module Tests.Writers.Powerpoint (tests) where import Tests.Writers.OOXML (ooxmlTest) import Text.Pandoc import Test.Tasty import System.FilePath import Text.DocTemplates (ToContext(toVal), Context(..)) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Text (pack) import Data.List (unzip4) -- templating is important enough, and can break enough things, that -- we want to run all our tests with both default formatting and a -- template. modifyPptxName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath modifyPptxName fp suffix = addExtension (dropExtension fp ++ suffix) "pptx" pptxTests :: String -> WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> (TestTree, TestTree, TestTree, TestTree) pptxTests name opts native pptx = let referenceDoc = "pptx/reference_depth.pptx" movedLayoutsReferenceDoc = "pptx/reference_moved_layouts.pptx" deletedLayoutsReferenceDoc = "pptx/reference_deleted_layouts.pptx" in ( ooxmlTest writePowerpoint name opts{writerReferenceDoc=Nothing} native pptx , ooxmlTest writePowerpoint name opts{writerReferenceDoc=Just referenceDoc} native (modifyPptxName pptx "_templated") , ooxmlTest writePowerpoint name opts{writerReferenceDoc=Just movedLayoutsReferenceDoc} native (modifyPptxName pptx "_moved_layouts") , ooxmlTest writePowerpoint name opts{writerReferenceDoc=Just deletedLayoutsReferenceDoc} native (modifyPptxName pptx "_deleted_layouts") ) groupPptxTests :: [(TestTree, TestTree, TestTree, TestTree)] -> [TestTree] groupPptxTests pairs = let (noRefs, refs, movedLayouts, deletedLayouts) = unzip4 pairs in [ testGroup "Default slide formatting" noRefs , testGroup "With `--reference-doc` pptx file" refs , testGroup "With layouts in reference doc moved" movedLayouts , testGroup "With layouts in reference doc deleted" deletedLayouts ] tests :: [TestTree] tests = groupPptxTests [ pptxTests "Inline formatting" def "pptx/inline_formatting.native" "pptx/inline_formatting.pptx" , pptxTests "Slide breaks (default slide-level)" def "pptx/slide_breaks.native" "pptx/slide_breaks.pptx" , pptxTests "slide breaks (slide-level set to 1)" def{ writerSlideLevel = Just 1 } "pptx/slide_breaks.native" "pptx/slide_breaks_slide_level_1.pptx" , pptxTests "lists" def "pptx/lists.native" "pptx/lists.pptx" , pptxTests "start ordered list at specified num" def "pptx/start_numbering_at.native" "pptx/start_numbering_at.pptx" , pptxTests "tables" def "pptx/tables.native" "pptx/tables.pptx" , pptxTests "table of contents" def{ writerTableOfContents = True } "pptx/slide_breaks.native" "pptx/slide_breaks_toc.pptx" , pptxTests "end notes" def "pptx/endnotes.native" "pptx/endnotes.pptx" , pptxTests "end notes, with table of contents" def { writerTableOfContents = True } "pptx/endnotes.native" "pptx/endnotes_toc.pptx" , pptxTests "images" def "pptx/images.native" "pptx/images.pptx" , pptxTests "two-column layout" def "pptx/two_column.native" "pptx/two_column.pptx" , pptxTests "speaker notes" def "pptx/speaker_notes.native" "pptx/speaker_notes.pptx" , pptxTests "speaker notes after a separating block" def "pptx/speaker_notes_afterseps.native" "pptx/speaker_notes_afterseps.pptx" , pptxTests "speaker notes after a separating header" def "pptx/speaker_notes_afterheader.native" "pptx/speaker_notes_afterheader.pptx" , pptxTests "speaker notes after metadata" def "pptx/speaker_notes_after_metadata.native" "pptx/speaker_notes_after_metadata.pptx" , pptxTests "remove empty slides" def "pptx/remove_empty_slides.native" "pptx/remove_empty_slides.pptx" , pptxTests "raw ooxml" def "pptx/raw_ooxml.native" "pptx/raw_ooxml.pptx" , pptxTests "metadata, custom properties" def "pptx/document-properties.native" "pptx/document-properties.pptx" , pptxTests "metadata, short description" def "pptx/document-properties-short-desc.native" "pptx/document-properties-short-desc.pptx" , pptxTests "inline code and code blocks" def "pptx/code.native" "pptx/code.pptx" , pptxTests "inline code and code blocks, custom formatting" def { writerVariables = Context $ M.fromList [(pack "monofont", toVal $ pack "Consolas")] } "pptx/code.native" "pptx/code-custom.pptx" , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on " <> "a slide is a h1 it's used as the " <> "slide title") def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 } "pptx/slide-level-0-h1-with-image.native" "pptx/slide-level-0-h1-with-image.pptx" , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on " <> "a slide is a h2 it's used as the " <> "slide title") def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 } "pptx/slide-level-0-h2-with-image.native" "pptx/slide-level-0-h2-with-image.pptx" , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on " <> "a slide is a heading it's used as the " <> "slide title (works with a table)") def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 } "pptx/slide-level-0-h1-with-table.native" "pptx/slide-level-0-h1-with-table.pptx" , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on " <> "a slide is a heading it's used as the " <> "slide title (two headings forces a " <> "slide break though)") def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 } "pptx/slide-level-0-h1-h2-with-table.native" "pptx/slide-level-0-h1-h2-with-table.pptx" ]