Update tests. Reason: it turns out that the native output generated by pretty-simple isn't always readable by the native reader. According to https://github.com/cdepillabout/pretty-simple/issues/99 it is not a design goal of the library that the rendered values be readable using 'read'. This makes it unsuitable for our purposes. pretty-show is a bit slower and it uses 4-space indents (non-configurable), but it doesn't have this serious drawback.
522 lines
15 KiB
522 lines
15 KiB
[ Header
( "pandoc-with-citeproc-hs" , [] , [] )
[ Str "Pandoc"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "citeproc-hs"
, BulletList
[ [ Para
[ Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "nonexistent"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 1
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[@nonexistent]" ]
, [ Para
[ Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "nonexistent"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 2
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "@nonexistent" ]
, [ Para
[ Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 3
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "@item1" ]
, Space
, Str "says"
, Space
, Str "blah."
, [ Para
[ Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = [ Str "p.\160\&30" ]
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 4
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "@item1" , Space , Str "[p." , Space , Str "30]" ]
, Space
, Str "says"
, Space
, Str "blah."
, [ Para
[ Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix =
[ Str "p.\160\&30,"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "suffix"
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 5
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "@item1"
, Space
, Str "[p."
, Space
, Str "30,"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "suffix]"
, Space
, Str "says"
, Space
, Str "blah."
, [ Para
[ Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 6
, citationHash = 0
, Citation
{ citationId = "item2"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = [ Space , Str "p.\160\&30" ]
, citationMode = SuppressAuthor
, citationNoteNum = 6
, citationHash = 0
, Citation
{ citationId = "\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3"
, citationPrefix = [ Str "see" , Space , Str "also" ]
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 6
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "@item1"
, Space
, Str "[-@item2"
, Space
, Str "p."
, Space
, Str "30;"
, Space
, Str "see"
, Space
, Str "also"
, Space
, Str "@\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3]"
, Space
, Str "says"
, Space
, Str "blah."
, [ Para
[ Str "In"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "note."
, Note
[ Para
[ Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = [ Str "p.\160\&12" ]
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 7
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "@\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3"
, Space
, Str "[p."
, Space
, Str "12]"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "citation"
, Space
, Str "without"
, Space
, Str "locators"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 7
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[@\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3]" ]
, Str "."
, [ Para
[ Str "A"
, Space
, Str "citation"
, Space
, Str "group"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = [ Str "see" ]
, citationSuffix = [ Space , Str "chap.\160\&3" ]
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 8
, citationHash = 0
, Citation
{ citationId = "\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3"
, citationPrefix = [ Str "also" ]
, citationSuffix = [ Space , Str "p.\160\&34-35" ]
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 8
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[see"
, Space
, Str "@item1"
, Space
, Str "chap."
, Space
, Str "3;"
, Space
, Str "also"
, Space
, Str "@\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3"
, Space
, Str "p."
, Space
, Str "34-35]"
, Str "."
, [ Para
[ Str "Another"
, Space
, Str "one"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = [ Str "see" ]
, citationSuffix = [ Space , Str "p.\160\&34-35" ]
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 9
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[see"
, Space
, Str "@item1"
, Space
, Str "p."
, Space
, Str "34-35]"
, Str "."
, [ Para
[ Str "And"
, Space
, Str "another"
, Space
, Str "one"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "note."
, Note
[ Para
[ Str "Some"
, Space
, Str "citations"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = [ Str "see" ]
, citationSuffix =
[ Space , Str "chap.\160\&3" ]
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 10
, citationHash = 0
, Citation
{ citationId = "\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 10
, citationHash = 0
, Citation
{ citationId = "item2"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 10
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[see"
, Space
, Str "@item1"
, Space
, Str "chap."
, Space
, Str "3;"
, Space
, Str "@\1087\1091\1085\1082\1090\&3;"
, Space
, Str "@item2]"
, Str "."
, [ Para
[ Str "Citation"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "suffix"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "locator"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix =
[ Space
, Str "pp.\160\&33,"
, Space
, Str "35-37,"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "nowhere"
, Space
, Str "else"
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 11
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[@item1"
, Space
, Str "pp."
, Space
, Str "33,"
, Space
, Str "35-37,"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "nowhere"
, Space
, Str "else]"
, Str "."
, [ Para
[ Str "Citation"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "suffix"
, Space
, Str "only"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix =
[ Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "nowhere"
, Space
, Str "else"
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 12
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[@item1"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "nowhere"
, Space
, Str "else]"
, Str "."
, [ Para
[ Str "Now"
, Space
, Str "some"
, Space
, Str "modifiers."
, Note
[ Para
[ Str "Like"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "citation"
, Space
, Str "without"
, Space
, Str "author:"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = SuppressAuthor
, citationNoteNum = 13
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[-@item1]" ]
, Str ","
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "now"
, Space
, Str "Doe"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "locator"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item2"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix =
[ Space , Str "p.\160\&44" ]
, citationMode = SuppressAuthor
, citationNoteNum = 13
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[-@item2"
, Space
, Str "p."
, Space
, Str "44]"
, Str "."
, [ Para
[ Str "With"
, Space
, Str "some"
, Space
, Str "markup"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = [ Emph [ Str "see" ] ]
, citationSuffix =
[ Space , Str "p.\160" , Strong [ Str "32" ] ]
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 14
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "[*see*"
, Space
, Str "@item1"
, Space
, Str "p."
, Space
, Str "**32**]"
, Str "."
, Header 1 ( "references" , [] , [] ) [ Str "References" ]