{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Tests.Readers.LaTeX (tests) where import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Test.Framework import Tests.Helpers import Tests.Arbitrary() import Text.Pandoc.Builder import Text.Pandoc latex :: String -> Pandoc latex = readLaTeX defaultParserState infix 5 =: (=:) :: ToString c => String -> (String, c) -> Test (=:) = test latex tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "basic" [ "simple" =: "word" =?> para "word" , "space" =: "some text" =?> para ("some text") , "emphasized" =: "\\emph{emphasized}" =?> para (emph "emphasized") ] , testGroup "headers" [ "level 1" =: "\\section{header}" =?> header 1 "header" , "level 2" =: "\\subsection{header}" =?> header 2 "header" , "level 3" =: "\\subsubsection{header}" =?> header 3 "header" , "emph" =: "\\section{text \\emph{emph}}" =?> header 1 ("text" +++ space +++ emph "emph") , "link" =: "\\section{text \\href{/url}{link}}" =?> header 1 ("text" +++ space +++ link "/url" "" "link") ] , testGroup "citations" [ natbibCitations , biblatexCitations ] ] baseCitation :: Citation baseCitation = Citation{ citationId = "item1" , citationPrefix = [] , citationSuffix = [] , citationMode = AuthorInText , citationNoteNum = 0 , citationHash = 0 } natbibCitations :: Test natbibCitations = testGroup "natbib" [ "citet" =: "\\citet{item1}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation] empty) , "suffix" =: "\\citet[p.~30]{item1}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationSuffix = toList $ text "p.\160\&30" }] empty) , "suffix long" =: "\\citet[p.~30, with suffix]{item1}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationSuffix = toList $ text "p.\160\&30, with suffix" }] empty) , "multiple" =: "\\citeauthor{item1} \\citetext{\\citeyear{item1}; \\citeyear[p.~30]{item2}; \\citealp[see also][]{item3}}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = AuthorInText } ,baseCitation{ citationMode = SuppressAuthor , citationSuffix = [Str "p.\160\&30"] , citationId = "item2" } ,baseCitation{ citationId = "item3" , citationPrefix = [Str "see",Space,Str "also"] , citationMode = NormalCitation } ] empty) , "group" =: "\\citetext{\\citealp[see][p.~34--35]{item1}; \\citealp[also][chap. 3]{item3}}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation , citationPrefix = [Str "see"] , citationSuffix = [Str "p.\160\&34",EnDash,Str "35"] } ,baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation , citationId = "item3" , citationPrefix = [Str "also"] , citationSuffix = [Str "chap.",Space,Str "3"] } ] empty) , "suffix and locator" =: "\\citep[pp.~33, 35--37, and nowhere else]{item1}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation , citationSuffix = [Str "pp.\160\&33,",Space,Str "35",EnDash,Str "37,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "nowhere",Space, Str "else"] }] empty) , "suffix only" =: "\\citep[and nowhere else]{item1}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation , citationSuffix = toList $ text "and nowhere else" }] empty) , "no author" =: "\\citeyearpar{item1}, and now Doe with a locator \\citeyearpar[p.~44]{item2}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = SuppressAuthor }] empty +++ text ", and now Doe with a locator " +++ cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = SuppressAuthor , citationSuffix = [Str "p.\160\&44"] , citationId = "item2" }] empty) , "markup" =: "\\citep[\\emph{see}][p. \\textbf{32}]{item1}" =?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation , citationPrefix = [Emph [Str "see"]] , citationSuffix = [Str "p.",Space, Strong [Str "32"]] }] empty) ] biblatexCitations :: Test biblatexCitations = testGroup "biblatex" [ ]