``` % pandoc -f markdown+latex_macros -t markdown+raw_tex-raw_attribute \newcommand{\my}{\phi} $\my+\my$ ^D \newcommand{\my}{\phi} $\phi+\phi$ ``` ``` % pandoc -f markdown-latex_macros -t markdown+raw_tex-raw_attribute \newcommand{\my}{\phi} $\my+\my$ ^D \newcommand{\my}{\phi} $\my+\my$ ``` `\let` macros should be expanded at point of definition, while `\newcommand` macros should be expanded at point of use: ``` % pandoc -f latex -t latex \let\a\b \def\b{\emph{ouk}} \a a ^D a̱ ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t latex \newcommand{\a}{\b} \newcommand{\b}{\emph{ouk}} \a a ^D \emph{ouk}a ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t latex \def\BDpos{} \def\BDneg{-} \def\beq{\begin{align}} \def\eeq{\end{align}} \def\e#1{\emph{#1}} \def\f#1#2{\emph{#1--#2}} $5\BDneg 6\BDpos 7$ \beq x &= y\\ \eeq \e{hi} \f{hi}{ok} ^D \(5-67\) \[\begin{aligned} x &= y\\\end{aligned}\] \emph{hi} \emph{hi--ok} ``` ``` % pandoc -f markdown+latex_macros -t markdown+raw_tex-raw_attribute \newcommand{\my}{\phi} \begin{equation} \my+\my \end{equation} ^D \newcommand{\my}{\phi} \begin{equation} \phi+\phi \end{equation} ``` ``` % pandoc -f markdown-latex_macros -t markdown+raw_tex-raw_attribute \newcommand{\my}{\phi} \begin{equation} \my+\my \end{equation} ^D \newcommand{\my}{\phi} \begin{equation} \my+\my \end{equation} ``` ``` % pandoc -f markdown+latex_macros -t markdown+raw_tex-raw_attribute \newcommand{\my}{\emph{a}} \my ^D \newcommand{\my}{\emph{a}} \emph{a} ``` <https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/258/what-is-the-difference-between-let-and-def> ``` % pandoc -f latex -t plain \def\bar{hello} \let\fooi\bar \def\fooii{\bar} \fooi +\fooii \def\bar{goodbye} \fooi +\fooii ^D hello+hello hello+goodbye ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t plain \def\txt{a} \def\foo{\txt} \let\bar\foo \bar % -> a \def\txt{b} \bar % -> b \def\foo{OH} \bar % -> b ^D a b b ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t plain \def\aaa{aaa} \def\bbb{x\aaa} \edef\ccc{y\aaa} \def\aaa{AAA} \bbb \ccc ^D xAAAyaaa ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t plain \gdef\aaa{aaa} \gdef\bbb{x\aaa} \xdef\ccc{y\aaa} \gdef\aaa{AAA} \bbb \ccc ^D xAAAyaaa ```