Until now, the pptx writer only supported four slide layouts: “Title Slide” (used for the automatically generated metadata slide), “Section Header” (used for headings above the slide level), “Two Column” (used when there’s a columns div containing at least two column divs), and “Title and Content” (used for all other slides). This commit adds support for three more layouts: Comparison, Content with Caption, and Blank. - Support “Comparison” slide layout This layout is used when a slide contains at least two columns, at least one of which contains some text followed by some non-text (e.g. an image or table). The text in each column is inserted into the “body” placeholder for that column, and the non-text is inserted into the ObjType placeholder. Any extra content after the non-text is overlaid on top of the preceding content, rather than dropping it completely (as currently happens for the two-column layout). + Accept straightforward test changes Adding the new layout means the “-deleted-layouts” tests have an additional layout added to the master and master rels. + Add new tests for the comparison layout + Add new tests to pandoc.cabal - Support “Content with Caption” slide layout This layout is used when a slide’s body contains some text, followed by non-text (e.g. and image or a table). Before now, in this case the image or table would break onto a new slide: to get that output again, users can add a horizontal rule before the image or table. + Accept straightforward tests The “-deleted-layouts” tests all have an extra layout and relationship in the master for the Content with Caption layout. + Accept remove-empty-slides test Empty slides are still removed, but the Content with Caption layout is now used. + Change slide-level-0/h1-h2-with-text description This test now triggers the content with caption layout, giving a different (but still correct) result. + Add new tests for the new layout + Add new tests to the cabal file - Support “Blank” slide layout This layout is used when a slide contains only blank content (e.g. non-breaking spaces). No content is inserted into any placeholders in the layout. Fixes #5097. + Accept straightforward test changes Blank layout now copied over from reference doc as well, when layouts have been deleted. + Add some new tests A slide should use the blank layout if: - It contains only speaker notes - It contains only an empty heading with a body of nbsps - It contains only a heading containing only nbsps - Change ContentType -> Placeholder This type was starting to have a constructor for each placeholder on each slide (e.g. `ComparisonUpperLeftContent`). I’ve changed it instead to identify a placeholder by type and index, as I think that’s clearer and less redundant. - Describe layout-choosing logic in manual
23 lines
856 B
23 lines
856 B
[Header 1 ("a-slide",[],[]) [Str "A",Space,Str "slide"]
,Div ("",["columns"],[])
[Div ("",["column"],[])
[Para [Str "A",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "here"]
,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
[(AlignDefault,ColWidth 0.125)
,(AlignDefault,ColWidth 0.125)]
(TableHead ("",[],[])
[(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
[Row ("",[],[])
[Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "plus"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "a",Space,Str "table"]]]])]
(TableFoot ("",[],[])
,Para [Str "Then",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "more",Space,Str "text"]]
,Div ("",["column"],[])
[Para [Str "A",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "here"]
,Para [Image ("",[],[]) [Str "Plus",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "image"] ("lalune.jpg","fig:")]]]]