When this option is specified (--sanitize-html on the command line),
unsafe HTML tags will be replaced by HTML comments, and unsafe HTML
attributes will be removed. This option should be especially useful
for those who want to use pandoc libraries in web applications, where
users will provide the input.
+ Main.hs: Added --sanitize-html option.
+ Text.Pandoc.Shared: Added stateSanitizeHTML to ParserState.
+ Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML:
- Added whitelists of sanitaryTags and sanitaryAttributes.
- Added parsers to check these lists (and state) to see if a given
tag or attribute should be counted unsafe.
- Modified anyHtmlTag and anyHtmlEndTag to replace unsafe tags
with comments.
- Modified htmlAttribute to remove unsafe attributes.
- Modified htmlScript and htmlStyle to remove these elements if
- Modified rawHtmlBlock to use anyHtmlBlockTag instead of anyHtmlTag
and anyHtmlEndTag. This fixes a bug in markdown parsing, where
inline tags would be included in raw HTML blocks.
- Modified anyHtmlBlockTag to test for (not inline) rather than
directly for block. This allows us to handle e.g. docbook in
the markdown reader.
- Minor tweaks in nonTitleNonHead and parseTitle.
+ Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown:
- In non-strict mode use rawHtmlBlocks instead of htmlBlock.
Simplified htmlBlock, since we know it's only called in strict
+ Modified README and man pages to document new option.
git-svn-id: https://pandoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1166 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b