177 lines
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177 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Shared
Copyright : © 2006-2022 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley@edu>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Tests for functions used in many parts of the library.
module Tests.Shared (tests) where
import System.FilePath.Posix (joinPath)
import Test.Tasty
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import qualified Data.Text as T
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [ testGroup "compactifyDL"
[ testCase "compactifyDL with empty def" $
assertBool "compactifyDL"
(let x = [(str "word", [para (str "def"), mempty])]
in compactifyDL x == x)
, testGroup "collapseFilePath" testCollapse
, testGroup "toLegacyTable" testLegacyTable
, testGroup "table of contents" testTOC
, testGroup "makeSections"
[ testProperty "makeSections is idempotent" makeSectionsIsIdempotent
, testCase "makeSections is idempotent for test case" $
let d = header 1 "H1" <> header 2 "H2" <> header 3 "H3" <>
header 2 "H2a" <> header 4 "H4" <> header 1 "H1a"
d' = makeSections False Nothing $ toList d
in assertBool "makeSections is idempotent for test case"
(makeSections False Nothing d' == d')
makeSectionsIsIdempotent :: [Block] -> Bool
makeSectionsIsIdempotent d =
let d' = makeSections False Nothing d
in d' == makeSections False Nothing d'
givesTOC :: String -> (Blocks, Blocks) -> TestTree
givesTOC desc (blocks, toc) = test (toTableOfContents def) desc (toList blocks, head . toList $ toc)
linkId :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Inlines -> Inlines
linkId lId = linkWith (lId,[],[])
headerId :: T.Text -> Int -> Inlines -> Blocks
headerId hId = headerWith (hId,[],[])
testTOC :: [TestTree]
testTOC = [ givesTOC "empty case" $ mempty =?> bulletList []
, givesTOC "no headers" $ horizontalRule =?> bulletList []
, givesTOC "unlinked header" $
header 1 "H1" =?>
bulletList [plain "H1"]
, givesTOC "linked header" $
headerId "h1" 1 "H1" =?>
bulletList [plain $ linkId "toc-h1" "#h1" "" "H1"]
, givesTOC "nested headlines" $
header 1 "H1a" <> header 2 "H2" =?>
bulletList [plain "H1a" <> bulletList [plain "H2"]]
, givesTOC "only referenced headers" $
header 1 "H1a" <> headerId "h2" 2 "H2" =?>
bulletList [plain "H1a" <>
bulletList [plain $ linkId "toc-h2" "#h2" "" "H2"]]
, givesTOC "section id used as backup" $
divWith ("sec",["section"],[]) (header 1 "H1") =?>
bulletList [plain $ linkId "toc-sec" "#sec" "" "H1"]
testCollapse :: [TestTree]
testCollapse = map (testCase "collapse")
[ collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ""]) @?= joinPath [ ""]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".","foo"]) @?= joinPath [ "foo"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".",".","..","foo"]) @?= joinPath [ joinPath ["..", "foo"]]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "..","foo"]) @?= joinPath [ "..","foo"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "","bar","..","baz"]) @?= joinPath [ "","baz"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "","..","baz"]) @?= joinPath [ "","..","baz"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".","foo","..",".","bar","..",".",".","baz"]) @?= joinPath [ "baz"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".",""]) @?= joinPath [ ""]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".",".",""]) @?= joinPath [ ""]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "..",""]) @?= joinPath [ ".."]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "..",".",""]) @?= joinPath [ ".."]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".","..",""]) @?= joinPath [ ".."]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "..","..",""]) @?= joinPath [ "..",".."]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "parent","foo","baz","..","bar"]) @?= joinPath [ "parent","foo","bar"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "parent","foo","baz","..","..","bar"]) @?= joinPath [ "parent","bar"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "parent","foo",".."]) @?= joinPath [ "parent"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "","parent","foo","..","..","bar"]) @?= joinPath [ "","bar"]
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "",".","parent","foo"]) @?= joinPath [ "","parent","foo"]]
testLegacyTable :: [TestTree]
testLegacyTable =
[ testCase "decomposes a table with head" $ gen1 @?= expect1
, testCase "decomposes a table without head" $ gen2 @?= expect2
, testCase "decomposes the table from issue 7683" $ gen3 @?= expect3
pln = toList . plain . str
cl a h w = Cell ("", [], []) AlignDefault h w $ pln a
rws = map $ Row nullAttr
th = TableHead nullAttr . rws
tb n x y = TableBody nullAttr n (rws x) (rws y)
tf = TableFoot nullAttr . rws
headRows1 =
[[cl "a" 1 1, cl "b" 2 2]
,[cl "c" 1 1]
body1 = tb 1
[[cl "e" 3 1,cl "f" 3 2]
,[cl "g" 1 1,emptyCell,emptyCell]
footRows1 =
[[cl "h" 1 2,cl "i" 2 1]
,[cl "j" 1 2]]
caption1 = simpleCaption $ plain "caption"
spec1 = replicate 2 (AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.5) ++ [(AlignRight, ColWidthDefault)]
expect1 = ( [Str "caption"]
, replicate 2 AlignDefault ++ [AlignRight]
, replicate 2 0.5 ++ [0]
, [pln "a", pln "b", mempty]
, [[pln "c", mempty, mempty]
,[pln "e", pln "f", mempty]
,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
,[pln "g", mempty, mempty]
,[pln "h", mempty, pln "i"]
,[pln "j", mempty, mempty]]
gen1 = toLegacyTable caption1 spec1 (th headRows1) [body1] (tf footRows1)
expect2 = ( []
, replicate 2 AlignDefault ++ [AlignRight]
, replicate 2 0.5 ++ [0]
, []
, [[pln "e", pln "f", mempty]
,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
,[pln "g", mempty, mempty]
,[pln "h", mempty, pln "i"]
,[pln "j", mempty, mempty]]
gen2 = toLegacyTable emptyCaption spec1 (th []) [body1] (tf footRows1)
spec3 = replicate 4 (AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault)
body3 = tb 0
[[cl "a" 2 1, cl "b" 1 2, cl "c" 2 1]
,[cl "d" 1 1, cl "e" 1 1]
expect3 = ( []
, replicate 4 AlignDefault
, replicate 4 0
, []
, [[pln "a", pln "b", mempty, pln "c"]
,[mempty, pln "d", pln "e", mempty]]
gen3 = toLegacyTable emptyCaption spec3 (th []) [body3] (tf [])