% Installing pandoc

The following instructions are for installing pandoc from source. Binary
packages are also available for Windows, MacOS X, Linux (Debian and
derivatives), and FreeBSD. See the [pandoc home page] for more details.

[pandoc home page]: http://sophos.berkeley.edu/macfarlane/pandoc/

# Installing GHC

To compile Pandoc, you'll need [GHC] version 6.6 or greater.  If
you don't have GHC already, you can get it from the [GHC Download]
page. If you're running MacOS X, you can also install GHC using
[MacPorts] or [Fink].

[GHC]: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
[GHC Download]: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/download.html
[MacPorts]: http://macports.org
[Fink]: http://finkproject.org

You'll also need standard build tools: [GNU `make`], `sed`, `bash`,
and `perl`.  These are standard on unix systems (including MacOS
X).  If you're using Windows, you can install [Cygwin].

[Cygwin]: http://www.cygwin.com/
[GNU `make`]: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/

# Installing Pandoc

1.  Change to the directory containing the Pandoc distribution.

2.  Compile:


    If you get "Unknown modifier" errors, it is probably because `make`
    on your system is not [GNU `make`].  Try using `gmake` instead.

3.  See if it worked (optional, but recommended): 

        make test

    Note: if you see errors like the following, they're due to differences
    between different versions of the xhtml library, and can safely be

        < <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
        > <html

4.  Install:

        sudo make install

    Note:  This installs `pandoc`, together with its wrappers and
    documentation, into the `/usr/local` directory.  If you'd rather
    install `pandoc` somewhere else--say, in `/opt/local`--you can
    set the `PREFIX` environment variable:

        PREFIX=/opt/local sudo make install

    If you don't have root privileges or would prefer to install
    `pandoc` and the associated wrappers into your `~/bin` directory,
    type this instead:

        PREFIX=~ make install-exec

5.  Build and install the Haskell libraries and library
    documentation (optional--for Haskell programmers only):

        make build-all
        sudo make install-all

    Note that building the library documentation requires [haddock].

[haddock]: http://www.haskell.org/haddock/ 

# Removing Pandoc

Each of the installation steps described above can be reversed:

    sudo make uninstall

    PREFIX=~ make uninstall-exec

    sudo make uninstall-all

# Other targets

The following 'make' targets should not be needed by the average user,
but are documented here for packagers and developers:

## Building and installing

* `configure`:  Performs the needed preprocessing to create a proper
  Cabal package for Pandoc:
    - Builds `ASCIIMathML.hs`, `DefaultHeaders.hs`, and `S5.hs`
      from templates in `src/templates` and data in `src/ASCIIMathML.js`,
      `src/ui`, and `src/headers`.
    - Stores values of relevant environment variables in `vars` for
    - Runs Cabal's "configure" command.
* `build-exec`:  Builds `pandoc` executable (using Cabal's "build"
  command) and creates the wrappers `html2markdown` and `markdown2pdf`
  from templates in `src/wrappers`.
* `build-doc`:  Builds program documentation (e.g. `README.html`).
* `build-lib-doc`:  Builds Haddock documentation for Pandoc libraries.
* `install-doc`, `uninstall-doc`:  Installs/uninstalls user documentation
   and man pages.
* `install-lib-doc`, `uninstall-lib-doc`:  Installs/uninstalls library
  documentation and man pages.
* `install-exec`, `uninstall-exec`:  Installs/uninstalls programs
  (`pandoc` and wrappers).

## Testing

* `test`:  Runs Pandoc's test suite.  (All tests should pass.)
* `test-markdown`:  Runs the Markdown regression test suite, using
  `pandoc --strict`.  (Three of the tests will fail.)

## Cleaning

* `clean`:  Restores directory to pre-build state, removing generated files.
* `distclean`:  Like clean, but also cleans up files created by `make deb`.

## Packaging

* `tarball`:  Creates a source tarball for distribution.
* `deb`:  Creates debian packages in `..` directory.
* `macport`: Creates MacPorts Portfile in `macports` directory.
* `freebsd`: Creates freebsd Makefile and distinfo in `freebsd` directory.
* `osx-pkg-prep`:  Prepares for building a MacOS X package.
* `osx-pkg`:  Builds a MacOS X package (must be run as root, and on OS X).
  You should make `osx-pkg-prep` first (not as root).
* `osx-dmg`:  Creates a compressed disk image containing Mac OS X package
  (must be run on OS X).  You should make `osx-pkg` first.
* `win-pkg`:  Creates a Windows binary package (presupposes `pandoc.exe`,
  which must be created by building Pandoc on a Windows machine).
* `website`:  Creates Pandoc's website in `web/pandoc` directory.