364 lines
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364 lines
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module Tests.Writers.Muse (tests) where
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Test.Tasty
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
muse :: (ToPandoc a) => a -> String
muse = museWithOpts def{ writerWrapText = WrapNone,
writerExtensions = extensionsFromList [Ext_amuse,
Ext_auto_identifiers] }
museWithOpts :: (ToPandoc a) => WriterOptions -> a -> String
museWithOpts opts = unpack . purely (writeMuse opts) . toPandoc
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: (ToString a, ToPandoc a)
=> String -> (a, String) -> TestTree
(=:) = test muse
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [ testGroup "block elements"
[ "plain" =: plain (text "Foo bar.") =?> "Foo bar."
, testGroup "paragraphs"
[ "single paragraph" =: para (text "Sample paragraph.")
=?> "Sample paragraph."
, "two paragraphs" =: para (text "First paragraph.") <>
para (text "Second paragraph.")
=?> unlines [ "First paragraph."
, ""
, "Second paragraph."
, "line block" =: lineBlock [text "Foo", text "bar", text "baz"]
=?> unlines [ "<verse>"
, "Foo"
, "bar"
, "baz"
, "</verse>"
, "code block" =: codeBlock "int main(void) {\n\treturn 0;\n}"
=?> unlines [ "<example>"
, "int main(void) {"
, "\treturn 0;"
, "}"
, "</example>"
, "html raw block" =: rawBlock "html" "<hr>"
=?> unlines [ "<literal style=\"html\">"
, "<hr>"
, "</literal>"
, "block quote" =: blockQuote (para (text "Foo"))
=?> unlines [ "<quote>"
, "Foo"
, "</quote>"
, testGroup "lists"
[ testGroup "simple lists"
"ordered list" =: orderedList [ plain $ text "first"
, plain $ text "second"
, plain $ text "third"
=?> unlines [ " 1. first"
, " 2. second"
, " 3. third"
, "ordered list with Roman numerals"
=: orderedListWith (1, UpperRoman, DefaultDelim)
[ plain $ text "first"
, plain $ text "second"
, plain $ text "third"
=?> unlines [ " I. first"
, " II. second"
, " III. third"
, "bullet list" =: bulletList [ plain $ text "first"
, plain $ text "second"
, plain $ text "third"
=?> unlines [ " - first"
, " - second"
, " - third"
, "definition list" =: definitionList [ (text "first definition", [plain $ text "first description"])
, (text "second definition", [plain $ text "second description"])
, (text "third definition", [plain $ text "third description"])
=?> unlines [ " first definition :: first description"
, " second definition :: second description"
, " third definition :: third description"
-- Test that lists of the same type and style are separated with two blanklines
, testGroup "sequential lists"
[ "bullet lists" =:
bulletList [ para $ text "First"
, para $ text "Second"
, para $ text "Third"
] <>
bulletList [ para $ text "Fourth"
, para $ text "Fifth"
] =?>
unlines [ " - First"
, " - Second"
, " - Third"
, ""
, ""
, " - Fourth"
, " - Fifth"
, "ordered lists of the same style" =:
orderedListWith (1, UpperRoman, DefaultDelim) [ para $ text "First"
, para $ text "Second"
] <>
orderedListWith (1, UpperRoman, DefaultDelim) [ para $ text "Third"
, para $ text "Fourth"
] =?>
unlines [ " I. First"
, " II. Second"
, ""
, ""
, " I. Third"
, " II. Fourth"
, "ordered lists with equal styles" =:
orderedList [ para $ text "First"
, para $ text "Second"
] <>
orderedListWith (1, Decimal, DefaultDelim) [ para $ text "Third"
, para $ text "Fourth"
] =?>
unlines [ " 1. First"
, " 2. Second"
, ""
, ""
, " 1. Third"
, " 2. Fourth"
, "bullet and ordered lists" =:
bulletList [ para $ text "First"
, para $ text "Second"
] <>
orderedListWith (1, UpperRoman, DefaultDelim) [ para $ text "Third"
, para $ text "Fourth"
] =?>
unlines [ " - First"
, " - Second"
, ""
, " I. Third"
, " II. Fourth"
, "different style ordered lists" =:
orderedListWith (1, UpperRoman, DefaultDelim) [ para $ text "First"
, para $ text "Second"
] <>
orderedListWith (1, Decimal, DefaultDelim) [ para $ text "Third"
, para $ text "Fourth"
] =?>
unlines [ " I. First"
, " II. Second"
, ""
, " 1. Third"
, " 2. Fourth"
, testGroup "nested lists"
[ "nested ordered list" =: orderedList [ plain $ text "First outer"
, plain (text "Second outer:") <>
orderedList [ plain $ text "first"
, plain $ text "second"
, plain $ text "Third outer"
=?> unlines [ " 1. First outer"
, " 2. Second outer:"
, " 1. first"
, " 2. second"
, " 3. Third outer"
, "nested bullet lists" =: bulletList [ plain $ text "First outer"
, plain (text "Second outer:") <>
bulletList [ plain $ text "first"
, plain $ text "second"
, plain $ text "Third outer"
=?> unlines [ " - First outer"
, " - Second outer:"
, " - first"
, " - second"
, " - Third outer"
, "nested definition lists" =: definitionList [ (text "first definition", [plain $ text "first description"])
, (text "second definition",
[ plain (text "second description")
, definitionList [ ( text "first inner definition"
, [plain $ text "first inner description"])
, ( text "second inner definition"
, [plain $ text "second inner description"])
=?> unlines [ " first definition :: first description"
, " second definition :: second description"
, " first inner definition :: first inner description"
, " second inner definition :: second inner description"
-- Check that list is intended with one space even inside a quote
, "List inside block quote" =: blockQuote (orderedList [ plain $ text "first"
, plain $ text "second"
, plain $ text "third"
=?> unlines [ "<quote>"
, " 1. first"
, " 2. second"
, " 3. third"
, "</quote>"
, testGroup "headings"
[ "normal heading" =:
header 1 (text "foo") =?> "* foo"
, "heading levels" =:
header 1 (text "First level") <>
header 3 (text "Third level") =?>
unlines [ "* First level"
, ""
, "*** Third level"
, "horizontal rule" =: horizontalRule =?> "----"
, "escape horizontal rule" =: para (text "----") =?> "<verbatim>----</verbatim>"
, testGroup "tables"
[ "table without header" =:
let rows = [[para $ text "Para 1.1", para $ text "Para 1.2"]
,[para $ text "Para 2.1", para $ text "Para 2.2"]]
in simpleTable [] rows
unlines [ " Para 1.1 | Para 1.2"
, " Para 2.1 | Para 2.2"
, "table with header" =:
let headers = [plain $ text "header 1", plain $ text "header 2"]
rows = [[para $ text "Para 1.1", para $ text "Para 1.2"]
,[para $ text "Para 2.1", para $ text "Para 2.2"]]
in simpleTable headers rows
unlines [ " header 1 || header 2"
, " Para 1.1 | Para 1.2"
, " Para 2.1 | Para 2.2"
, "table with header and caption" =:
let caption = text "Table 1"
headers = [plain $ text "header 1", plain $ text "header 2"]
rows = [[para $ text "Para 1.1", para $ text "Para 1.2"]
,[para $ text "Para 2.1", para $ text "Para 2.2"]]
in table caption mempty headers rows
=?> unlines [ " header 1 || header 2"
, " Para 1.1 | Para 1.2"
, " Para 2.1 | Para 2.2"
, " |+ Table 1 +|"
-- Div is trivial
-- Null is trivial
, testGroup "inline elements"
[ testGroup "string"
[ "string" =: str "foo" =?> "foo"
, "escape footnote" =: str "[1]" =?> "<verbatim>[1]</verbatim>"
, "escape verbatim close tag" =: str "foo</verbatim>bar"
=?> "<verbatim>foo<</verbatim><verbatim>/verbatim>bar</verbatim>"
, "escape pipe to avoid accidental tables" =: str "foo | bar"
=?> "<verbatim>foo | bar</verbatim>"
, "escape hash to avoid accidental anchors" =: text "#foo bar"
=?> "<verbatim>#foo</verbatim> bar"
, "escape definition list markers" =: str "::" =?> "<verbatim>::</verbatim>"
-- We don't want colons to be escaped if they can't be confused
-- with definition list item markers.
, "do not escape colon" =: str ":" =?> ":"
, testGroup "emphasis"
[ "emph" =: emph (text "foo") =?> "<em>foo</em>"
, "strong" =: strong (text "foo") =?> "<strong>foo</strong>"
, "strikeout" =: strikeout (text "foo") =?> "<del>foo</del>"
, "superscript" =: superscript (text "foo") =?> "<sup>foo</sup>"
, "subscript" =: subscript (text "foo") =?> "<sub>foo</sub>"
, "smallcaps" =: smallcaps (text "foo") =?> "foo"
, "single quoted" =: singleQuoted (text "foo") =?> "'foo'"
, "double quoted" =: doubleQuoted (text "foo") =?> "\"foo\""
-- Cite is trivial
, testGroup "code"
[ "simple" =: code "foo" =?> "<code>foo</code>"
, "escape tag" =: code "<code>foo = bar</code> baz" =?> "<code><code>foo = bar<</code><code>/code> baz</code>"
, "normalization" =: code "</co" <> code "de>" =?> "<code><</code><code>/code></code>"
, testGroup "spaces"
[ "space" =: text "a" <> space <> text "b" =?> "a b"
, "soft break" =: text "a" <> softbreak <> text "b" =?> "a b"
, test (museWithOpts def{ writerWrapText = WrapPreserve })
"preserve soft break" $ text "a" <> softbreak <> text "b"
=?> "a\nb"
, "line break" =: text "a" <> linebreak <> text "b" =?> "a<br>\nb"
, testGroup "math"
[ "inline math" =: math "2^3" =?> "2<sup>3</sup>"
, "display math" =: displayMath "2^3" =?> "<verse>2<sup>3</sup></verse>"
, "multiple letters in inline math" =: math "abc" =?> "<em>abc</em>"
, "raw inline"
=: rawInline "html" "<mark>marked text</mark>"
=?> "<literal style=\"html\"><mark>marked text</mark></literal>"
, testGroup "links"
[ "link with description" =: link "https://example.com" "" (str "Link 1")
=?> "[[https://example.com][Link 1]]"
, "link without description" =: link "https://example.com" "" (str "https://example.com")
=?> "[[https://example.com]]"
-- Internal links in Muse include '#'
, "link to anchor" =: link "#intro" "" (str "Introduction")
=?> "[[#intro][Introduction]]"
-- According to Emacs Muse manual, links to images should be prefixed with "URL:"
, "link to image with description" =: link "1.png" "" (str "Link to image")
=?> "[[URL:1.png][Link to image]]"
, "link to image without description" =: link "1.png" "" (str "1.png")
=?> "[[URL:1.png]]"
, "image" =: image "image.png" "Image 1" (str "") =?> "[[image.png][Image 1]]"
, "note" =: note (plain (text "Foo"))
=?> unlines [ "[1]"
, ""
, "[1] Foo"
, "span" =: spanWith ("",["foobar"],[]) (str "Some text")
=?> "<class name=\"foobar\">Some text</class>"
, testGroup "combined"
[ "emph word before" =:
para (text "foo" <> emph (text "bar")) =?>
, "emph word after" =:
para (emph (text "foo") <> text "bar") =?>
, "emph quoted" =:
para (doubleQuoted (emph (text "foo"))) =?>
, "strong word before" =:
para (text "foo" <> strong (text "bar")) =?>
, "strong word after" =:
para (strong (text "foo") <> text "bar") =?>
, "strong quoted" =:
para (singleQuoted (strong (text "foo"))) =?>