_ Test: make build-all, make install-all, make uninstall-all, 
        make deb, run website demos, test on windows, test on mac

_ Finalize debian changelog

_ Tag release
    svn copy https://pandoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk https://pandoc.googlecode.com/svn/tags/pandoc-x.yy

_ Generate tarball (make tarball)

_ Generate Windows package and copy to directory

_ Upload to Google Code
    googlecode-upload.py -s "Source tarball" -p pandoc -u fiddlosopher --labels=Featured,Type-Source,OpSys-All  pandoc-x.yy.tar.gz
    googlecode-upload.py -s "Windows binary package" -p pandoc -u fiddlosopher --labels=Featured,Type-Archive,OpSys-Windows  pandoc-x.yy.zip

_ Go to Google code and deprecate the old versions

_ Upload to HackageDB

_ email roktas to upload to debian

_ make macport, test on a mac

_ submit change request to MacPorts launchpad

_ make FreeBSD port, test on FreeBSD

_ submit change request to FreeBSD 
    make makesum
    diff -ruN pandoc.bak pandoc

_ Update website, including short description of changes

_ Announce on pandoc-announce, pandoc-discuss

_ Update freshmeat page