import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.PackageDescription ( emptyHookedBuildInfo ) import Control.Exception ( bracket_ ) import System.Process ( runCommand, waitForProcess ) import System.FilePath ( () ) import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory, findExecutable, doesFileExist ) import System.IO ( stderr ) import System.Exit import Data.Maybe ( fromJust ) main = defaultMainWithHooks (simpleUserHooks {runTests = runTestSuite, preConf = checkReferenceODT}) -- | Run test suite. runTestSuite _ _ _ _ = do inDirectory "tests" $ runCommand "runhaskell RunTests.hs" >>= waitForProcess return () -- | If reference.odt does not exist, build it. checkReferenceODT _ _ = do refODTexists <- doesFileExist ("odt-styles" "reference.odt") if refODTexists then return () else makeReferenceODT return emptyHookedBuildInfo -- | Create reference.odt by zipping up sources in odt-styles directory. makeReferenceODT :: IO () makeReferenceODT = do zipPathMaybe <- findExecutable "zip" if zipPathMaybe == Nothing then error $ "The 'zip' command, which is needed to build reference.odt\n" ++ "from sources in the odt-styles directory, was not found.\n" ++ "Try again after installing zip (\n" ++ "Or use the pandoc source tarball, which contains a prebuilt reference.odt." else do putStrLn "Creating reference.odt:" inDirectory "odt-styles" $ do ec <- runCommand "zip -9 -r reference.odt *" >>= waitForProcess case ec of ExitSuccess -> putStrLn "Done." _ -> error "Error creating ODT." -- | Perform an IO action in a directory. inDirectory :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a inDirectory dir action = do oldDir <- getCurrentDirectory bracket_ (setCurrentDirectory dir) (setCurrentDirectory oldDir) action