Pandoc Test Suite

:Author: John MacFarlane
:Author: Anonymous
:Date: July 17, 2006
:Revision: 3

Level one header

This is a set of tests for pandoc.  Most of them are adapted from
John Gruber's markdown test suite.

Level two header

Level three

Level four with *emphasis*

Level five


Here's a regular paragraph.

In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version
8. This line turns into a list item.
Because a hard-wrapped line in the
middle of a paragraph looked like a
list item.

Here's one with a bullet.
* criminey.

Horizontal rule:




Block Quotes

Here's a block quote:

  This is a block quote.
  It is pretty short.

Here's another, differently indented:

    This is a block quote.
    It's indented with a tab.

    Code in a block quote:: 

        sub status {
            print "working";

    List in a block quote:

    1. item one
    2. item two

    Nested block quotes:



Code Blocks



    ---- (should be four hyphens)

    sub status {
        print "working";


	this code block is indented by one tab


		this block is indented by two tabs

        These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \> \[ \{


.. code-block:: python

   def my_function(x):
       return x + 1



Asterisks tight:

*	asterisk 1
*	asterisk 2
*	asterisk 3

Asterisks loose:

*	asterisk 1

*	asterisk 2

*	asterisk 3

Pluses tight:

+	Plus 1
+	Plus 2
+	Plus 3

Pluses loose:

+	Plus 1

+	Plus 2

+	Plus 3

Minuses tight:

-	Minus 1
-	Minus 2
-	Minus 3

Minuses loose:

-	Minus 1

-	Minus 2

-	Minus 3



1.	First
2.	Second
3.	Third


1. One
2. Two
3. Three

Loose using tabs:

1.	First

2.	Second

3.	Third

and using spaces:

1. One

2. Two

3. Three

Multiple paragraphs:

1.	Item 1, graf one.

	Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's
2.	Item 2.

3.	Item 3.


*	Tab

	*	Tab

		*	Tab

Here's another:

1. First

2. Second:

	* Fee
	* Fie
	* Foe

3. Third 

Fancy list markers

(2) begins with 2
(3) and now 3

    with a continuation

    iv. sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4
    v.  more items
        (A) a subsublist
        (B) a subsublist


A.  Upper Alpha
    I.  Upper Roman.
        (6) Decimal start with 6
            c) Lower alpha with paren


#. Autonumber.
#.  More.
    #. Nested.

Autonumbering with explicit start:

(d)  item 1
(#)  item 2


term 1
    Definition 1.

term 2
    Definition 2, paragraph 1.

    Definition 2, paragraph 2.

term with *emphasis* 
    Definition 3.

Field Lists

 :address:  61 Main St.
 :city:  *Nowhere*, MA,
 :phone: 123-4567

:address:  61 Main St.
:city:  *Nowhere*, MA,
:phone: 123-4567

HTML Blocks

Simple block on one line:

.. raw:: html


Now, nested:

.. raw:: html


LaTeX Block

.. raw:: latex

   Animal & Number \\ \hline
   Dog    & 2      \\
   Cat    & 1      \\ \hline

Inline Markup

This is *emphasized*. This is **strong**.

This is code: ``>``, ``$``, ``\``, ``\$``, ``<html>``.

This is\ :sub:`subscripted` and this is :sup:`superscripted`\ .

Special Characters

Here is some unicode:

- I hat: Î
- o umlaut: ö
- section: § 
- set membership: ∈
- copyright: ©

AT&T has an ampersand in their name.

This & that.

4 < 5.

6 > 5.

Backslash: \\

Backtick: \`

Asterisk: \*

Underscore: \_

Left brace: \{

Right brace: \}

Left bracket: \[

Right bracket: \]

Left paren: \(

Right paren: \)

Greater-than: \>

Hash: \#

Period: \.

Bang: \!

Plus: \+

Minus: \-


Explicit:  a `URL </url/>`_.

Two anonymous links:  `the first`__ and `the second`__

__ /url1/
__ /url2/

Reference links:  `link1`_ and `link2`_ and link1_ again.

.. _link1: /url1/
.. _`link2`: /url2/

Here's a `link with an ampersand in the URL`_.

Here's a link with an amersand in the link text: `AT&T </url/>`_.

.. _link with an ampersand in the URL:

Autolinks: and

But not here::


From "Voyage dans la Lune" by Georges Melies (1902):

.. image:: lalune.jpg

.. image:: lalune.jpg
   :height: 2343
   :alt: Voyage dans la Lune

Here is a movie |movie| icon.

.. |movie| image:: movie.jpg


First paragraph

.. comment

    Comment block, should not appear in output
    as defined by reStructuredText

Another paragraph

    Another comment block.

    This one spans several
    text elements.

    It doesn't end until
    indentation is restored to the
    preceding level.

A third paragraph

Line blocks

| But can a bee be said to be
|     or not to be an entire bee,
|         when half the bee is not a bee,
|             due to some ancient injury?

| Continuation
|   and

Simple Tables

==================  ===========  ==========
col 1               col 2        col 3 
==================  ===========  ==========
r1 a                b            c
r2 d                e            f
==================  ===========  ==========


==================  ===========  ==========
r1 a                b            c
r2 d                e            f
==================  ===========  ==========

Grid Tables

| col 1            | col 2     | col 3      |
| r1 a             | b         | c          |
| r1 bis           | b 2       | c 2        |
| r2 d             | e         | f          |


| r1 a             | b         | c          |
| r1 bis           | b 2       | c 2        |
| r2 d             | e         | f          |

Spaces at ends of lines

| r1 a             | b         | c          |
| r1 bis           | b 2       | c 2        | 
| r2 d             | e         | f          |

Multiple blocks in a cell

| r1 a             | - b       | c          |
|                  | - b 2     | c 2        | 
| r1 bis           | - b 2     | c 2        | 






.. [1] Note with one line.

.. [#] Note with
  continuation line.

.. [#] Note with

  continuation block.

.. [*] Note with
   continuation line

   and a second para.

Not in note.