_ Test, on linux, windows, mac (inc. website demos)

_ Finalize changelog
  git log --pretty='format:%n%n* %s (%an)%n%b%n%h%n' --reverse --name-only > LOG

_ make man/pandoc.1 and commit if needed

_ Tag release in git

_ Tag templates

_ 'make dist' to generate tarball

_ Generate Windows package and copy to directory.

_ Generate Mac OSX package.

_ Generate Ubuntu/Debian deb package (cd deb; make package).

- Add release on github (use 'make changes_github' and upload files)

_ Upload to HackageDB

_ if docs don't build on Hackage:
  'cabal install neil && neil docs --username=MYUSERNAME'

_ Update website, including short description of changes ('make changes')

_ Announce on pandoc-announce, pandoc-discuss

_ on server, 'cabal install --enable-tests -ftrypandoc'
  and then 'cd trypandoc; sudo make install'

_ recompile gitit