``` % pandoc --citeproc -Mlang=it-IT -t markdown-citations Foo [@a 50: «Disse: "bar"»]. «Disse: "baz"» --- suppress-bibliography: true references: - id: a author: - literal: Aristotele title: Metafisica type: book ... ^D Foo (Aristotele, s.d., 50: «Disse: "bar"»). «Disse: "baz"» ``` For en, the localized quotes match what Quoted would produce, so the Quoted is passed to citeproc as a Span ("",["csl-quoted"],[]) and flipflopping and localization occur. ``` % pandoc -C -t plain -Mlang=en --- references: - id: a author: - literal: Aristotele title: Metafisica et "Physica" type: article-journal ... Foo [@a 50]. ^D Foo (Aristotele, n.d., 50). Aristotele. n.d. “Metafisica Et ‘Physica’.” ``` For cs, there is no such match, so the Quoted is left alone and has the same effect it would have elsewhere in a pandoc document. ``` % pandoc -C -t plain -Mlang=it --- references: - id: a author: - literal: Aristotele title: Metafisica et "Physica" type: article-journal ... Foo [@a 50]. ^D Foo (Aristotele, s.d., 50). Aristotele. s.d. «Metafisica et “Physica”». ```