Note that the multirow package is needed for rowspans. It is included in the latex template under a variable, so that it won't be used unless needed for a table.
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>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.30}}
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\caption{States belonging to the \emph{Nordics.}}\tabularnewline
Name & Capital & \vtop{\hbox{\strut Population}\hbox{\strut (in 2018)}} &
\vtop{\hbox{\strut Area}\hbox{\strut (in
km\textsuperscript{2})}} \\ \addlinespace
Name & Capital & \vtop{\hbox{\strut Population}\hbox{\strut (in 2018)}} &
\vtop{\hbox{\strut Area}\hbox{\strut (in
km\textsuperscript{2})}} \\ \addlinespace
Denmark & Copenhagen & 5,809,502 & 43,094 \\ \addlinespace
Finland & Helsinki & 5,537,364 & 338,145 \\ \addlinespace
Iceland & Reykjavik & 343,518 & 103,000 \\ \addlinespace
Norway & Oslo & 5,372,191 & 323,802 \\ \addlinespace
Sweden & Stockholm & 10,313,447 & 450,295 \\ \addlinespace
Total & & 27,376,022 & 1,258,336 \\ \addlinespace