.TH PANDOC 1 "November 21, 2006" Pandoc "User Manuals" .SH NAME pandoc \- general markup converter .SH SYNOPSIS \fBpandoc\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fIinput\-file\fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION \fIPandoc\fR converts files from one markup format to another. It can read markdown and (subsets of) reStructuredText, HTML, and LaTeX, and it can write markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, LaTeX, RTF, and S5 HTML slide shows. .PP If no \fIinput\-file\fR is specified, input is read from STDIN. Otherwise, the \fIinput\-files\fR are concatenated (with a blank line between each) and used as input. Output goes to STDOUT. If you want output to a file, use shell redirection: .IP .B pandoc input.txt > output.html .PP The default behavior of \fIPandoc\fR is to convert the input from markdown\-formatted plain text to HTML. Different input and output formats can be specified using command\-line options. For example, .IP .B pandoc \-f latex \-t markdown chap1.tex > chap1.txt .PP converts \fIchap1.tex\fR from LaTeX to markdown\-formatted plain text. See below for a detailed list of command\-line options. .PP \fIPandoc\fR uses the UTF\-8 character encoding for both input and output. If your local character encoding is not UTF\-8, you should pipe input and output through \fBiconv\fR: .IP .B iconv \-t utf\-8 input.txt | pandoc | iconv \-f utf\-8 .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-v, \-\-version Print version. .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Show usage message. .TP .B \-f FORMAT, \-r FORMAT, \-\-from=FORMAT, \-\-read=FORMAT Specify input format. .I FORMAT can be .I native (native Haskell), .I markdown (markdown or plain text), .I rst (reStructuredText), .I html (HTML), or .I latex (LaTeX). .TP .B \-t FORMAT, \-w FORMAT, \-\-to=FORMAT, \-\-write=FORMAT Specify output format. .I FORMAT can be .I native (native Haskell), .I markdown (markdown or plain text), .I rst (reStructuredText), .I html (HTML), .I latex (LaTeX), .I s5 (S5 HTML and javascript slide show), or .I rtf (rich text format). .TP .B \-s, \-\-standalone Produce output with an appropriate header and footer (e.g. a standalone HTML, LaTeX, or RTF file, not a fragment). .TP .B \-p, \-\-preserve-tabs Preserve tabs instead of converting them to spaces. .TP .B \-\-tab-stop=TABSTOP Specify tab stop (default is 4). .TP .B \-R, \-\-parse-raw Parse untranslatable HTML codes and LaTeX environments as raw HTML or LaTeX, instead of ignoring them. .TP .B \-S, \-\-smartypants Use smart quotes, dashes, and ellipses in HTML output. .TP .B \-m, \-\-asciimathml Use ASCIIMathML to display embedded LaTeX math in HTML output. .TP .B \-i, \-\-incremental Make list items in S5 display incrementally (one by one). .TP .B \-N, \-\-number-sections Number section headings in LaTeX output. (Default is not to number them.) .TP .B \-c CSS, \-\-css=CSS Link to a CSS style sheet. .I CSS is the pathname of the style sheet. .TP .B \-H FILENAME, \-\-include-in-header=FILENAME Include contents of \fIFILENAME\fR at the end of the header. Implies \fB\-s\fR. .TP .B \-B FILENAME, \-\-include-before-body=FILENAME Include contents of \fIFILENAME\fR at the beginning of the document body. .TP .B \-A FILENAME, \-\-include-after-body=FILENAME Include contents of \fIFILENAME\fR at the end of the document body. .TP .B \-\-custom-header=FILENAME Use contents of \fIFILENAME\fR as the document header (overriding the default header, which can be printed by using the \fB\-D\fR option). Implies \fB-s\fR. .TP .B \-D FORMAT, \-\-print-default-header=FORMAT Print the default header for \fIFORMAT\fR (\fIhtml, s5, latex, markdown, rst, rtf\fR). .TP .B \-T STRING, \-\-title-prefix=STRING Specify \fISTRING\fR as a prefix to the HTML window title. .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBmarkdown2html\fR(1), \fBhtml2markdown\fR(1), \fBmarkdown2latex\fR(1), \fBlatex2markdown\fR(1), \fBmarkdown2pdf\fR(1), \fBiconv\fR(1) The .I README file distributed with Pandoc contains full documentation. The Pandoc source code and all documentation may be downloaded from <http://sophos.berkeley.edu/macfarlane/pandoc/>. .SH AUTHOR John MacFarlane