* Depend on pandoc 1.12. * Added yaml dependency. * `Text.Pandoc.XML`: Removed `stripTags`. (API change.) * `Text.Pandoc.Shared`: Added `metaToJSON`. This will be used in writers to create a JSON object for use in the templates from the pandoc metadata. * Revised readers and writers to use the new Meta type. * `Text.Pandoc.Options`: Added `Ext_yaml_title_block`. * Markdown reader: Added support for YAML metadata block. Note that it must come at the beginning of the document. * `Text.Pandoc.Parsing.ParserState`: Replace `stateTitle`, `stateAuthors`, `stateDate` with `stateMeta`. * RST reader: Improved metadata. Treat initial field list as metadata when standalone specified. Previously ALL fields "title", "author", "date" in field lists were treated as metadata, even if not at the beginning. Use `subtitle` metadata field for subtitle. * `Text.Pandoc.Templates`: Export `renderTemplate'` that takes a string instead of a compiled template.. * OPML template: Use 'for' loop for authors. * Org template: '#+TITLE:' is inserted before the title. Previously the writer did this.
71 lines
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71 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Tests.Readers.RST (tests) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Test.Framework
import Tests.Helpers
import Tests.Arbitrary()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
rst :: String -> Pandoc
rst = readRST def{ readerStandalone = True }
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: ToString c
=> String -> (String, c) -> Test
(=:) = test rst
tests :: [Test]
tests = [ "line block with blank line" =:
"| a\n|\n| b" =?> para (str "a") <>
para (str "\160b")
, "field list" =: unlines
[ "para"
, ""
, ":Hostname: media08"
, ":IP address:"
, ":Size: 3ru"
, ":Version: 1"
, ":Indentation: Since the field marker may be quite long, the second"
, " and subsequent lines of the field body do not have to line up"
, " with the first line, but they must be indented relative to the"
, " field name marker, and they must line up with each other."
, ":Parameter i: integer"
, ":Final: item"
, " on two lines" ]
=?> ( doc
$ para "para" <>
definitionList [ (str "Hostname", [para "media08"])
, (str "IP address", [para ""])
, (str "Size", [para "3ru"])
, (str "Version", [para "1"])
, (str "Indentation", [para "Since the field marker may be quite long, the second and subsequent lines of the field body do not have to line up with the first line, but they must be indented relative to the field name marker, and they must line up with each other."])
, (str "Parameter i", [para "integer"])
, (str "Final", [para "item on two lines"])
, "initial field list" =: unlines
[ "====="
, "Title"
, "====="
, "--------"
, "Subtitle"
, "--------"
, ""
, ":Version: 1"
=?> ( setMeta "version" (para "1")
$ setMeta "title" ("Title" :: Inlines)
$ setMeta "subtitle" ("Subtitle" :: Inlines)
$ doc mempty )
, "URLs with following punctuation" =:
("http://google.com, http://yahoo.com; http://foo.bar.baz.\n" ++
"http://foo.bar/baz_(bam) (http://foo.bar)") =?>
para (link "http://google.com" "" "http://google.com" <> ", " <>
link "http://yahoo.com" "" "http://yahoo.com" <> "; " <>
link "http://foo.bar.baz" "" "http://foo.bar.baz" <> ". " <>
link "http://foo.bar/baz_(bam)" "" "http://foo.bar/baz_(bam)"
<> " (" <> link "http://foo.bar" "" "http://foo.bar" <> ")")