+ Replaced old runtests.pl with a Haskell script RunTests.hs. + Added Diff.hs module to be used by RunTests.hs instead of unix 'diff'. + Added test hook to Setup.hs, so tests may be run from cabal. + Changed Makefile's 'test' target to run tests via cabal. + Removed old generate.sh. + Since we no longer have 'sed' to filter out raw HTML sections from the docbook writer test, or raw LaTeX sections from the context writer test, we now just include these sections. They can be taken out if it is necessary to process the files. + Updated latex and context writer tests to remove extra spaces after '\\item' + Added a markdown table reader test. git-svn-id: https://pandoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1385 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
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-- |
-- Module : Data.Algorithm.Diff
-- Copyright : (c) Sterling Clover 2008
-- License : BSD 3 Clause
-- Maintainer : s.clover@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- This is an implementation of the O(ND) diff algorithm as described in
-- \"An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations (1986)\"
-- <http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/myers86ond.html>. It is O(mn) in space.
-- The algorithm is the same one used by standared Unix diff.
-- The assumption is that users of this library will want to diff over
-- interesting things or peform interesting tasks with the results
-- (given that, otherwise, they would simply use the standard Unix diff
-- utility). Thus no attempt is made to present a fancier API to aid
-- in doing standard and uninteresting things with the results.
module Diff (DI(..), getDiff, getGroupedDiff) where
import Data.Array
import Data.List
-- | Difference Indicator. A value is either from the First list, the Second
-- or from Both.
data DI = F | S | B deriving (Show, Eq)
data DL = DL {poi::Int, poj::Int, path::[DI]} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord DL where x <= y = poi x <= poi y
canDiag :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
canDiag as bs lena lenb = \(i,j) ->
if i < lena && j < lenb then arAs ! i == arBs ! j else False
where arAs = listArray (0,lena - 1) as
arBs = listArray (0,lenb - 1) bs
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk x = unfoldr (\a -> case splitAt x a of ([],[]) -> Nothing; a' -> Just a')
dstep :: ((Int,Int)->Bool) -> [DL] -> [DL]
dstep cd dls = map maximum $ [hd]:(chunk 2 rst)
where (hd:rst) = concatMap extend dls
extend dl = let pdl = path dl
in [addsnake cd $ dl {poi=poi dl + 1, path=(F : pdl)},
addsnake cd $ dl {poj=poj dl + 1, path=(S : pdl)}]
addsnake :: ((Int,Int)->Bool) -> DL -> DL
addsnake cd dl
| cd (pi, pj) = addsnake cd $
dl {poi = pi + 1, poj = pj + 1, path=(B : path dl)}
| otherwise = dl
where pi = poi dl; pj = poj dl
lcs :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [DI]
lcs as bs = path . head . dropWhile (\dl -> poi dl /= lena || poj dl /= lenb) .
concat . iterate (dstep cd) . (:[]) . addsnake cd $
DL {poi=0,poj=0,path=[]}
where cd = canDiag as bs lena lenb
lena = length as; lenb = length bs
-- | Takes two lists and returns a list indicating the differences
-- between them.
getDiff :: (Eq t) => [t] -> [t] -> [(DI, t)]
getDiff a b = markup a b . reverse $ lcs a b
where markup (x:xs) ys (F:ds) = (F, x) : markup xs ys ds
markup xs (y:ys) (S:ds) = (S, y) : markup xs ys ds
markup (x:xs) (_:ys) (B:ds) = (B, x) : markup xs ys ds
markup _ _ _ = []
-- | Takes two lists and returns a list indicating the differences
-- between them, grouped into chunks.
getGroupedDiff :: (Eq t) => [t] -> [t] -> [(DI, [t])]
getGroupedDiff a b = map go . groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) $ getDiff a b
where go ((d,x) : xs) = (d, x : map snd xs)