<xref> elements can also be used to link to <figure> elements. Alas, the DocBook reader was not aware of this and thus generated a link text which just said 'figure_title'. https://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/4.5/figure.html explains that <figure> elements can contain <title> elements, so let's try to use that if it is available.
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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
<book><title>An Example Book</title>
<chapter id="ch01"><title>XRef Samples</title>
This paragraph demonstrates several features of
<listitem><para>A straight link generates the
cross-reference text: <xref linkend="ch02"/>.
<listitem><para>A link to an element with an
<sgmltag class="attribute">XRefLabel</sgmltag>:
<xref linkend="ch03"/>.
<listitem><para>A link with an
<sgmltag class="attribute">EndTerm</sgmltag>:
<xref linkend="ch04" endterm="ch04short"/>.
<listitem><para>A link to an
<sgmltag>cmdsynopsis</sgmltag> element: <xref linkend="cmd01"/>.
<listitem><para>A link to an
<sgmltag>funcsynopsis</sgmltag> element: <xref linkend="func01"/>.
<listitem><para>A link to a
<sgmltag>figure</sgmltag> element: <xref linkend="fig01"/>.
<chapter id="ch02">
<title>The Second Chapter</title>
<para>Some content here</para>
<chapter id="ch03" xreflabel="Chapter the Third">
<title>The Third Chapter</title>
<para>Some content here</para>
<chapter id="ch04">
<title>The Fourth Chapter</title>
<titleabbrev id="ch04short">Chapter 4</titleabbrev>
<para>Some content here</para>
<cmdsynopsis id="cmd01">
<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>group</replaceable></arg>
<arg rep='repeat' choice='plain'><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>
<funcsynopsis id="func01">
<funcdef>int <function>max</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>int1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>int2</parameter></paramdef>
<figure id="fig01"><title>The Pythagorean Theorem Illustrated</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/pythag.png"/>
<textobject><phrase>An illustration of the Pythagorean Theorem</phrase></textobject>