=?> codeBlockWith ("",["sourceCode","literate","haskell"],[]) "a"
codeBlockWith ("",["sourceCode","haskell"],[]) "b"
rawBlock "html" "
-- the round-trip properties frequently fail
-- , testGroup "round trip"
-- [ property "p_markdown_round_trip" p_markdown_round_trip
-- ]
, testGroup "definition lists"
[ "no blank space" =:
"foo1\n : bar\n\nfoo2\n : bar2\n : bar3\n" =?>
definitionList [ (text "foo1", [plain (text "bar")])
, (text "foo2", [plain (text "bar2"),
plain (text "bar3")])
, "blank space before first def" =:
"foo1\n\n : bar\n\nfoo2\n\n : bar2\n : bar3\n" =?>
definitionList [ (text "foo1", [para (text "bar")])
, (text "foo2", [para (text "bar2"),
plain (text "bar3")])
, "blank space before second def" =:
"foo1\n : bar\n\nfoo2\n : bar2\n\n : bar3\n" =?>
definitionList [ (text "foo1", [plain (text "bar")])
, (text "foo2", [plain (text "bar2"),
para (text "bar3")])
, "laziness" =:
"foo1\n : bar\nbaz\n : bar2\n" =?>
definitionList [ (text "foo1", [plain (text "bar baz"),
plain (text "bar2")])
, "no blank space before first of two paragraphs" =:
"foo1\n : bar\n\n baz\n" =?>
definitionList [ (text "foo1", [para (text "bar") <>
para (text "baz")])
, testGroup "+compact_definition_lists"
[ test markdownCDL "basic compact list" $
"foo1\n: bar\n baz\nfoo2\n: bar2\n" =?>
definitionList [ (text "foo1", [plain (text "bar baz")])
, (text "foo2", [plain (text "bar2")])
, testGroup "lists"
[ "issue #1154" =:
" -
\n first div breaks\n
\n with this div too.\n
=?> bulletList [divWith nullAttr (para $ text "first div breaks") <>
rawBlock "html" "
" <>
divWith nullAttr (para $ text "with this div too.")]
, test markdownGH "issue #1636" $
unlines [ "* a"
, "* b"
, "* c"
, " * d" ]
bulletList [ plain "a"
, plain "b"
, plain "c" <> bulletList [plain "d"] ]
, testGroup "citations"
[ "simple" =:
"@item1" =?> para (cite [
Citation{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationHash = 0
] "@item1")
, "key starts with digit" =:
"@1657:huyghens" =?> para (cite [
Citation{ citationId = "1657:huyghens"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationHash = 0
] "@1657:huyghens")