# Makefile for Pandoc. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constant names and commands in source tree #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABAL := pandoc.cabal SRCDIR := . MANDIR := man TESTDIR := tests BUILDDIR := dist BUILDCONF := .setup-config BUILDCMD := ./setup BUILDVARS := vars CONFIGURE := configure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cabal constants #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PKG := $(shell sed -ne 's/^[Nn]ame:[[:space:]]*//p' $(CABAL) | tr A-Z a-z) VERSION := $(shell sed -ne 's/^[Vv]ersion:[[:space:]]*//p' $(CABAL)) PKGID := $(PKG)-$(VERSION) EXECSBASE := $(shell sed -ne 's/^[Ee]xecutable:[[:space:]]*//p' $(CABAL)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install targets #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRAPPERS := html2markdown markdown2pdf hsmarkdown # Add .exe extensions if we're running Windows/Cygwin. EXTENSION := $(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | \ sed -ne 's/^cygwin.*$$/\.exe/p') EXECS := $(addsuffix $(EXTENSION),$(EXECSBASE)) PROGS := $(EXECS) $(WRAPPERS) MAIN := $(firstword $(EXECS)) DOCS := README.html README BUGS MANPAGES := $(patsubst %.md,%,$(wildcard $(MANDIR)/man?/*.?.md)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables to setup through environment #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify default values. prefix := /usr/local destdir := # Attempt to set variables from a previous make session. -include $(BUILDVARS) # Fallback to defaults but allow to get the values from environment. PREFIX ?= $(prefix) DESTDIR ?= $(destdir) DATADIR ?= $(PKGID) DOCDIR ?= $(PKGID)/doc #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Installation paths #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTPATH := $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX) BINPATH := $(DESTPATH)/bin DATAPATH := $(DESTPATH)/share MANPATH := $(DATAPATH)/man PKGDATAPATH := $(DATAPATH)/$(DATADIR) PKGDOCPATH := $(DATAPATH)/$(DOCDIR) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic Makefile variables #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL := install -c INSTALL_PROGRAM := $(INSTALL) -m 755 INSTALL_DATA := $(INSTALL) -m 644 STRIP := strip GHC := ghc GHC_PKG := ghc-pkg #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Recipes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default target. .PHONY: all all: build-program # Document process rules. %.html: % $(MAIN) ./$(MAIN) -s -S --toc $< >$@ || rm -f $@ %.tex: % $(MAIN) ./$(MAIN) -s -w latex $< >$@ || rm -f $@ %.rtf: % $(MAIN) ./$(MAIN) -s -w rtf $< >$@ || rm -f $@ %.pdf: % $(MAIN) markdown2pdf sh ./markdown2pdf $< || rm -f $@ %.txt: % perl -p -e 's/\n/\r\n/' $< > $@ || rm -f $@ # convert to DOS line endings %.1: %.1.md $(MAIN) ./$(MAIN) -s -S -w man $< >$@ || rm -f $@ define generate-shell-script echo >&2 "Generating $@..."; \ awk ' \ /^[ \t]*###+ / { \ lead = $$0; sub(/[^ \t].*$$/, "", lead); \ t = "$(dir $<)/"$$2; \ while (getline line < t > 0) \ print lead line; \ next; \ } \ { print } \ ' <$< >$@ chmod +x $@ endef .PHONY: wrappers wrappers: $(WRAPPERS) cleanup_files+=$(WRAPPERS) $(WRAPPERS): %: $(SRCDIR)/wrappers/%.in $(SRCDIR)/wrappers/*.sh @$(generate-shell-script) .PHONY: configure cleanup_files+=Setup.hi Setup.o $(BUILDCMD) $(BUILDVARS) configure: $(BUILDCONF) $(BUILDCONF): $(CABAL) ghc -package Cabal Setup.hs -o $(BUILDCMD) $(BUILDCMD) configure --prefix=$(PREFIX) # Make configuration time settings persistent (definitely a hack). @echo "PREFIX?=$(PREFIX)" >$(BUILDVARS) @echo "DESTDIR?=$(DESTDIR)" >>$(BUILDVARS) .PHONY: build build: configure $(BUILDCMD) build .PHONY: build-exec build-exec: $(PROGS) cleanup_files+=$(EXECS) $(EXECS): build for f in $@; do \ find $(BUILDDIR) -type f -name "$$f" -perm +a=x \ -exec ln -s -f {} . \; ; \ done .PHONY: build-doc cleanup_files+=README.html $(MANPAGES) build-doc: $(DOCS) $(MANPAGES) .PHONY: build-program build-program: build-exec build-doc .PHONY: build-lib-doc haddock build-lib-doc: html haddock: build-lib-doc cleanup_files+=html html/: configure -rm -rf html $(BUILDCMD) haddock && cp -r $(BUILDDIR)/doc/html . .PHONY: build-all build-all: build-program build-lib-doc # User documents installation. .PHONY: install-doc uninstall-doc man_all:=$(patsubst $(MANDIR)/%,%,$(MANPAGES)) install-doc: build-doc $(INSTALL) -d $(PKGDOCPATH) && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DOCS) $(PKGDOCPATH)/ for f in $(man_all); do \ $(INSTALL) -d $(MANPATH)/$$(dirname $$f); \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(MANDIR)/$$f $(MANPATH)/$$f; \ done uninstall-doc: -for f in $(DOCS); do rm -f $(PKGDOCPATH)/$$f; done -for f in $(man_all); do rm -f $(MANPATH)/$$f; done rmdir $(PKGDOCPATH) $(PKGDATAPATH) 2>/dev/null ||: # Program only installation. .PHONY: install-exec uninstall-exec install-exec: build-exec $(STRIP) $(EXECS) $(INSTALL) -d $(BINPATH); \ for f in $(PROGS); do \ if [ -L $$f ]; then \ f=$$(readlink $$f); \ fi; \ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$f $(BINPATH)/; \ done uninstall-exec: -for f in $(notdir $(PROGS)); do rm -f $(BINPATH)/$$f; done # Program + user documents installation. .PHONY: install-program uninstall-program install-program: install-exec install-doc uninstall-program: uninstall-exec uninstall-doc .PHONY: install-all uninstall-all # Full installation through Cabal: main + wrappers + user docs + lib + lib docs install-all: build-all install-program destdir=$(DESTDIR); \ # Older Cabal versions have no '--destdir' option. if $(BUILDCMD) copy --help | grep -q '\-\-destdir'; then \ opt="--destdir=$${destdir-/}"; \ else \ opt="--copy-prefix=$${destdir}$(PREFIX)"; \ fi; \ $(BUILDCMD) copy $$opt; $(BUILDCMD) register # Cabal lacks an 'uninstall' command. We have to remove some cruft manually. uninstall-all: uninstall-program @libdir=$$($(GHC_PKG) field $(PKGID) library-dirs 2>/dev/null | \ sed 's/^library-dirs: *//'); \ htmldir=$$($(GHC_PKG) field $(PKGID) haddock-html 2>/dev/null | \ sed 's/^haddock-html: *//'); \ if [ -d $$libdir ]; then \ $(BUILDCMD) unregister ||:; \ else \ echo >&2 "*** Couldn't locate library for pkgid: $(PKGID). ***"; \ fi; \ for d in $$libdir $$htmldir; do \ [ -d $$d ] && { \ rm -rf $$d; rmdir $$(dirname $$d) 2>/dev/null ||:; \ } \ done; \ rmdir $(PKGDOCPATH) $(PKGDATAPATH) 2>/dev/null ||: # Default installation recipe for a common deployment scenario. .PHONY: install uninstall install: install-program uninstall: uninstall-program # FreeBSD port .PHONY: freebsd freebsd_dest:=freebsd freebsd_makefile:=$(freebsd_dest)/Makefile freebsd_template:=$(freebsd_makefile).in cleanup_files+=$(freebsd_makefile) freebsd : $(freebsd_makefile) $(freebsd_makefile) : $(freebsd_template) sed -e 's/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/' $< > $@ # MacPort .PHONY: macport macport_dest:=macports portfile:=$(macport_dest)/Portfile portfile_template:=$(portfile).in cleanup_files+=$(portfile) macport : $(portfile) $(portfile) : $(portfile_template) tarball sed -e 's/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/' $(portfile_template) | \ sed -e 's/@TARBALLMD5SUM@/$(word 2, $(shell openssl md5 $(tarball)))/' > \ $(portfile) .PHONY: win-pkg win_pkg_name:=$(PKGID).zip win_docs:=COPYING.txt COPYRIGHT.txt BUGS.txt README.txt README.html cleanup_files+=$(win_pkg_name) $(win_docs) win-pkg: $(win_pkg_name) $(win_pkg_name): $(PKG).exe $(win_docs) zip -r $(win_pkg_name) $(PKG).exe $(win_docs) .PHONY: test test-markdown test: $(MAIN) @cd $(TESTDIR) && perl runtests.pl -s $(PWD)/$(MAIN) compat:=$(PWD)/hsmarkdown markdown_test_dirs:=$(wildcard $(TESTDIR)/MarkdownTest_*) test-markdown: $(MAIN) $(compat) @for suite in $(markdown_test_dirs); do \ ( \ suite_version=$$(echo $$suite | sed -e 's/.*_//');\ echo >&2 "-----------------------------------------";\ echo >&2 "Running Markdown test suite version $${suite_version}.";\ PATH=$(PWD):$$PATH; export PATH; cd $$suite && \ perl MarkdownTest.pl -s $(compat) -tidy ; \ ) \ done # Stolen and slightly improved from a GPLed Makefile. Credits to John Meacham. src_all:=$(shell find $(SRCDIR) -type f -name '*hs' | egrep -v '^\./(_darcs|lib|test)/') cleanup_files+=$(patsubst %,$(SRCDIR)/%,tags tags.sorted) tags: $(src_all) cd $(SRCDIR) && hasktags -c $(src_all:$(SRCDIR)/%=%); \ LC_ALL=C sort tags >tags.sorted; mv tags.sorted tags .PHONY: tarball tarball:=$(PKGID).tar.gz cleanup_files+=$(tarball) tarball: $(tarball) $(tarball): svn export . $(PKGID) $(MAKE) -C $(PKGID) wrappers tar cvzf $(tarball) $(PKGID) -rm -rf $(PKGID) .PHONY: deb deb_name:=$(shell grep ^Package debian/control | cut -d' ' -f2 | head -n 1) deb_version:=$(shell head -n 1 debian/changelog | cut -f2 -d' ' | tr -d '()') deb_arch:=i386 deb_main:=$(deb_name)_$(deb_version)_$(deb_arch).deb deb: debian @[ -x /usr/bin/fakeroot ] || { \ echo >&2 "*** Please install fakeroot package. ***"; \ exit 1; \ } @[ -x /usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage ] || { \ echo >&2 "*** Please install dpkg-dev package. ***"; \ exit 1; \ } mv $(BUILDVARS) $(BUILDVARS).old 2>/dev/null ||: # backup settings if [ -x /usr/bin/debuild ]; then \ debuild -uc -us -i.svn -I.svn -i_darcs -I_darcs --lintian-opts -i; \ else \ echo >&2 "*** Please install devscripts package. ***"; \ echo >&2 "*** Using dpkg-buildpackage for package building. ***"; \ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -i.svn -I.svn -i_darcs -I_darcs; \ fi mv $(BUILDVARS).old $(BUILDVARS) 2>/dev/null ||: # restore .PHONY: website web_src:=web web_dest:=pandoc-website make_page:=./$(MAIN) -s -S -B $(web_src)/header.html \ -A $(web_src)/footer.html \ -H $(web_src)/css cleanup_files+=$(web_dest) $(web_dest) : html $(wildcard $(web_src)/*) changelog \ INSTALL $(MANPAGES) $(MANDIR)/man1/pandoc.1.md README rm -rf $(web_dest) && { \ mkdir $(web_dest); \ cp -r html $(web_dest)/doc; \ cp $(web_src)/* $(web_dest)/; \ sed -e 's#@VERSION@#$(VERSION)#g' $(web_src)/index.txt.in > \ $(web_dest)/index.txt; \ cp changelog $(web_dest)/ ; \ cp README $(web_dest)/ ; \ cp INSTALL $(web_dest)/ ; \ cp $(MANDIR)/man1/pandoc.1.md $(web_dest)/ ; \ cp $(MANDIR)/man1/*.1 $(web_dest)/ ; \ } || { rm -rf $(web_dest); exit 1; } website: $(MAIN) $(web_dest) PANDOC_PATH=$(shell pwd) make -C $(web_dest) .PHONY: distclean clean distclean: clean if [ -d debian ]; then \ chmod +x debian/rules; fakeroot debian/rules clean; \ fi clean: -if [ -f $(BUILDCONF) ]; then $(BUILDCMD) clean; fi -rm -rf $(cleanup_files)