ Str "." ] ] ]
, Div
( "" , [ "section" ] , [] )
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Str "About"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "Document"
, Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "document"
, Space
, Str "focuses"
, Space
, Str "on"
, Space
, Str "human-evaluated"
, Space
, Str "binary"
, Space
, Str "(pass/fail)"
, Space
, Str "tests"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "a"
, SoftBreak
, Str "reflowable"
, Space
, Str "context."
, Space
, Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "for"
, Space
, Str "fixed-layout"
, Space
, Str "content"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "other"
, Space
, Str "individual"
, Space
, Str "tests"
, Space
, Str "that"
, SoftBreak
, Str "require"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "dedicated"
, Space
, Str "epub"
, Space
, Str "file"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "available"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "additional"
, Space
, Str "sibling"
, Space
, Str "documents;"
, Space
, Str "refer"
, Space
, Str "to"
, SoftBreak
, Str "the"
, Space
, Link
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Str "test"
, Space
, Str "suite"
, SoftBreak
, Str "wiki"
( ""
, ""
, Space
, Str "("
, Code
( "" , [] , [] )
, Str ")"
, Space
, Str "for"
, Space
, Str "additional"
, SoftBreak
, Str "information."
, Div
( "" , [ "section" ] , [] )
[ Header 2 ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Conventions" ]
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "following"
, Space
, Str "conventions"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "used"
, Space
, Str "throughout"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "document:"
, DefinitionList
[ ( [ Str "1."
, Space
, Str "Locating"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "test"
, [ [ Div
( "" , [ "ctest" ] , [] )
[ Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "for"
, Space
, Emph [ Str "required" ]
, Space
, Str "Reading"
, Space
, Str "System"
, Space
, Str "functionality"
, Space
, Str "are"
, SoftBreak
, Str "preceded"
, Space
, Str "by"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "label:"
, Space
, Span
( ""
, [ "nature" ]
, [ ( "style"
, "display: inline; font-size: 100%"
[ Str "[REQUIRED]" ]
, Div
( "" , [ "otest" ] , [] )
[ Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "for"
, Space
, Emph [ Str "optional" ]
, Space
, Str "Reading"
, Space
, Str "System"
, Space
, Str "functionality"
, Space
, Str "are"
, SoftBreak
, Str "preceded"
, Space
, Str "by"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "label:"
, Space
, Span
( ""
, [ "nature" ]
, [ ( "style"
, "display: inline; font-size: 100%"
[ Str "[OPTIONAL]" ]
, ( [ Str "2."
, Space
, Str "Performing"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "test"
, [ [ Plain
[ Str "Each"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "includes"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "description"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "its"
, Space
, Str "purpose"
, Space
, Str "followed"
, Space
, Str "by"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "actual"
, Space
, Strong
[ Str "test"
, Space
, Str "statement,"
, SoftBreak
, Str "which"
, Space
, Str "can"
, Space
, Str "always"
, Space
, Str "be"
, Space
, Str "evaluated"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "true"
, Space
, Str "or"
, Space
, Str "false"
, Str "."
, Space
, Str "These"
, Space
, Str "statements"
, Space
, Str "typically"
, Space
, Str "have"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "form:"
, SoftBreak
, Str "\"If"
, Space
, Str "[some"
, Space
, Str "condition],"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes\"."
, ( [ Str "3."
, Space
, Str "Scoring"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "results"
, Space
, Str "form"
, [ [ Plain
[ Str "@@@TODO"
, Space
, Str "provide"
, Space
, Str "info"
, Space
, Str "on"
, Space
, Str "where"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "get"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "results"
, Space
, Str "form"
, Para [ Span ( "content-mathml-001.xhtml" , [] , [] ) [] ]
, Div
( "" , [ "section" ] , [] )
[ Header
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml" , [] , [] )
[ Str "MathML" ]
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-010"
, [ "section" , "ctest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[REQUIRED]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-010" ]
, Space
, Str "Rendering"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "MathML"
, Space
, Str "equation"
, Space
, Str "rendering"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "supported."
, Plain
[ Math
"\\int_{- \\infty}^{\\infty}e^{- x^{2}}\\, dx = \\sqrt{\\pi}"
, SoftBreak
, Math
"\\sum\\limits_{n = 1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{n^{2}} = \\frac{\\pi^{2}}{6}"
, SoftBreak
, Math
"x = \\frac{- b \\pm \\sqrt{b^{2} - 4ac}}{2a}"
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "preceding"
, Space
, Str "equations"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "presented"
, Space
, Str "as"
, Space
, Str "linear"
, Space
, Str "text"
, Space
, Str "(e.g.,"
, Space
, Str "x=-b\177b2-4ac2a),"
, SoftBreak
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes."
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-020"
, [ "section" , "otest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[OPTIONAL]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-020" ]
, Space
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "Styling"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "math"
, Space
, Str "element"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "basic"
, Space
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "styling"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "MathML"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "supported"
, Space
, Str "on"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "math"
, Space
, Str "element."
, Plain [ Math InlineMath "{2x}{+ y - z}" ]
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes"
, Space
, Str "if"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "equation"
, Space
, Str "has"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "yellow"
, Space
, Str "background"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "dashed"
, Space
, Str "border."
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "reading"
, Space
, Str "system"
, Space
, Str "does"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "have"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "viewport,"
, Space
, Str "or"
, Space
, Str "does"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "support"
, SoftBreak
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "styles,"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "should"
, Space
, Str "be"
, Space
, Str "marked"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "Not Supported"
, Str "."
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-021"
, [ "section" , "otest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[OPTIONAL]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-021" ]
, Space
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "Styling"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mo"
, Space
, Str "element"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "basic"
, Space
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "styling"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "MathML"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "supported"
, Space
, Str "on"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mo"
, Space
, Str "element."
, Plain [ Math InlineMath "{2x}{+ y - z}" ]
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes"
, Space
, Str "if"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "operators"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "enlarged"
, Space
, Str "relative"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "other"
, Space
, Str "symbols"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "numbers."
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "reading"
, Space
, Str "system"
, Space
, Str "does"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "have"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "viewport,"
, Space
, Str "or"
, Space
, Str "does"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "support"
, SoftBreak
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "styles,"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "should"
, Space
, Str "be"
, Space
, Str "marked"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "Not Supported"
, Str "."
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-022"
, [ "section" , "otest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[OPTIONAL]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-022" ]
, Space
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "Styling"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mi"
, Space
, Str "element"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "basic"
, Space
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "styling"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "MathML"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "supported"
, Space
, Str "on"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mi"
, Space
, Str "element."
, Plain [ Math InlineMath "{2x}{+ y - z}" ]
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes"
, Space
, Str "if"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "identifiers"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "bolded"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "blue."
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "reading"
, Space
, Str "system"
, Space
, Str "does"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "have"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "viewport,"
, Space
, Str "or"
, Space
, Str "does"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "support"
, SoftBreak
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "styles,"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "should"
, Space
, Str "be"
, Space
, Str "marked"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "Not Supported"
, Str "."
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-023"
, [ "section" , "otest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[OPTIONAL]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-023" ]
, Space
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "Styling"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mn"
, Space
, Str "element"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "basic"
, Space
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "styling"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "MathML"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "supported"
, Space
, Str "on"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mn"
, Space
, Str "element."
, Plain [ Math InlineMath "{2x}{+ y - z}" ]
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes"
, Space
, Str "if"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "number"
, Space
, Str "2"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "italicized"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "blue."
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "reading"
, Space
, Str "system"
, Space
, Str "does"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "have"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "viewport,"
, Space
, Str "or"
, Space
, Str "does"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "support"
, SoftBreak
, Str "CSS"
, Space
, Str "styles,"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "should"
, Space
, Str "be"
, Space
, Str "marked"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "Not Supported"
, Str "."
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-024"
, [ "section" , "ctest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[REQUIRED]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-024" ]
, Str "Horizontal"
, Space
, Str "stretch,"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mover"
, Str ","
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "munder"
, Str ","
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mspace"
, Space
, Str "elements"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "horizontal"
, Space
, Str "stretch,"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mover"
, Str ","
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "munder"
, Str ","
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mspace"
, Space
, Str "elements"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "supported."
, Plain
[ Math
"c = \\overset{\\text{complex\\ number}}{\\overbrace{\\underset{\\text{real}}{\\underbrace{\\mspace{20mu} a\\mspace{20mu}}} + \\underset{\\text{imaginary}}{\\underbrace{\\quad b{\\mathbb{i}}\\quad}}}}"
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes"
, Space
, Str "if"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "rendering"
, Space
, Str "looks"
, Space
, Str "like"
, Space
, Str "."
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-025"
, [ "section" , "ctest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[REQUIRED]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-025" ]
, Str "Testing"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mtable"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "colspan"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "rowspan"
, Space
, Str "attributes,"
, Space
, Str "Hebrew"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "Script"
, Space
, Str "fonts"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mtable"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "colspan"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mspace"
, Space
, Str "attributes"
, Space
, Str "(column"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "row"
, Space
, Str "spanning)"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "supported;"
, Space
, Str "uses"
, Space
, Str "Hebrew"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "Script"
, Space
, Str "alphabets."
, Plain
[ Math
"\\begin{matrix}\n & {\\operatorname{cov}(\\mathcal{L})} & \\longrightarrow & {\\operatorname{non}(\\mathcal{K})} & \\longrightarrow & {\\operatorname{cof}(\\mathcal{K})} & \\longrightarrow & {\\operatorname{cof}(\\mathcal{L})} & \\longrightarrow & 2^{\\aleph_{0}} \\\\\n & \\uparrow & & \\uparrow & & \\uparrow & & \\uparrow & & \\\\\n & {\\mathfrak{b}} & \\longrightarrow & {\\mathfrak{d}} & & & & & & \\\\\n & \\uparrow & & \\uparrow & & & & & & \\\\\n\\aleph_{1} & \\longrightarrow & {\\operatorname{add}(\\mathcal{L})} & \\longrightarrow & {\\operatorname{add}(\\mathcal{K})} & \\longrightarrow & {\\operatorname{cov}(\\mathcal{K})} & \\longrightarrow & {\\operatorname{non}(\\mathcal{L})} & \\\\\n\\end{matrix}"
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes"
, Space
, Str "if"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "rendering"
, Space
, Str "looks"
, Space
, Str "like"
, Space
, Link
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Str "Cicho\324's" , Space , Str "Diagram" ]
( "'s_diagram"
, ""
, Str ":"
, Space
, Str "."
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-026"
, [ "section" , "ctest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[REQUIRED]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-026" ]
, Str "BiDi,"
, Space
, Str "RTL"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "Arabic"
, Space
, Str "alphabets"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "right-to-left"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "Arabic"
, Space
, Str "alphabets"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "supported."
, Plain
[ Math
"{\1583(\1587)} = \\left\\{ \\begin{matrix}\n{\\sum\\limits_{\1646 = 1}^{\1589}\1587^{\1646}} & {\\text{\1573\1584\1575\1603\1575\1606}\1587 > 0} \\\\\n{\\int_{1}^{\1589}{\1587^{\1646}\1569\1587}} & {\\text{\1573\1584\1575\1603\1575\1606}\1587 \\in \1605} \\\\\n{{\1591\1575}\\pi} & {\\text{\1594\1610\1585\1584\1604\1603}\\left( \\text{\1605\1593}\\pi \\simeq 3,141 \\right)} \\\\\n\\end{matrix} \\right."
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes"
, Space
, Str "if"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "rendering"
, Space
, Str "looks"
, Space
, Str "like"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "following"
, Space
, Str "image:"
, Div
( "content-mathml-001.xhtml#mathml-027"
, [ "section" , "ctest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[REQUIRED]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "mathml-027" ]
, Str "Elementary"
, Space
, Str "math:"
, Space
, Str "long"
, Space
, Str "division"
, Space
, Str "notation"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "mlongdiv"
, Space
, Str "elements"
, Space
, Str "(from"
, Space
, Str "elementary"
, Space
, Str "math)"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "supported."
, Plain
[ Span
( ""
, [ "math" ]
, [ ( "xmlns" , "" ) ]
[ SoftBreak
, Str "3"
, SoftBreak
, Str "435.3"
, SoftBreak
, Str "1306"
, SoftBreak
, Str "12"
, SoftBreak
, Str "10"
, SoftBreak
, Str "9"
, SoftBreak
, Str "16"
, SoftBreak
, Str "15"
, SoftBreak
, Str "1.0"
, SoftBreak
, Str "9"
, SoftBreak
, Str "1"
, SoftBreak
, Para
[ Str "The"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes"
, Space
, Str "if"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "rendering"
, Space
, Str "looks"
, Space
, Str "like"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "following"
, Space
, Str "image:"
, Space
, Str "."
, Para [ Span ( "content-switch-001.xhtml" , [] , [] ) [] ]
, Div
( "content-switch-001.xhtml#epub-switch"
, [ "section" ]
, []
[ Header
3 ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "epub:switch" ]
, Div
( "content-switch-001.xhtml#switch-010"
, [ "section" , "ctest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[REQUIRED]" ]
, Space
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "switch-010" ]
, Space
, Str "Support"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Link
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "epub:switch" ]
( ""
, ""
, Space
, Str "element"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "supported."
, Para [ Str "PASS" ]
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "only"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "word"
, Space
, Str "\"PASS\""
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "rendered"
, Space
, Str "before"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "paragraph,"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes."
, Space
, Str "If"
, Space
, Str "both"
, Space
, Str "\"PASS\""
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "\"FAIL\""
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "rendered,"
, Space
, Str "or"
, Space
, Str "neither"
, SoftBreak
, Str "\"PASS\""
, Space
, Str "nor"
, Space
, Str "\"FAIL\""
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "rendered,"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "fails."
, Div
( "content-switch-001.xhtml#switch-020"
, [ "section" , "otest" ]
, []
[ Header
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Span ( "" , [ "nature" ] , [] ) [ Str "[OPTIONAL]" ]
, SoftBreak
, Span ( "" , [ "test-id" ] , [] ) [ Str "switch-020" ]
, SoftBreak
, Str "MathML"
, Space
, Str "Embedding"
, Para
[ Str "Tests"
, Space
, Str "whether"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "MathML"
, Space
, Str "namespace"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "recognized"
, Space
, Str "when"
, Space
, Str "used"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "an"
, Space
, Link
( "" , [] , [] )
[ Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "epub:case" ]
( ""
, ""
, Space
, Str "element."
, Para [ Math InlineMath "{2x}{+ y - z}" ]
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "MathML"
, Space
, Str "equation"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "rendered"
, Space
, Str "before"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "paragraph,"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "passes."
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "switch-010"
, Space
, Str "did"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "pass,"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "should"
, Space
, Str "be"
, Space
, Str "marked"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "Not Supported"
, Str "."