{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Tests.Writers.OOXML (ooxmlTest) where import Text.Pandoc hiding (Attr) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Codec.Archive.Zip import Text.XML.Light import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Foldable (asum) import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.List (isSuffixOf, sort, (\\), intercalate, union) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe) import Tests.Helpers import Data.Algorithm.Diff import System.FilePath.Glob (compile, match) compareXML :: Content -> Content -> Maybe XMLDifference -- We make a special exception for times at the moment, and just pass -- them because we can't control the utctime when running IO. Besides, -- so long as we have two times, we're okay. compareXML (Elem goodElem) (Elem myElem) | (QName "created" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName myElem , (QName "created" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName goodElem = Nothing compareXML (Elem goodElem) (Elem myElem) | (QName "modified" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName myElem , (QName "modified" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName goodElem = Nothing compareXML (Elem goodElem) (Elem myElem) = (if elName myElem == elName goodElem then Nothing else Just (ElemNamesDiffer (Comparison {mine = elName myElem, good = elName goodElem})) ) <|> (if sort (elAttribs myElem) == sort (elAttribs goodElem) then Nothing else Just (ElemAttributesDiffer (Comparison { mine = sort (elAttribs myElem) , good = sort (elAttribs goodElem) }))) <|> asum (zipWith compareXML (elContent myElem) (elContent goodElem)) compareXML (Text goodCData) (Text myCData) = (if cdVerbatim myCData == cdVerbatim goodCData && cdData myCData == cdData goodCData then Nothing else Just (CDatasDiffer (Comparison { mine = myCData, good = goodCData }))) compareXML (CRef goodStr) (CRef myStr) = if myStr == goodStr then Nothing else Just (CRefsDiffer (Comparison { mine = myStr, good = goodStr })) compareXML g m = Just (OtherContentsDiffer (Comparison {mine = m, good = g})) data XMLDifference = ElemNamesDiffer (Comparison QName) | ElemAttributesDiffer (Comparison [Attr]) | CDatasDiffer (Comparison CData) | CRefsDiffer (Comparison String) | OtherContentsDiffer (Comparison Content) deriving (Show) data Comparison a = Comparison { good :: a, mine :: a } deriving (Show) displayDiff :: Content -> Content -> String displayDiff elemA elemB = showDiff (1,1) (getDiff (lines $ showContent elemA) (lines $ showContent elemB)) goldenArchive :: FilePath -> IO Archive goldenArchive fp = toArchive . BL.fromStrict <$> BS.readFile fp testArchive :: (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> PandocIO BL.ByteString) -> WriterOptions -> FilePath -> IO Archive testArchive writerFn opts fp = do txt <- T.readFile fp bs <- runIOorExplode $ do setTranslations "en-US" setVerbosity ERROR -- otherwise test output is confusingly noisy readNative def txt >>= writerFn opts return $ toArchive bs compareFileList :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Maybe String compareFileList goldenFP goldenArch testArch = let testFiles = filesInArchive testArch goldenFiles = filesInArchive goldenArch diffTestGolden = testFiles \\ goldenFiles diffGoldenTest = goldenFiles \\ testFiles results = [ if null diffGoldenTest then Nothing else Just $ "Files in " ++ goldenFP ++ " but not in generated archive:\n" ++ intercalate ", " diffGoldenTest , if null diffTestGolden then Nothing else Just $ "Files in generated archive but not in " ++ goldenFP ++ ":\n" ++ intercalate ", " diffTestGolden ] in if null $ catMaybes results then Nothing else Just $ intercalate "\n" $ catMaybes results compareXMLFile' :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Either String () compareXMLFile' fp goldenArch testArch = do testEntry <- case findEntryByPath fp testArch of Just entry -> Right entry Nothing -> Left $ "Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive" testXMLDoc <- case parseXMLDoc $ fromEntry testEntry of Just doc -> Right doc Nothing -> Left $ "Can't parse xml in " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive" goldenEntry <- case findEntryByPath fp goldenArch of Just entry -> Right entry Nothing -> Left $ "Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored file" goldenXMLDoc <- case parseXMLDoc $ fromEntry goldenEntry of Just doc -> Right doc Nothing -> Left $ "Can't parse xml in " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored file" let testContent = Elem testXMLDoc goldenContent = Elem goldenXMLDoc display difference = "Non-matching xml in " ++ fp ++ ":\n" ++ "* " ++ show difference ++ "\n" ++ displayDiff testContent goldenContent maybe (Right ()) (Left . display) (compareXML goldenContent testContent) compareXMLFile :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Maybe String compareXMLFile fp goldenArch testArch = case compareXMLFile' fp goldenArch testArch of Right _ -> Nothing Left s -> Just s compareAllXMLFiles :: Archive -> Archive -> Maybe String compareAllXMLFiles goldenArch testArch = let allFiles = filesInArchive goldenArch `union` filesInArchive testArch allXMLFiles = sort $ filter (\fp -> ".xml" `isSuffixOf` fp || ".rels" `isSuffixOf` fp) allFiles results = mapMaybe (\fp -> compareXMLFile fp goldenArch testArch) allXMLFiles in if null results then Nothing else Just $ unlines results compareMediaFile' :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Either String () compareMediaFile' fp goldenArch testArch = do testEntry <- case findEntryByPath fp testArch of Just entry -> Right entry Nothing -> Left $ "Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive" goldenEntry <- case findEntryByPath fp goldenArch of Just entry -> Right entry Nothing -> Left $ "Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored file" if fromEntry testEntry == fromEntry goldenEntry then Right () else Left $ "Non-matching binary file: " ++ fp compareMediaFile :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Maybe String compareMediaFile fp goldenArch testArch = case compareMediaFile' fp goldenArch testArch of Right _ -> Nothing Left s -> Just s compareAllMediaFiles :: Archive -> Archive -> Maybe String compareAllMediaFiles goldenArch testArch = let allFiles = filesInArchive goldenArch `union` filesInArchive testArch mediaPattern = compile "*/media/*" allMediaFiles = sort $ filter (match mediaPattern) allFiles results = mapMaybe (\fp -> compareMediaFile fp goldenArch testArch) allMediaFiles in if null results then Nothing else Just $ unlines results ooxmlTest :: (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> PandocIO BL.ByteString) -> String -> WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree ooxmlTest writerFn testName opts nativeFP goldenFP = goldenTest testName (goldenArchive goldenFP) (testArchive writerFn opts nativeFP) (\goldenArch testArch -> let res = catMaybes [ compareFileList goldenFP goldenArch testArch , compareAllXMLFiles goldenArch testArch , compareAllMediaFiles goldenArch testArch ] in return $ if null res then Nothing else Just $ unlines res) (\a -> BL.writeFile goldenFP $ fromArchive a)