*   Use XHTML library for HTML writer?

*   Revisions for building with windows under cygwin:
    Cabal under windows produces 'pandoc.exe', and some of the scripts
    expect 'pandoc'.  (See if this has now been fixed by Makefile change.)

*   Windows binary distribution:  pandoc.exe.  Work this into the website

*   Consider allowing 'a.', 'b.', etc. to mark ordered lists.  Perhaps
    also '(a)', '(1)', 'a)', '1)', etc., as in rst.  This does depart from
    markdown syntax.

*   Consider making section headers block titles rather than blocks.
    Instead of:  [Header 1 "My title", Block1, Block2, Block3],
    Section "My title" [Block1, Block2, Block3].
    This seems cleaner and would facilitate a docbook writer.
    It might also simplify the rst reader.

*   Consider merging changes in pandoc-wrappers (symlinks rather than
    wrapper scripts, except web2markdown and markdown2pdf).  This also
    needs documentation.

*   pandoc's HTML output fails to validate completely (w3c).
    There are a few quirks:
    + HTML doesn't like the \> at the end of <meta tags.
      But if we remove them, we'll have trouble with S5 output,
      which seems to need the xhtml header?
    + There's also a problem with the email obfuscation scheme.
      <noscript> isn't allowed inside <p> blocks.  <script> is
      allowed!  Options:
          - come up with another scheme, perhaps more like markdown.pl's
          - ignore the validation problems
          - others?

*   Consider adding support for acronyms.
    Perhaps like this:  [AAAS]
      [AAAS]: "American association for the advancement of science"
    <acronym title="American association for the advancement 
    of science">AAAS</acronym>

*   Consider changing footnote syntax so that all footnotes in markdown
    are embedded (and automatic).^[Like this.  Here's a footnote.  It
    is parsed like a block, so you can have embedded code blocks:

         like this { code }

    ] That was the end of the note.  This means having block elements
    embedded in inline elements, which is possible.
    Advantage:  Much easier to write.  You don't have to pick a label,
    move down to type your note, move back up.
    Disadvantage:  Perhaps slightly harder to read.  (But HTML and LaTeX
    output will still be easy to read.)