<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <style xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" class="in-text" version="1.0" page-range-format="chicago"> <info> <title>Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date format)</title> <id>http://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-author-date</id> <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-author-date" rel="self"/> <author> <name>Julian Onions</name> <email>julian.onions@gmail.com</email> </author> <category citation-format="author-date"/> <category field="generic-base"/> <updated>2009-12-04T20:22:16+00:00</updated> <summary>The author-date variant of the Chicago style</summary> <link href="http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html" rel="documentation"/> </info> <macro name="secondary-contributors"> <choose> <if match="none" type="chapter"> <group delimiter=". "> <choose> <if variable="author"> <names variable="editor"> <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="capitalize-first" /> <name and="text" delimiter=", " /> </names> </if> </choose> <choose> <if match="any" variable="author editor"> <names variable="translator"> <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="capitalize-first" /> <name and="text" delimiter=", " /> </names> </if> </choose> </group> </if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="container-contributors"> <choose> <if type="chapter"> <group delimiter=", " prefix=","> <choose> <if variable="author"> <names variable="editor"> <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="lowercase" /> <name and="text" delimiter=", " /> </names> </if> </choose> <choose> <if match="any" variable="author editor"> <names variable="translator"> <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="lowercase" /> <name and="text" delimiter=", " /> </names> </if> </choose> </group> </if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="anon"> <choose> <if match="none" variable="author editor translator"> <text form="short" term="anonymous" text-case="capitalize-first" /> </if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="editor"> <names variable="editor"> <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " /> <label form="short" prefix=", " suffix="." /> </names> </macro> <macro name="translator"> <names variable="translator"> <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " /> <label form="verb-short" prefix=", " suffix="." /> </names> </macro> <macro name="recipient"> <choose> <if type="personal_communication"> <choose> <if variable="genre"> <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" /> </if> <else> <text term="letter" text-case="capitalize-first" /> </else> </choose> </if> </choose> <names delimiter=", " variable="recipient"> <label form="verb" prefix=" " suffix=" " text-case="lowercase" /> <name and="text" delimiter=", " /> </names> </macro> <macro name="contributors"> <names variable="author"> <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " /> <label form="verb-short" prefix=", " suffix="." text-case="lowercase" /> <substitute> <text macro="editor" /> <text macro="translator" /> </substitute> </names> <text macro="anon" /> <text macro="recipient" /> </macro> <macro name="contributors-short"> <names variable="author"> <name and="text" delimiter=", " form="short" /> <substitute> <names variable="editor" /> <names variable="translator" /> </substitute> </names> <text macro="anon" /> </macro> <macro name="interviewer"> <names delimiter=", " variable="interviewer"> <label form="verb" prefix=" " suffix=" " text-case="capitalize-first" /> <name and="text" delimiter=", " /> </names> </macro> <macro name="archive"> <group delimiter=". "> <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="archive_location" /> <text variable="archive" /> <text variable="archive-place" /> </group> </macro> <macro name="access"> <group delimiter=". "> <choose> <if match="any" type="graphic report"> <text macro="archive" /> </if> <else-if match="none" type="book thesis chapter article-journal article-newspaper article-magazine"> <text macro="archive" /> </else-if> </choose> <text prefix="doi:" variable="DOI" /> <text variable="URL" /> </group> </macro> <macro name="title"> <choose> <if match="none" variable="title"> <choose> <if match="none" type="personal_communication"> <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" /> </if> </choose> </if> <else-if type="book"> <text font-style="italic" variable="title" /> </else-if> <else> <text variable="title" /> </else> </choose> </macro> <macro name="edition"> <choose> <if match="any" type="book chapter"> <choose> <if is-numeric="edition"> <group delimiter=" "> <number form="ordinal" variable="edition" /> <text form="short" suffix="." term="edition" /> </group> </if> <else> <text suffix="." variable="edition" /> </else> </choose> </if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="locators"> <choose> <if type="article-journal"> <text prefix=" " variable="volume" /> <text prefix=", no. " variable="issue" /> </if> <else-if type="book"> <group delimiter=". " prefix=". "> <group> <text form="short" suffix=". " term="volume" text-case="capitalize-first" /> <number form="numeric" variable="volume" /> </group> <group> <number form="numeric" variable="number-of-volumes" /> <text form="short" plural="true" prefix=" " suffix="." term="volume" /> </group> </group> </else-if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="locators-chapter"> <choose> <if type="chapter"> <group prefix=", "> <text suffix=":" variable="volume" /> <text variable="page" /> </group> </if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="locators-article"> <choose> <if type="article-newspaper"> <group delimiter=", " prefix=", "> <group> <text suffix=" " variable="edition" /> <text prefix=" " term="edition" /> </group> <group> <text form="short" suffix=". " term="section" /> <text variable="section" /> </group> </group> </if> <else-if type="article-journal"> <text prefix=": " variable="page" /> </else-if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="point-locators"> <group> <choose> <if locator="page" match="none"> <label form="short" suffix=" " variable="locator" /> </if> </choose> <text variable="locator" /> </group> </macro> <macro name="container-prefix"> <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first" /> </macro> <macro name="container-title"> <choose> <if type="chapter"> <text macro="container-prefix" suffix=" " /> </if> </choose> <text font-style="italic" variable="container-title" /> </macro> <macro name="publisher"> <group delimiter=": "> <text variable="publisher-place" /> <text variable="publisher" /> </group> </macro> <macro name="date"> <date variable="issued"> <date-part name="year" /> </date> </macro> <macro name="day-month"> <date variable="issued"> <date-part name="month" /> <date-part name="day" prefix=" " /> </date> </macro> <macro name="collection-title"> <text variable="collection-title" /> <text prefix=" " variable="collection-number" /> </macro> <macro name="event"> <group> <text suffix=" " term="presented at" /> <text variable="event" /> </group> </macro> <macro name="description"> <group delimiter=". "> <text macro="interviewer" /> <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="medium" /> </group> <choose> <if match="none" variable="title"> </if> <else-if type="thesis"> </else-if> <else> <text prefix=". " text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" /> </else> </choose> </macro> <macro name="issue"> <choose> <if type="article-journal"> <text macro="day-month" prefix=" (" suffix=")" /> </if> <else-if type="speech"> <group delimiter=", " prefix=" "> <text macro="event" /> <text macro="day-month" /> <text variable="event-place" /> </group> </else-if> <else-if match="any" type="article-newspaper article-magazine"> <text macro="day-month" prefix=", " /> </else-if> <else> <group delimiter=", " prefix=". 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" /> <text macro="title" /> <text macro="description" /> <text macro="secondary-contributors" prefix=". " /> <text macro="container-title" prefix=". " /> <text macro="container-contributors" /> <text macro="locators-chapter" /> <text macro="edition" prefix=". " /> <text macro="locators" /> <text macro="collection-title" prefix=". " /> <text macro="issue" /> <text macro="locators-article" /> <text macro="access" prefix=". " /> </layout> </bibliography> </style>