John MacFarlane a8273009ba Textile reader: Improved table support.
We can now handle all different alignment types, for simple
tables only (no captions, no relative widths, cell contents just
plain inlines).  Other tables are still handled using raw HTML.

Addresses  as far as it can be addresssed, I believe.
2014-08-30 20:34:42 -07:00

451 lines
17 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010-2014 John MacFarlane <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Textile
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2010-2014 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to Textile markup.
Textile: <>
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Textile ( writeTextile ) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty (render)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.XML ( escapeStringForXML )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
data WriterState = WriterState {
stNotes :: [String] -- Footnotes
, stListLevel :: [Char] -- String at beginning of list items, e.g. "**"
, stUseTags :: Bool -- True if we should use HTML tags because we're in a complex list
-- | Convert Pandoc to Textile.
writeTextile :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writeTextile opts document =
evalState (pandocToTextile opts document)
WriterState { stNotes = [], stListLevel = [], stUseTags = False }
-- | Return Textile representation of document.
pandocToTextile :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState String
pandocToTextile opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
metadata <- metaToJSON opts (blockListToTextile opts)
(inlineListToTextile opts) meta
body <- blockListToTextile opts blocks
notes <- liftM (unlines . reverse . stNotes) get
let main = body ++ if null notes then "" else ("\n\n" ++ notes)
let context = defField "body" main metadata
if writerStandalone opts
then return $ renderTemplate' (writerTemplate opts) context
else return main
withUseTags :: State WriterState a -> State WriterState a
withUseTags action = do
oldUseTags <- liftM stUseTags get
modify $ \s -> s { stUseTags = True }
result <- action
modify $ \s -> s { stUseTags = oldUseTags }
return result
-- | Escape one character as needed for Textile.
escapeCharForTextile :: Char -> String
escapeCharForTextile x = case x of
'&' -> "&amp;"
'<' -> "&lt;"
'>' -> "&gt;"
'"' -> "&quot;"
'*' -> "&#42;"
'_' -> "&#95;"
'@' -> "&#64;"
'|' -> "&#124;"
'\x2014' -> " -- "
'\x2013' -> " - "
'\x2019' -> "'"
'\x2026' -> "..."
c -> [c]
-- | Escape string as needed for Textile.
escapeStringForTextile :: String -> String
escapeStringForTextile = concatMap escapeCharForTextile
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to Textile.
blockToTextile :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
-> Block -- ^ Block element
-> State WriterState String
blockToTextile _ Null = return ""
blockToTextile opts (Div attr bs) = do
let startTag = render Nothing $ tagWithAttrs "div" attr
let endTag = "</div>"
contents <- blockListToTextile opts bs
return $ startTag ++ "\n\n" ++ contents ++ "\n\n" ++ endTag ++ "\n"
blockToTextile opts (Plain inlines) =
inlineListToTextile opts inlines
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToTextile opts (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
capt <- blockToTextile opts (Para txt)
im <- inlineToTextile opts (Image txt (src,tit))
return $ im ++ "\n" ++ capt
blockToTextile opts (Para inlines) = do
useTags <- liftM stUseTags get
listLevel <- liftM stListLevel get
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts inlines
return $ if useTags
then "<p>" ++ contents ++ "</p>"
else contents ++ if null listLevel then "\n" else ""
blockToTextile _ (RawBlock f str)
| f == Format "html" || f == Format "textile" = return str
| otherwise = return ""
blockToTextile _ HorizontalRule = return "<hr />\n"
blockToTextile opts (Header level (ident,classes,keyvals) inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts inlines
let identAttr = if null ident then "" else ('#':ident)
let attribs = if null identAttr && null classes
then ""
else "(" ++ unwords classes ++ identAttr ++ ")"
let lang = maybe "" (\x -> "[" ++ x ++ "]") $ lookup "lang" keyvals
let styles = maybe "" (\x -> "{" ++ x ++ "}") $ lookup "style" keyvals
let prefix = 'h' : show level ++ attribs ++ styles ++ lang ++ ". "
return $ prefix ++ contents ++ "\n"
blockToTextile _ (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) | any (all isSpace) (lines str) =
return $ "<pre" ++ classes' ++ ">\n" ++ escapeStringForXML str ++
where classes' = if null classes
then ""
else " class=\"" ++ unwords classes ++ "\""
blockToTextile _ (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) =
return $ "bc" ++ classes' ++ ". " ++ str ++ "\n\n"
where classes' = if null classes
then ""
else "(" ++ unwords classes ++ ")"
blockToTextile opts (BlockQuote bs@[Para _]) = do
contents <- blockListToTextile opts bs
return $ "bq. " ++ contents ++ "\n\n"
blockToTextile opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
contents <- blockListToTextile opts blocks
return $ "<blockquote>\n\n" ++ contents ++ "\n</blockquote>\n"
blockToTextile opts (Table [] aligns widths headers rows') |
all (==0) widths = do
hs <- mapM (liftM (("_. " ++) . stripTrailingNewlines) . blockListToTextile opts) headers
let cellsToRow cells = "|" ++ intercalate "|" cells ++ "|"
let header = if all null headers then "" else cellsToRow hs ++ "\n"
let blocksToCell (align, bs) = do
contents <- stripTrailingNewlines <$> blockListToTextile opts bs
let alignMarker = case align of
AlignLeft -> "<. "
AlignRight -> ">. "
AlignCenter -> "=. "
AlignDefault -> ""
return $ alignMarker ++ contents
let rowToCells = mapM blocksToCell . zip aligns
bs <- mapM rowToCells rows'
let body = unlines $ map cellsToRow bs
return $ header ++ body
blockToTextile opts (Table capt aligns widths headers rows') = do
let alignStrings = map alignmentToString aligns
captionDoc <- if null capt
then return ""
else do
c <- inlineListToTextile opts capt
return $ "<caption>" ++ c ++ "</caption>\n"
let percent w = show (truncate (100*w) :: Integer) ++ "%"
let coltags = if all (== 0.0) widths
then ""
else unlines $ map
(\w -> "<col width=\"" ++ percent w ++ "\" />") widths
head' <- if all null headers
then return ""
else do
hs <- tableRowToTextile opts alignStrings 0 headers
return $ "<thead>\n" ++ hs ++ "\n</thead>\n"
body' <- zipWithM (tableRowToTextile opts alignStrings) [1..] rows'
return $ "<table>\n" ++ captionDoc ++ coltags ++ head' ++
"<tbody>\n" ++ unlines body' ++ "</tbody>\n</table>\n"
blockToTextile opts x@(BulletList items) = do
oldUseTags <- liftM stUseTags get
let useTags = oldUseTags || not (isSimpleList x)
if useTags
then do
contents <- withUseTags $ mapM (listItemToTextile opts) items
return $ "<ul>\n" ++ vcat contents ++ "\n</ul>\n"
else do
modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = stListLevel s ++ "*" }
level <- get >>= return . length . stListLevel
contents <- mapM (listItemToTextile opts) items
modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = init (stListLevel s) }
return $ vcat contents ++ (if level > 1 then "" else "\n")
blockToTextile opts x@(OrderedList attribs items) = do
oldUseTags <- liftM stUseTags get
let useTags = oldUseTags || not (isSimpleList x)
if useTags
then do
contents <- withUseTags $ mapM (listItemToTextile opts) items
return $ "<ol" ++ listAttribsToString attribs ++ ">\n" ++ vcat contents ++
else do
modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = stListLevel s ++ "#" }
level <- get >>= return . length . stListLevel
contents <- mapM (listItemToTextile opts) items
modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = init (stListLevel s) }
return $ vcat contents ++ (if level > 1 then "" else "\n")
blockToTextile opts (DefinitionList items) = do
contents <- withUseTags $ mapM (definitionListItemToTextile opts) items
return $ "<dl>\n" ++ vcat contents ++ "\n</dl>\n"
-- Auxiliary functions for lists:
-- | Convert ordered list attributes to HTML attribute string
listAttribsToString :: ListAttributes -> String
listAttribsToString (startnum, numstyle, _) =
let numstyle' = camelCaseToHyphenated $ show numstyle
in (if startnum /= 1
then " start=\"" ++ show startnum ++ "\""
else "") ++
(if numstyle /= DefaultStyle
then " style=\"list-style-type: " ++ numstyle' ++ ";\""
else "")
-- | Convert bullet or ordered list item (list of blocks) to Textile.
listItemToTextile :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> State WriterState String
listItemToTextile opts items = do
contents <- blockListToTextile opts items
useTags <- get >>= return . stUseTags
if useTags
then return $ "<li>" ++ contents ++ "</li>"
else do
marker <- get >>= return . stListLevel
return $ marker ++ " " ++ contents
-- | Convert definition list item (label, list of blocks) to Textile.
definitionListItemToTextile :: WriterOptions
-> ([Inline],[[Block]])
-> State WriterState String
definitionListItemToTextile opts (label, items) = do
labelText <- inlineListToTextile opts label
contents <- mapM (blockListToTextile opts) items
return $ "<dt>" ++ labelText ++ "</dt>\n" ++
(intercalate "\n" $ map (\d -> "<dd>" ++ d ++ "</dd>") contents)
-- | True if the list can be handled by simple wiki markup, False if HTML tags will be needed.
isSimpleList :: Block -> Bool
isSimpleList x =
case x of
BulletList items -> all isSimpleListItem items
OrderedList (num, sty, _) items -> all isSimpleListItem items &&
num == 1 && sty `elem` [DefaultStyle, Decimal]
_ -> False
-- | True if list item can be handled with the simple wiki syntax. False if
-- HTML tags will be needed.
isSimpleListItem :: [Block] -> Bool
isSimpleListItem [] = True
isSimpleListItem [x] =
case x of
Plain _ -> True
Para _ -> True
BulletList _ -> isSimpleList x
OrderedList _ _ -> isSimpleList x
_ -> False
isSimpleListItem [x, y] | isPlainOrPara x =
case y of
BulletList _ -> isSimpleList y
OrderedList _ _ -> isSimpleList y
_ -> False
isSimpleListItem _ = False
isPlainOrPara :: Block -> Bool
isPlainOrPara (Plain _) = True
isPlainOrPara (Para _) = True
isPlainOrPara _ = False
-- | Concatenates strings with line breaks between them.
vcat :: [String] -> String
vcat = intercalate "\n"
-- Auxiliary functions for tables. (TODO: these are common to HTML, MediaWiki,
-- and Textile writers, and should be abstracted out.)
tableRowToTextile :: WriterOptions
-> [String]
-> Int
-> [[Block]]
-> State WriterState String
tableRowToTextile opts alignStrings rownum cols' = do
let celltype = if rownum == 0 then "th" else "td"
let rowclass = case rownum of
0 -> "header"
x | x `rem` 2 == 1 -> "odd"
_ -> "even"
cols'' <- sequence $ zipWith
(\alignment item -> tableItemToTextile opts celltype alignment item)
alignStrings cols'
return $ "<tr class=\"" ++ rowclass ++ "\">\n" ++ unlines cols'' ++ "</tr>"
alignmentToString :: Alignment -> [Char]
alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
AlignLeft -> "left"
AlignRight -> "right"
AlignCenter -> "center"
AlignDefault -> "left"
tableItemToTextile :: WriterOptions
-> String
-> String
-> [Block]
-> State WriterState String
tableItemToTextile opts celltype align' item = do
let mkcell x = "<" ++ celltype ++ " align=\"" ++ align' ++ "\">" ++
x ++ "</" ++ celltype ++ ">"
contents <- blockListToTextile opts item
return $ mkcell contents
-- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to Textile.
blockListToTextile :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
-> [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
-> State WriterState String
blockListToTextile opts blocks =
mapM (blockToTextile opts) blocks >>= return . vcat
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to Textile.
inlineListToTextile :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState String
inlineListToTextile opts lst =
mapM (inlineToTextile opts) lst >>= return . concat
-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to Textile.
inlineToTextile :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState String
inlineToTextile opts (Span _ lst) =
inlineListToTextile opts lst
inlineToTextile opts (Emph lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts lst
return $ if '_' `elem` contents
then "<em>" ++ contents ++ "</em>"
else "_" ++ contents ++ "_"
inlineToTextile opts (Strong lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts lst
return $ if '*' `elem` contents
then "<strong>" ++ contents ++ "</strong>"
else "*" ++ contents ++ "*"
inlineToTextile opts (Strikeout lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts lst
return $ if '-' `elem` contents
then "<del>" ++ contents ++ "</del>"
else "-" ++ contents ++ "-"
inlineToTextile opts (Superscript lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts lst
return $ if '^' `elem` contents
then "<sup>" ++ contents ++ "</sup>"
else "[^" ++ contents ++ "^]"
inlineToTextile opts (Subscript lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts lst
return $ if '~' `elem` contents
then "<sub>" ++ contents ++ "</sub>"
else "[~" ++ contents ++ "~]"
inlineToTextile opts (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToTextile opts lst
inlineToTextile opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts lst
return $ "'" ++ contents ++ "'"
inlineToTextile opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToTextile opts lst
return $ "\"" ++ contents ++ "\""
inlineToTextile opts (Cite _ lst) = inlineListToTextile opts lst
inlineToTextile _ (Code _ str) =
return $ if '@' `elem` str
then "<tt>" ++ escapeStringForXML str ++ "</tt>"
else "@" ++ str ++ "@"
inlineToTextile _ (Str str) = return $ escapeStringForTextile str
inlineToTextile _ (Math _ str) =
return $ "<span class=\"math\">" ++ escapeStringForXML str ++ "</math>"
inlineToTextile opts (RawInline f str)
| f == Format "html" || f == Format "textile" = return str
| (f == Format "latex" || f == Format "tex") &&
isEnabled Ext_raw_tex opts = return str
| otherwise = return ""
inlineToTextile _ (LineBreak) = return "\n"
inlineToTextile _ Space = return " "
inlineToTextile opts (Link txt (src, _)) = do
label <- case txt of
[Code _ s]
| s == src -> return "$"
[Str s]
| s == src -> return "$"
_ -> inlineListToTextile opts txt
return $ "\"" ++ label ++ "\":" ++ src
inlineToTextile opts (Image alt (source, tit)) = do
alt' <- inlineListToTextile opts alt
let txt = if null tit
then if null alt'
then ""
else "(" ++ alt' ++ ")"
else "(" ++ tit ++ ")"
return $ "!" ++ source ++ txt ++ "!"
inlineToTextile opts (Note contents) = do
curNotes <- liftM stNotes get
let newnum = length curNotes + 1
contents' <- blockListToTextile opts contents
let thisnote = "fn" ++ show newnum ++ ". " ++ contents' ++ "\n"
modify $ \s -> s { stNotes = thisnote : curNotes }
return $ "[" ++ show newnum ++ "]"
-- note - may not work for notes with multiple blocks