{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module PandocServer ( app , Params(..) ) where import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.TH import Network.Wai import Servant import Text.Pandoc import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8 import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict) import Data.ByteString.Base64 -- This is the data to be supplied by the JSON payload -- of requests. Maybe values may be omitted and will be -- given default values. data Params = Params { text :: Text , from :: Maybe Text , to :: Maybe Text , wrapText :: Maybe WrapOption , columns :: Maybe Int , standalone :: Maybe Bool , template :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show) -- Automatically derive code to convert to/from JSON. $(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Params) -- This is the API. The "/convert" endpoint takes a request body -- consisting of a JSON-encoded Params structure and responds to -- Get requests with either plain text or JSON, depending on the -- Accept header. type API = ReqBody '[JSON] Params :> Post '[PlainText, JSON] Text :<|> "batch" :> ReqBody '[JSON] [Params] :> Post '[JSON] [Text] :<|> "babelmark" :> QueryParam' '[Required] "text" Text :> QueryParam "from" Text :> QueryParam "to" Text :> QueryFlag "standalone" :> Get '[JSON] Value :<|> "version" :> Get '[PlainText, JSON] Text app :: Application app = serve api server api :: Proxy API api = Proxy server :: Server API server = convert :<|> mapM convert :<|> babelmark -- for babelmark which expects {"html": "", "version": ""} :<|> pure pandocVersion where babelmark text' from' to' standalone' = do res <- convert Params{ text = text', from = from', to = to', standalone = Just standalone', wrapText = Nothing, columns = Nothing, template = Nothing } return $ toJSON $ object [ "html" .= res, "version" .= pandocVersion ] -- We use runPure for the pandoc conversions, which ensures that -- they will do no IO. This makes the server safe to use. However, -- it will mean that features requiring IO, like RST includes, will not work. -- Changing this to -- handleErr =<< liftIO (runIO (convert' params)) -- will allow the IO operations. convert params = handleErr $ runPure (convert' params) convert' :: PandocMonad m => Params -> m Text convert' params = do let readerFormat = fromMaybe "markdown" $ from params let writerFormat = fromMaybe "html" $ to params (readerSpec, readerExts) <- getReader readerFormat (writerSpec, writerExts) <- getWriter writerFormat let binaryOutput = case writerSpec of ByteStringWriter{} -> True _ -> False let isStandalone = fromMaybe binaryOutput (standalone params) let toformat = T.toLower $ T.takeWhile isAlphaNum $ writerFormat mbTemplate <- if isStandalone then case template params of Nothing -> Just <$> compileDefaultTemplate toformat Just t -> Just <$> compileCustomTemplate toformat t else return Nothing let readeropts = def{ readerExtensions = readerExts , readerStandalone = isStandalone } let writeropts = def{ writerExtensions = writerExts , writerWrapText = fromMaybe WrapAuto (wrapText params) , writerColumns = fromMaybe 72 (columns params) , writerTemplate = mbTemplate } let reader = case readerSpec of TextReader r -> r readeropts ByteStringReader r -> \t -> do let eitherbs = decodeBase64 $ UTF8.fromText t case eitherbs of Left errt -> throwError $ PandocSomeError errt Right bs -> r readeropts $ fromStrict bs let writer = case writerSpec of TextWriter w -> w writeropts ByteStringWriter w -> fmap (encodeBase64 . toStrict) . w writeropts reader (text params) >>= writer handleErr (Right t) = return t handleErr (Left err) = throwError $ err500 { errBody = TLE.encodeUtf8 $ TL.fromStrict $ renderError err } compileCustomTemplate toformat t = do res <- runWithPartials $ compileTemplate ("custom." <> T.unpack toformat) t case res of Left e -> throwError $ PandocTemplateError (T.pack e) Right tpl -> return tpl