The first argument passed to Lua `Reader` functions is no longer a plain string but a richer data structure. The structure can easily be converted to a string by applying `tostring`, but is also a list with elements that contain each the *text* and *name* of each input source as a property of the respective name. A small example is added to the custom reader documentation, showcasing its use in a reader that creates a syntax-highlighted code block for each source code file passed as input. Existing readers must be updated.
190 lines
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190 lines
5.3 KiB
-- A sample custom reader for Creole 1.0 (common wiki markup)
-- For better performance we put these functions in local variables:
local P, S, R, Cf, Cc, Ct, V, Cs, Cg, Cb, B, C, Cmt =
lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.V,
lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.B, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt
local whitespacechar = S(" \t\r\n")
local specialchar = S("/*~[]\\{}|")
local wordchar = (1 - (whitespacechar + specialchar))
local spacechar = S(" \t")
local newline = P"\r"^-1 * P"\n"
local blankline = spacechar^0 * newline
local endline = newline * #-blankline
local endequals = spacechar^0 * P"="^0 * spacechar^0 * newline
local cellsep = spacechar^0 * P"|"
local function trim(s)
return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
local function ListItem(lev, ch)
local start
if ch == nil then
start = S"*#"
start = P(ch)
local subitem = function(c)
if lev < 6 then
return ListItem(lev + 1, c)
return (1 - 1) -- fails
local parser = spacechar^0
* start^lev
* #(- start)
* spacechar^0
* Ct((V"Inline" - (newline * spacechar^0 * S"*#"))^0)
* newline
* (Ct(subitem("*")^1) / pandoc.BulletList
Ct(subitem("#")^1) / pandoc.OrderedList
/ function (ils, sublist)
return { pandoc.Plain(ils), sublist }
return parser
-- Grammar
G = P{ "Doc",
Doc = Ct(V"Block"^0)
/ pandoc.Pandoc ;
Block = blankline^0
* ( V"Header"
+ V"HorizontalRule"
+ V"CodeBlock"
+ V"List"
+ V"Table"
+ V"Para") ;
Para = Ct(V"Inline"^1)
* newline
/ pandoc.Para ;
HorizontalRule = spacechar^0
* P"----"
* spacechar^0
* newline
/ pandoc.HorizontalRule;
Header = (P("=")^1 / string.len)
* spacechar^1
* Ct((V"Inline" - endequals)^1)
* endequals
/ pandoc.Header;
CodeBlock = P"{{{"
* blankline
* C((1 - (newline * P"}}}"))^0)
* newline
* P"}}}"
/ pandoc.CodeBlock;
Placeholder = P"<<<"
* C(P(1) - P">>>")^0
* P">>>"
/ function() return pandoc.Div({}) end;
List = V"BulletList"
+ V"OrderedList" ;
BulletList = Ct(ListItem(1,'*')^1)
/ pandoc.BulletList ;
OrderedList = Ct(ListItem(1,'#')^1)
/ pandoc.OrderedList ;
Table = (V"TableHeader" + Cc{})
* Ct(V"TableRow"^1)
/ function(headrow, bodyrows)
local numcolumns = #(bodyrows[1])
local aligns = {}
local widths = {}
for i = 1,numcolumns do
aligns[i] = pandoc.AlignDefault
widths[i] = 0
return pandoc.utils.from_simple_table(
pandoc.SimpleTable({}, aligns, widths, headrow, bodyrows))
end ;
TableHeader = Ct(V"HeaderCell"^1)
* cellsep^-1
* spacechar^0
* newline ;
TableRow = Ct(V"BodyCell"^1)
* cellsep^-1
* spacechar^0
* newline ;
HeaderCell = cellsep
* P"="
* spacechar^0
* Ct((V"Inline" - (newline + cellsep))^0)
/ function(ils) return { pandoc.Plain(ils) } end ;
BodyCell = cellsep
* spacechar^0
* Ct((V"Inline" - (newline + cellsep))^0)
/ function(ils) return { pandoc.Plain(ils) } end ;
Inline = V"Emph"
+ V"Strong"
+ V"LineBreak"
+ V"Link"
+ V"URL"
+ V"Image"
+ V"Str"
+ V"Space"
+ V"SoftBreak"
+ V"Escaped"
+ V"Placeholder"
+ V"Code"
+ V"Special" ;
Str = wordchar^1
/ pandoc.Str;
Escaped = P"~"
* C(P(1))
/ pandoc.Str ;
Special = specialchar
/ pandoc.Str;
Space = spacechar^1
/ pandoc.Space ;
SoftBreak = endline
* # -(V"HorizontalRule" + V"CodeBlock")
/ pandoc.SoftBreak ;
LineBreak = P"\\\\"
/ pandoc.LineBreak ;
Code = P"{{{"
* C((1 - P"}}}")^0)
* P"}}}"
/ trim / pandoc.Code ;
Link = P"[["
* C((1 - (P"]]" + P"|"))^0)
* (P"|" * Ct((V"Inline" - P"]]")^1))^-1 * P"]]"
/ function(url, desc)
local txt = desc or {pandoc.Str(url)}
return pandoc.Link(txt, url)
end ;
Image = P"{{"
* #-P"{"
* C((1 - (S"}"))^0)
* (P"|" * Ct((V"Inline" - P"}}")^1))^-1
* P"}}"
/ function(url, desc)
local txt = desc or ""
return pandoc.Image(txt, url)
end ;
URL = P"http"
* P"s"^-1
* P":"
* (1 - (whitespacechar + (S",.?!:;\"'" * #whitespacechar)))^1
/ function(url)
return pandoc.Link(pandoc.Str(url), url)
end ;
Emph = P"//"
* Ct((V"Inline" - P"//")^1)
* P"//"
/ pandoc.Emph ;
Strong = P"**"
* Ct((V"Inline" -P"**")^1)
* P"**"
/ pandoc.Strong ;
function Reader(input, reader_options)
return lpeg.match(G, tostring(input))