Apparently Cabal sets a `pandoc_datadir` environment variable so that the data files will be sought in the source directory rather than in the final destination (where they aren't yet installed). So we no longer need to set `--data-dir` in the tests. We just need to make sure `pandoc_datadir` is set in the environment when we call the program in the test suite. This will fix the issue with loading of pandoc.lua when pandoc is built with `-embed_data_files`, reported in #7163. Closes #7163.
354 lines
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354 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Old
Copyright : © 2006-2021 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley@edu>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
"Old" style tests (comparing output to golden files).
module Tests.Old (tests) where
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import qualified System.Environment as Env
import System.Environment.Executable (getExecutablePath)
import Text.Pandoc.Process (pipeProcess)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced (goldenTest)
import Tests.Helpers hiding (test)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.Text as T
tests :: FilePath -> [TestTree]
tests pandocPath =
[ testGroup "markdown"
[ testGroup "writer"
$ writerTests' "markdown" ++ lhsWriterTests' "markdown"
, testGroup "reader"
[ test' "basic" ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"testsuite.txt" "testsuite.native"
, test' "tables" ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "native", "--columns=80"]
"tables.txt" "tables.native"
, test' "pipe tables" ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "native", "--columns=80"]
"pipe-tables.txt" "pipe-tables.native"
, test' "more" ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"markdown-reader-more.txt" "markdown-reader-more.native"
, lhsReaderTest' "markdown+lhs"
, testGroup "citations"
[ test' "citations" ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "native"]
"markdown-citations.txt" "markdown-citations.native"
, testGroup "rst"
[ testGroup "writer" (writerTests' "rst" ++ lhsWriterTests' "rst")
, testGroup "reader"
[ test' "basic" ["-r", "rst+smart", "-w", "native",
"-s", "--columns=80"] "rst-reader.rst" "rst-reader.native"
, test' "tables" ["-r", "rst", "-w", "native", "--columns=80"]
"tables.rst" "tables-rstsubset.native"
, lhsReaderTest' "rst+lhs"
, testGroup "latex"
[ testGroup "writer"
(extWriterTests' "latex" ++ lhsWriterTests' "latex")
, testGroup "reader"
[ test' "basic" ["-r", "latex+raw_tex", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"latex-reader.latex" "latex-reader.native"
, lhsReaderTest' "latex+lhs"
, testGroup "html"
[ testGroup "writer" $ mconcat
[ extWriterTests' "html4"
, extWriterTests' "html5"
, lhsWriterTests' "html"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "html", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"html-reader.html" "html-reader.native"
, testGroup "s5"
[ s5WriterTest' "basic" ["-s"] "s5"
, s5WriterTest' "fancy" ["-s","--mathjax","-i"] "s5"
, s5WriterTest' "fragment" [] "html4"
, s5WriterTest' "inserts" ["-s", "-H", "insert",
"-B", "insert", "-A", "insert", "-c", "main.css"] "html4"
, testGroup "textile"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "textile"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "textile", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"textile-reader.textile" "textile-reader.native"
, testGroup "docbook"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "docbook4"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "docbook", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"docbook-reader.docbook" "docbook-reader.native"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "docbook", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"docbook-chapter.docbook" "docbook-chapter.native"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "docbook", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"docbook-xref.docbook" "docbook-xref.native"
, testGroup "docbook5"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "docbook5"
, testGroup "jats"
[ testGroup "writer"
[ testGroup "jats_archiving" $
extWriterTests' "jats_archiving"
, testGroup "jats_articleauthoring" $
writerTests' "jats_articleauthoring"
, testGroup "jats_publishing" $
writerTests' "jats_publishing"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "jats", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"jats-reader.xml" "jats-reader.native"
, testGroup "jira"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "jira"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "jira", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"jira-reader.jira" "jira-reader.native"
, testGroup "native"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "native"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "native", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"testsuite.native" "testsuite.native"
, testGroup "fb2"
[ fb2WriterTest' "basic" [] "fb2/basic.markdown" "fb2/basic.fb2"
, fb2WriterTest' "titles" [] "fb2/titles.markdown" "fb2/titles.fb2"
, fb2WriterTest' "images" [] "fb2/images.markdown" "fb2/images.fb2"
, fb2WriterTest' "images-embedded" [] "fb2/images-embedded.html" "fb2/images-embedded.fb2"
, fb2WriterTest' "math" [] "fb2/math.markdown" "fb2/math.fb2"
, fb2WriterTest' "meta" [] "fb2/meta.markdown" "fb2/meta.fb2"
, fb2WriterTest' "tables" [] "tables.native" "tables.fb2"
, fb2WriterTest' "testsuite" [] "testsuite.native" "writer.fb2"
, testGroup "mediawiki"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "mediawiki"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "mediawiki", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"mediawiki-reader.wiki" "mediawiki-reader.native"
, testGroup "vimwiki"
[ test' "reader" ["-r", "vimwiki", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"vimwiki-reader.wiki" "vimwiki-reader.native"
, testGroup "dokuwiki"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "dokuwiki"
, test' "inline_formatting" ["-r", "native", "-w", "dokuwiki", "-s"]
"dokuwiki_inline_formatting.native" "dokuwiki_inline_formatting.dokuwiki"
, test' "multiblock table" ["-r", "native", "-w", "dokuwiki", "-s"]
"dokuwiki_multiblock_table.native" "dokuwiki_multiblock_table.dokuwiki"
, test' "external images" ["-r", "native", "-w", "dokuwiki", "-s"]
"dokuwiki_external_images.native" "dokuwiki_external_images.dokuwiki"
, testGroup "opml"
[ test' "basic" ["-r", "native", "-w", "opml", "--columns=78", "-s"]
"testsuite.native" "writer.opml"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "opml", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"opml-reader.opml" "opml-reader.native"
, testGroup "haddock"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "haddock"
, test' "reader" ["-r", "haddock", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"haddock-reader.haddock" "haddock-reader.native"
, testGroup "txt2tags"
[ test' "reader" ["-r", "t2t", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"txt2tags.t2t" "txt2tags.native" ]
, testGroup "epub" [
test' "features" ["-r", "epub", "-w", "native"]
"epub/features.epub" "epub/features.native"
, test' "wasteland" ["-r", "epub", "-w", "native"]
"epub/wasteland.epub" "epub/wasteland.native"
, test' "formatting" ["-r", "epub", "-w", "native"]
"epub/formatting.epub" "epub/formatting.native"
, testGroup "twiki"
[ test' "reader" ["-r", "twiki", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"twiki-reader.twiki" "twiki-reader.native" ]
, testGroup "tikiwiki"
[ test' "reader" ["-r", "tikiwiki", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"tikiwiki-reader.tikiwiki" "tikiwiki-reader.native" ]
, testGroup "other writers" $ map (\f -> testGroup f $ writerTests' f)
[ "opendocument" , "context" , "texinfo", "icml", "tei"
, "man" , "plain" , "rtf", "org", "asciidoc", "asciidoctor"
, "xwiki", "zimwiki"
, testGroup "writers-lang-and-dir"
[ test' "latex" ["-f", "native", "-t", "latex", "-s"]
"writers-lang-and-dir.native" "writers-lang-and-dir.latex"
, test' "context" ["-f", "native", "-t", "context", "-s"]
"writers-lang-and-dir.native" "writers-lang-and-dir.context"
, testGroup "muse"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "muse"
, testGroup "ms"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests' "ms"
, testGroup "creole"
[ test' "reader" ["-r", "creole", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"creole-reader.txt" "creole-reader.native"
, testGroup "custom writer"
[ test' "basic" ["-f", "native", "-t", "../data/sample.lua"]
"testsuite.native" "writer.custom"
, test' "tables" ["-f", "native", "-t", "../data/sample.lua"]
"tables.native" "tables.custom"
, testGroup "man"
[ test' "reader" ["-r", "man", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"man-reader.man" "man-reader.native"
, testGroup "org"
[ test' "reader" ["-r", "org", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"org-select-tags.org" "org-select-tags.native"
, testGroup "ipynb"
[ test' "reader" ["-f", "ipynb-raw_html-raw_tex+raw_attribute",
"-t", "native", "-s"]
"ipynb/simple.ipynb" "ipynb/simple.out.native"
, test' "writer" ["-f", "native",
"--markdown-headings=setext", "-t",
"ipynb-raw_html-raw_tex+raw_attribute", "-s"]
"ipynb/simple.in.native" "ipynb/simple.ipynb"
test' = test pandocPath
writerTests' = writerTests pandocPath
s5WriterTest' = s5WriterTest pandocPath
fb2WriterTest' = fb2WriterTest pandocPath
lhsWriterTests' = lhsWriterTests pandocPath
lhsReaderTest' = lhsReaderTest pandocPath
extWriterTests' = extendedWriterTests pandocPath
-- makes sure file is fully closed after reading
readFile' :: FilePath -> IO String
readFile' f = do s <- UTF8.readFile f
return $! (T.length s `seq` T.unpack s)
lhsWriterTests :: FilePath -> String -> [TestTree]
lhsWriterTests pandocPath format
= [ t "lhs to normal" format
, t "lhs to lhs" (format ++ "+lhs")
t n f = test pandocPath
n ["--wrap=preserve", "-r", "native", "-s",
"--markdown-headings=setext", "-w", f]
"lhs-test.native" ("lhs-test" <.> f)
lhsReaderTest :: FilePath -> String -> TestTree
lhsReaderTest pandocPath format =
test pandocPath "lhs" ["-r", format, "-w", "native"]
("lhs-test" <.> format) norm
where norm = if format == "markdown+lhs"
then "lhs-test-markdown.native"
else "lhs-test.native"
writerTests :: FilePath -> String -> [TestTree]
writerTests pandocPath format
= [ test pandocPath
"basic" (opts ++ ["-s"]) "testsuite.native" ("writer" <.> format)
, test pandocPath
"tables" opts "tables.native" ("tables" <.> format)
opts = ["-r", "native", "-w", format, "--columns=78",
"--variable", "pandoc-version="]
extendedWriterTests :: FilePath -> String -> [TestTree]
extendedWriterTests pandocPath format
= writerTests pandocPath format ++
let testForTable name =
test pandocPath
(name ++ " table")
("tables" </> name <.> "native")
("tables" </> name <.> format)
in map testForTable ["planets", "nordics", "students"]
opts = ["-r", "native", "-w", format, "--columns=78",
"--variable", "pandoc-version="]
s5WriterTest :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> String -> TestTree
s5WriterTest pandocPath modifier opts format
= test pandocPath (format ++ " writer (" ++ modifier ++ ")")
(["-r", "native", "-w", format] ++ opts)
"s5.native" ("s5-" ++ modifier <.> "html")
fb2WriterTest :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> String -> String -> TestTree
fb2WriterTest pandocPath title opts inputfile normfile =
testWithNormalize (ignoreBinary . formatXML) pandocPath
title (["-t", "fb2"]++opts) inputfile normfile
formatXML xml = splitTags $ zip xml (drop 1 xml)
splitTags [] = []
splitTags [end] = [fst end, snd end]
splitTags (('>','<'):rest) = ">\n" ++ splitTags rest
splitTags ((c,_):rest) = c : splitTags rest
ignoreBinary = unlines . filter (not . startsWith "<binary ") . lines
startsWith tag str = all (uncurry (==)) $ zip tag str
-- | Run a test without normalize function, return True if test passed.
test :: FilePath -- ^ Path of pandoc executable
-> String -- ^ Title of test
-> [String] -- ^ Options to pass to pandoc
-> String -- ^ Input filepath
-> FilePath -- ^ Norm (for test results) filepath
-> TestTree
test = testWithNormalize id
-- | Run a test with normalize function, return True if test passed.
testWithNormalize :: (String -> String) -- ^ Normalize function for output
-> FilePath -- ^ Path to pandoc executable
-> String -- ^ Title of test
-> [String] -- ^ Options to pass to pandoc
-> String -- ^ Input filepath
-> FilePath -- ^ Norm (for test results) filepath
-> TestTree
testWithNormalize normalizer pandocPath testname opts inp norm =
goldenTest testname getExpected getActual
(compareValues norm options) updateGolden
where getExpected = normalizer <$> readFile' norm
getActual = do
mldpath <- Env.lookupEnv "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
mdyldpath <- Env.lookupEnv "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
mpdd <- Env.lookupEnv "pandoc_datadir"
let env = ("TMP",".") :
("LANG","en_US.UTF-8") :
("HOME", "./") :
maybe [] ((:[]) . ("pandoc_datadir",)) mpdd ++
maybe [] ((:[]) . ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH",)) mldpath ++
maybe [] ((:[]) . ("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH",)) mdyldpath
(ec, out) <- pipeProcess (Just env) pandocPath
("--emulate":options) mempty
if ec == ExitSuccess
then return $ filter (/='\r') . normalizer
$ UTF8.toStringLazy out
-- filter \r so the tests will work on Windows machines
else fail $ "Pandoc failed with error code " ++ show ec
updateGolden = UTF8.writeFile norm . T.pack
options = ["--quiet"] ++ [inp] ++ opts
compareValues :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
compareValues norm options expected actual = do
testExePath <- getExecutablePath
let cmd = testExePath ++ " --emulate " ++ unwords options
let dash = replicate 72 '-'
let diff = getDiff (lines actual) (lines expected)
if expected == actual
then return Nothing
else return $ Just $
'\n' : dash ++
"\n--- " ++ norm ++
"\n+++ " ++ cmd ++ "\n" ++
showDiff (1,1) diff ++ dash