Quite a few modules were missing copyright notices. This commit adds copyright notices everywhere via haddock module headers. The old license boilerplate comment is redundant with this and has been removed. Update copyright years to 2019. Closes #4592.
300 lines
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300 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Readers.Creole
Copyright : © 2017 Sascha Wilde
2017-2019 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Sascha Wilde <wilde@sha-bang.de>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Tests for the creole reader.
module Tests.Readers.Creole (tests) where
import Prelude
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Tasty
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
creole :: Text -> Pandoc
creole = purely $ readCreole def{ readerStandalone = True }
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: ToString c
=> String -> (Text, c) -> TestTree
(=:) = test creole
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [
testGroup "Basic Text Formatting" [
"bold, single line, fully delimited" =:
"only **bold** is bold"
=?> para ("only " <> strong "bold" <> " is bold")
, "italics, single line, fully delimited" =:
"only //this// is in italics"
=?> para ("only " <> emph "this" <> " is in italics")
, "bold in italics, fully delimited" =:
"//**this**// is in bold italics"
=?> para (emph (strong "this") <> " is in bold italics")
, "italics in bold, fully delimited" =:
"**//this//** is in bold italics"
=?> para (strong (emph "this") <> " is in bold italics")
, "escape bold marker" =:
"~**not bold" =?> para "**not bold"
, "escape italics marker" =:
"~//not in italics" =?> para "//not in italics"
, "inline nowiki, simple" =:
"this is {{{**not** ~interpreted}}} at all"
=?> para ("this is " <> code "**not** ~interpreted" <> " at all")
, "inline nowiki, curly braces inside" =:
"this is {{{{{{//including// some `}' chars}}}}}}"
=?> para ("this is " <> code "{{{//including// some `}' chars}}}")
, "placeholder" =:
"foo <<<place holder>>> bar"
=?> para "foo bar"
, "placeholder escaped" =:
"foo ~<<<no place holder>>> bar"
=?> para "foo <<<no place holder>>> bar"
, testGroup "Headers" [
"header level 1, no space, no trailing =" =:
"= Top-Level Header"
=?> header 1 (str "Top-Level Header")
, "header level 1, leading space, trailing =" =:
" = Top-Level Header = "
=?> header 1 (str "Top-Level Header")
, "header level 2, no space, no trailing =" =:
"== Second Level"
=?> header 2 (str "Second Level")
, "header level 2, leading space, no trailing =" =:
" == Second Level"
=?> header 2 (str "Second Level")
, "header level 3, no space, no trailing =" =:
"=== Third"
=?> header 3 (str "Third")
, "header level 3, no space, > 3 trailing =" =:
"=== Third ======="
=?> header 3 (str "Third")
, "header level 4, no space, no trailing =" =:
"==== Fourth Level Heading"
=?> header 4 (str "Fourth Level Heading")
, "header level 4, no space, < 4 trailing =" =:
"==== Fourth Level Heading =="
=?> header 4 (str "Fourth Level Heading")
, "header level 5, no space, no trailing =" =:
"===== Fifth"
=?> header 5 (str "Fifth")
, "header level 6, no space, no trailing =" =:
"====== Sixth"
=?> header 6 (str "Sixth")
, testGroup "Paragraphs" [
"paragraphs: multiple, one line" =:
"first line\n\nanother line\n"
=?> para "first line" <> para "another line"
, testGroup "Lists" [
"unordered list, two entries, one separating space" =:
"* foo\n* bar"
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo", plain "bar" ]
, "unordered list, three entries, one separating space" =:
"* foo\n* bar\n* baz"
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo", plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, "para followed by, unordered list, two entries, one separating space" =:
"blubber\n* foo\n* bar"
=?> para "blubber" <> bulletList [ plain "foo", plain "bar" ]
, "nested unordered list, one separating space" =:
"* foo\n** bar\n** baz\n* blubb"
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested many unordered lists, one separating space" =:
("* foo\n** bar\n*** third\n*** third two\n** baz\n*** third again\n"
<> "**** fourth\n***** fith\n* blubb")
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar"
<> bulletList [ plain "third"
, plain "third two"]
, plain "baz"
<> bulletList [ plain "third again"
<> bulletList [
plain "fourth"
<> bulletList [
plain "fith"
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested unordered list, mixed separating space" =:
"*foo\n ** bar\n **baz\n * blubb"
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested unordered list, one separating space, trailing space" =:
"* foo \n** bar \n** baz \n* blubb "
=?> bulletList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "ordered list, two entries, one separating space" =:
"# foo\n# bar"
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo", plain "bar" ]
, "ordered list, three entries, one separating space" =:
"# foo\n# bar\n# baz"
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo", plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, "para followed by, ordered list, two entries, one separating space" =:
"blubber\n# foo\n# bar"
=?> para "blubber" <> orderedList [ plain "foo", plain "bar" ]
, "nested ordered list, one separating space" =:
"# foo\n## bar\n## baz\n# blubb"
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> orderedList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested ordered list, one separating space, trailing space" =:
"# foo \n## bar \n## baz \n# blubb "
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> orderedList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested many ordered lists, one separating space" =:
("# foo\n## bar\n### third\n### third two\n## baz\n### third again\n"
<> "#### fourth\n##### fith\n# blubb")
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> orderedList [ plain "bar"
<> orderedList [ plain "third"
, plain "third two"]
, plain "baz"
<> orderedList [ plain "third again"
<> orderedList [
plain "fourth"
<> orderedList [
plain "fith"
, plain "blubb" ]
, "nested ordered list, mixed separating space" =:
"#foo\n ## bar\n ##baz\n # blubb"
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> orderedList [ plain "bar", plain "baz" ]
, plain "blubb" ]
, "mixed nested ordered and unordered lists, one separating space" =:
("# foo\n** bar\n### third\n### third two\n** baz\n### third again\n"
<> "#### fourth\n***** fith\n# blubb")
=?> orderedList [ plain "foo"
<> bulletList [ plain "bar"
<> orderedList [ plain "third"
, plain "third two"]
, plain "baz"
<> orderedList [ plain "third again"
<> orderedList [
plain "fourth"
<> bulletList [
plain "fith"
, plain "blubb" ]
, testGroup "NoWiki" [
"quoted block, simple" =:
"{{{\nfoo bar\n //baz//\n}}}"
=?> codeBlock "foo bar\n //baz//"
, "quoted block, curly bracket exception" =:
"{{{\nfoo bar\n }}}\nbaz\n }}}\n}}}"
=?> codeBlock "foo bar\n }}}\nbaz\n}}}"
, "forced line breaks" =:
"{{{no break!\\\\here}}} but a break\\\\here!"
=?> para (code "no break!\\\\here" <> " but a break"
<> linebreak <> "here!"),
"quoted block, after trailing white space" =:
"this is a paragraph \n{{{\nfoo bar\n //baz//\n}}}"
=?> para "this is a paragraph" <> codeBlock "foo bar\n //baz//"
, testGroup "Images and Links" [
"image simple" =:
"{{foo.png}}" =?> para (image "foo.png" "" (str ""))
, "image with alt text" =:
"Image of a bar: {{/path/to/bar.png|A Bar}} look at it!"
=?> para ("Image of a bar: "
<> image "/path/to/bar.png" "" (str "A Bar") <> " look at it!")
, "auto link" =:
"foo http://foo.example.com/bar/baz.html bar"
=?> para ("foo "
<> link "http://foo.example.com/bar/baz.html" ""
(str "http://foo.example.com/bar/baz.html")
<> " bar")
, "escaped auto link" =:
"foo ~http://foo.example.com/bar/baz.html bar"
=?> para "foo http://foo.example.com/bar/baz.html bar"
, "wiki link simple" =:
"foo [[http://foo.example.com/foo.png]] bar"
=?> para ("foo "
<> link "http://foo.example.com/foo.png" ""
(str "http://foo.example.com/foo.png")
<> " bar")
, "wiki link with name" =:
"foo [[http://foo.example.com/foo.png|my link]] bar"
=?> para ("foo "
<> link "http://foo.example.com/foo.png" ""
(str "my link")
<> " bar")
, "image link" =:
=?> para (link "http://foo.example.com/" "" (image "foo.png" "" (str "")))
, testGroup "Table" [
"Table with Header" =:
T.unlines [ "|= Foo |= Bar |= Baz |"
, "| One | Two | Three |"
, "| 1 | 2 | 3 |"
, "| A | B | C |"
=?> simpleTable
[plain "Foo", plain "Bar" , plain "Baz"]
[[plain "One", plain "Two" , plain "Three"]
,[plain "1", plain "2" , plain "3"]
,[plain "A", plain "B" , plain "C"]]
, "Table without Header" =:
T.unlines [ "| One | Two | Three |"
, "| 1 | 2 | 3 |"
, "| A | B | C |"
=?> simpleTable [mempty]
[[plain "One", plain "Two" , plain "Three"]
,[plain "1", plain "2" , plain "3"]
,[plain "A", plain "B" , plain "C"]]
, "Table without Header, no markers at line ends" =:
T.unlines [ "| One | Two | Three"
, "| 1 | 2 | 3"
, "| A | B | C "
=?> simpleTable [mempty]
[[plain "One", plain "Two" , plain "Three"]
,[plain "1", plain "2" , plain "3"]
,[plain "A", plain "B" , plain "C"]]
, "Table with Header, with formatting" =:
T.unlines [ "|= **Foo** |= **Bar** |= **Baz** |"
, "|//one// element |//second// elt|Three |"
, "| {{{1}}} | {{{{}}}} | [[link]] |"
=?> simpleTable
[plain $ strong "Foo", plain $ strong "Bar" , plain $ strong "Baz"]
[[plain (emph "one" <> " element"), plain (emph "second" <> " elt")
,plain "Three"]
,[plain $ code "1", plain $ code "{}"
,plain $ link "link" "" (str "link")]]