# Revision history for pandoc ## pandoc 2.8 PROVISIONAL (YYYY-MM-DD) * Improvements in templates system (from doctemplates): + Pandoc templates now support a number of new features that have been added in doctemplates: notably, `elseif`, `it`, partials, filters, and syntax to control nesting and reflowing of text. These changes make pandoc more suitable out of the box for generating plain-text documents from data in YAML metadata. It can create enumerated lists and even tabular structures. + We now used templates parameterized on doclayout Doc types. The main impact of this change is better reflowing of content interpolated into templates. Previously, interpolated variables were rendered independently and intepolated as strings, which could lead to overly long lines. Now the templates interpolated as Doc values which may include breaking spaces, and reflowing occurs after template interpolation rather than before. + Remove code from the LaTeX, Docbook, and JATS writers that looked in the template for strings to determine whether it is a book or an article, or whether csquotes is used. This was always kludgy and unreliable. + Change template code to use new API for doctemplates. * Add `--defaults`/`-d` option. This adds the ability to specify a collection of default values for options in a YAML file. For example, one might define a set of defaults for letters, and then do `pandoc -d letter myletter.md -o myletter.pdf`. See the documentation of this feature in MANUAL.txt. * Raise error on unsupported extensions (#4338). * The `--list-extensions[=FORMAT]` option now lists only extensions that affect the given FORMAT. * Add `-L` option as shortcut for `--lua-filter`. * Add `--shift-heading-level-by` option and deprecate `--base-heading-level` (#5615). The new option does everything the old one does, but also allows negative shifts. It also promotes the document metadata (if not null) to a level-1 heading with a +1 shift, and demotes an initial level-1 heading to document metadata with a -1 shift. This supports converting documents that use an initial level-1 heading for the document title. * Allow `--metadata-file` to be used repeatedly to include multiple metadata files (Owen McGrath, #5702). Values in files specified first will be overridden by those in later files. * `--ascii` now uses numerical hex character references (#5718). * Allow PDF output to stdout (#5751). PDF output now behaves like other binary formats: it will not be output to the terminal, but can be sent to stdout using either `-o -` or a pipe. The intermediate format will be determined based on the setting of `--pdf-engine`. * Make some writers sensitive to 'unlisted' class on headings (#1762). If this is present on a heading with the 'unnumbered' class, the heading won't appear in the TOC. This class has no effect if 'unnumbered' is not also specified. This affects HTML-based writers (including slide shows and EPUB), LateX (including beamer), RTF, and PowerPoint. Other writers do not yet support `unlisted`. * Fix `gfm_auto_identifiers` behavior with emojis (#5813). Note that we also now use emoji names for emojis when `ascii_identifiers` is enabled. * When `--ipynb-output` is used with the default "best" format, strip ANSI escape codes for non-ipynb output (#5633). These cause problems in many formats, including LaTeX. * Don't look for template files remotely for remote input (#5579). Previously pandoc would look for the template at a remote URL when a URL was used for the input file, instead of taking it from the data directory. * Allow combining `-Vheader-includes` and `--include-in-header` (#5904). Previously `header-includes` set as a variable would be clobbered by material included using `--include-in-header`. * Change merge behavior for metadata. Previously, if a document contained two YAML metadata blocks that set the same field, the conflict would be resolved in favor of the first. Now it is resolved in favor of the second (due to a change in pandoc-types). This makes the behavior more uniform with other things in pandoc (such as reference links and `--metadata-file`). * Don't add a newline to fragment output if there's already one. * Change exit codes and document in MANUAL.txt: + `PandocAppError` was 1, is now 4 + `PandocOptionError` was 2, is now 6 + `PandocMakePDFError` was 65, is now 66 * Switch to new pandoc-types and use Text instead of String [API change]. (Christian Despres, #5884). * HTML reader: + Better handling of `` with cite attribute (#5798, Ole Martin Ruud). If a `` tag has a `cite` attribute, we interpret it as a Quoted element with an inner Span. + Add support for HTML `` element (#5792, Amogh Rathore). The `` element is parsed as Code with class `sample`. + Add support for HTML `` element (#5799, Amogh Rathore). The `` element is parsed as Code with class `variable`. + Add support for `` elements (Florian B, #5797). Parse `` elements from HTML as Spans with class `mark`. + Add support for `` elements, parsing them as Span with class `kbd` (Daniele D'Orazio, #5796). + Add support for ``, parsing this as a Span with class `dfn` (#5882, Florian Beeres). * RST reader: + Keep `name` property in `imgAttr` (Brian Leung, #5619). + Fixed parsing of indented blocks (#5753). We were requiring consistent indentation, but this isn't required by RST. + Use title, not admonition-title, for admonition title. This puts RST reader into alignment with docbook reader. + Don't strip final underscore from absolute URI (#5763). + Avoid spurious warning when resolving links to internal anchors ending with `_` (#5763). * Org reader: + Accept `ATTR_LATEX` in block attributes (Albert Krewinkel, #5648). Attributes for LaTeX output are accepted as valid block attributes; however, their values are ignored. + Modify handling of example blocks (Brian Leung, #5717). + Allow the `-i` switch to ignore leading spaces (Brian Leung). + Handle awkwardly-aligned code blocks within lists (Brian Leung). Code blocks in Org lists must have their `#+BEGIN_` aligned in a reasonable way, but their other components can be positioned otherwise. + Fix parsing of empty comment lines (#5856, Albert Krewinkel). Comment lines in Org-mode can be completely empty. * Muse reader (Alexander Krotov): + Add RTL support (#5551). + Do not allow closing asterisks to be followed by `*`. + Do not split series of asterisks into symbols and emphasis (#5821). + Do not terminate emphasis on `*` not followed by space. * Docx reader: + Move style-parsing-specific code to a new unexported module, Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse.Styles (Nikolay Yakimov). + Move StyleMap to docx writer (Nikolay Yakimov). + Only use LTR when it is overriding BiDi setting (#5723, Jesse Rosenthal). The left-to-right direction setting in docx is used in the spec only for overriding an explicit right-to-left setting. We only process it when it happens in a paragraph set with BiDi. This is especially important for docs exported from Google Docs, which explicitly (and unnecessarily) set `rtl=0` for every paragraph. + Fix list number resumption for sublists (#4324). The first list item of a sublist should not resume numbering from the number of the last sublist item of the same level, if that sublist was a sublist of a different list item. * Docbook reader: + Richer parse for admonitions (Michael Peyton Jones, #1234). Instead of parsing admonitions as blockquotes, we now parse them as Divs with an appropriate class. We also handle titles for admonitions as a nested Div with the "title" class. + Fix nesting of chapters and sections (#5864, Florian Klink, Félix Baylac-Jacqué). + Fix bug with entities in mathphrase element (#5885). * MediaWiki reader: + Skip optional `{{table}}` template (#5757). * LaTeX reader: + Fix dollar-math parsing to ensure that space is left between a control sequence and a following letter (#5836). + In `untokenize`, ensure space between control sequence and following letter (#5836). + Don't omit macro definitions defined in the preamble. These were formerly omitted (though they still affected macro resolution if `latex_macros` was set). Now they are included in the document body. + Parse macro definitions as raw LaTeX when `latex_macros` is disabled. (When `latex_macros` is enabled, we omit them, since pandoc is applying the macros itself.) + Fix a hang/memory leak in certain circumstances (#5845). + Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing: add `[Tok]` parameter to `rawLaTeXParser`. This allows us to repeat retokenizing unnecessarily in e.g. `rawLaTeXBlock`. + Add KOMA-Script metadata commands (#5910, Andrew Dunning). Add all titling commands to existing definition for `\dedication`. * Markdown writer: + Ensure proper nesting when we have long ordered list markers (#5705). + Make `plain` output plainer (#5741). Previously we used the following Project Gutenberg conventions for plain output: extra space before and after level 1 and 2 headings, all-caps for strong emphasis, underscores surrounding regular emphasis. Now these conventions are used only when the `gutenberg` extension is enabled. By default, Strong and Emph are rendered without special formatting, and headings are rendered without special formatting, and with only one blank line following. To restore the former behavior, use `-t plain+gutenberg`. + Prefer using raw_attribute when enabled (#4311). The `raw_attribute` will be used to mark raw bits, even HTML and LaTeX, and even when `raw_html` and `raw_tex` are enabled, as they are by default. To get the old behavior, disable `raw_attribute` in the writer. + Prefer `pipe_tables` to raw HTML even when we must lose width information (#2608, #4497). * AsciiDoc writer: + Don't include `+` in code blocks for regular asciidoc. This is asciidoctor-specific. + Handle admonitions (#5690). * LaTeX writer: + Add thin space when needed in LaTeX quote ligatures (#5684). + Use `\hspace{0pt}` for 0-width space U+200B (#5756). + Use `cslreferences` environment for csl bibliographies. This allows bibliographies to receive special formatting. The template now contains definition of this environment (enabled only when CSL is used). It also defines a `\cslhangindent` length. This is set to 2em by default when the bibliography style specifies a hanging indent. To override the length, you can use e.g. `\setlength{\cslhangindent}{7em}` in header-includes. See jgm/pandoc-citeproc#410. + Strip off `{}` around locator for biblatex/natbib output (#5722). + Fix line breaks at start of paragraph (#3324). Previously we just omitted these. Now we render them using `\hfill\break` instead of `\\`. This is a revision of a PR by @sabine (#5591) who should be credited with the idea. + We no longer look in the template or header-includes to see if a book or article documentclass is used, or to see whether the `csquotes` package is used. To use `csquotes` for LaTeX, set `csquotes` in your variables or metadata. To specify a book style, use the `documentclass` variable or `--top-level-division`. + Fix horizontal rule (#5801). We change to use 0.5pt rather than `\linethickness`, which apparently only ever worked "by accident" and no longer works with recent updates to texlive. * ConTeXt writer: + Add option to include source files in ConTeXt PDFs (Tristan Stenner, #5578). The metadata field or variable (`includesource`) can be set to attach the source documents to the resulting PDF. + Customizable type of PDF/A for the ConTeXt writer (Karl Pettersson, #5608). The `pdfa` variable may now be set in metadata. Also updated color profile settings in accordance with ConTeXt wiki, and made ICC profile and output intent for PDF/A customizable using `pdfaiccprofile` and `pdfaintent`. + Unit tests: adjust code property to avoid an irrelevant failure involving inline code with two consecutive newlines. + Set `csl-hanging-indent` variable if needed. + Use special environment for CSL references. + Use braces, not start/stop, for inline language tags. This prevents unwanted gobbling of spaces. * HTML writer: + Use numeric character references with `--ascii` (#5718). Previously we used named character references with html5 output. But these aren't valid XML, and we aim to produce html5 that is also valid XHTML (polyglot markup). (This is also needed for epub3.) + Ensure that line numbers in code blocks get id-prefix (#5650). + Ensure TeX formulas are rendered correctly (Philip Pesca, #5658). The web service passed in to `--webtex` may render formulas using inline or display style by default. Prefixing formulas with the appropriate command ensures they are rendered correctly. + Render inline formulas correctly with `--webtex` (Philip Pesca, #5655). We add `\textstyle` to the beginning of the formula to ensure it will be rendered in inline style. + Pass through `aria-` attributes to HTML5 (#5642). + Render a Quoted element with an inner Span with `cite` attribute using a `` tag (#5798, Ole Martin Ruud). + Render a Span with class `mark` using the `` element (Florian Beeres, #5797). + Render Span with class `dfn` using `` element (Florian Beeres, #5882). + Render Span with class `kbd` using `` element (Daniele D'Orazio, #5796). + Render Code with class `variable` using `` element (Amogh Rathore, #5799). + Render Code with class `sample` using `` element (Amogh Rathore, #5799). * EPUB writer: + Improve splitting into chapters (#5761), using `makeSection`. + Avoid issuing warning multiple times when title not set (see #5760). + Use svg tag wrapper for cover image (#5638). In addition, the code generating the image has been moved to the template, to make it more customizable. NOTE: Those who use custom EPUB templates will need to adjust their templates, adding the code to generate the cover image. (Previously this was just inserted into 'body'.) + Improve toChapters, making it work better if there are Divs around sections. + Add support for EPUB2 covers (blmage, #3992). + Do not override existing "fileN" medias when writing to EPUB format (blmage, #4206). + Ensure that `lang` variable is set on all chapters (so that it will add an `xml:lang` attribute on the `html` element). * RST writer: + Removed remnants of `admonition-title`. + Fix handling of `:align:` on figures and images (#4420). When the image has the `align-right` (etc.) class, we now use an `:align:` attribute. + Improve spacing for tables with no width information (#5899). If a simple table would be too wide, we use a grid table. + Fix backslash escaping after strings (Albert Krewinkel, #5906). The check whether a complex inline element following a string must be escaped, now depends on the last character of the string instead of the first. + Ensure there's a blank line before tables (#5898). * Dokuwiki writer: + Handle mixed lists without HTML fallback (#5107). * XWiki writer: + Fix multiline table (Zihang Chen, #5683). * Muse writer: + Add RTL support (Alexander Krotov, #5551). * JIRA writer: + Remove escapeStringForJira for code blocks (Jan-Otto Kröpke). * Man writer: + Suppress non-absolute link URLs (#5770). Absolute URLs are still printed in parentheses following the link text, but relative URLs are suppressed (just as internal links starting with '#' always have been). + Improved definition list term output. Now we boldface code but not other things. This matches the most common style in man pages (particularly option lists). * Ms writer: + Use `.LP` instead of `.PP` for line block (#5588). + Use boldface for definition terms in DefinitionLists. * JATS writer: + Do not emit empty `` (Mauro Bieg, #5595). + Update template to v1.1dtd (#5632, Arfon Smith). + Update `data/jats.csl` to avoid commas between editor name-part elements. (#5629) + Add `abstract` to template (Mauro Bieg). * Jira writer: + Remove extraneous newline after single-line block quotes (#5858, Albert Krewinkel). * OpenDocument writer: + Avoid duplicate attributes (#4634). We use the innermost attribute in nested cases. + If `native_numbering` extension is set, use native OpenDocument enumeration for figures and tables (Nils Carlson). + Place caption before table (#5681, Dmitry Pogodin). * ODT writer: + Add a test for MathML formulas in ODT documents (blmage). + Improve the parsing of frames in ODT documents (blmage). * Docx writer: + Make handling of styles more robust in localized versions of Word (Nikolay Yakimov, #5523, #5052, #5074). We now use style names, not ids, for assigning semantic meaning, since the ids can change depending on the locale. Style name comparisons are case-insensitive, since those are case-insensitive in Word. Since docx style names can have spaces in them, and pandoc-markdown classes can't, anywhere when style name is used as a class name, spaces are replaced with ASCII dashes `-`. Code styles, i.e. "Source Code" and "Verbatim Char" now honor style inheritance. Docx Reader now honours "Compact" style (used in Pandoc-generated docx). The side-effect is that "Compact" style no longer shows up in docx+styles output. Styles inherited from "Compact" will still show up. + Re-use Readers.Docx.Parse for StyleMap (#5766, Nikolay Yakimov). + Internal improvements and code simplification (Nikolay Yakimov). + Preserve built-in styles in DOCX with custom style (Ben Steinberg, #5670). This change prevents custom styles on divs and spans from overriding styles on certain elements inside them, like headings, blockquotes, and links. On those elements, the "native" style is required for the element to display correctly. This change also allows nesting of custom styles; in order to do so, it removes the default "Compact" style applied to Plain blocks, except when inside a table. + Add `proofState` to list of elements carried over from settings.xml in the reference.docx (Krystof Beuermann, #5703). + Change order of `ilvl` and `numId` in `document.xml` (Agustín Martín Barbero, #5645). Also, make list para properties go first. This reordering of properties shouldn't be necessary but it seems Word Online does not understand the docx correctly otherwise. * PowerPoint writer: + Code formatting is now context dependent (Jeroen de Haas, #5573). This commit alters the way in which the Powerpoint writer treats inline code and code blocks. Inline code is now formatted at the same size as the surrounding text. Code blocks are now given a margin and font size according to their level. Furthermore this commit allows changing the font with which code is formatted via the `monofont` option. + Start numbering at appopriate numbers (Jesse Rosenthal, #5709). Starting numbers for ordered lists were previously ignored. Now we specify the number if it is something other than 1. * Text.Pandoc.Parsing: + Add `manyChar`, `many1Char`, `manyTillChar`, `many1TillChar`, `many1Till`, `manyUntil`, `mantyUntilChar`: these are like their unsuffixed counterparts but pack some or all of their output (Christian Despres, #5884). + Add `stateAllowLineBreaks` to `ParserState` [API change]. + Fix inline parsing in grid table cells (#5708). + Change type of `setLastStrPos` so it takes a `Maybe SourcePos` rather than a `SourcePos` [API change]. + Make `parseFromString'` and `gridTableWith` and `gridTableWith'` polymorphic in the parser state, constraining it with `HasLastStrPosition` [API change]. + `parseFromString'`: reset `stateLastStrPos` to `Nothing` before parse. + Rename takeWhileP -> take1WhileP and clean it up. (It doesn't match the empty sequence.) * Text.Pandoc.PDF: + For PDFs via HTML, ensure temp file is deleted even if the pdf program is not found (#5720). + Better detection of a Cygwin environment (#5451). + Don't assume tex log file is UTF8-encoded (#5872). Fall back to latin1 if it can't be read as UTF-8. * Text.Pandoc.Extensions: + Export new function `getAllExtensions`, which returns the extensions that affect a given format (whether enabled by default or not) [API change]. + Change type of `parseFormatSpec` from `Either ParseError (String, Extensions -> Extensions)` to `Either ParseError (String, [Extension], [Extension])` [API change]. + Add `Ext_gutenberg` constructor to `Extension` [API change]. + Add `Ext_native_numbering` constructor to `Extension` [API change] (Nils Carlson). * Text.Pandoc.Readers, Text.Pandoc.Writers: + Change type of `getReader` and `getWriter` so they return a value in the PandocMonad instance rather than an Either [API change]. Exceptions for unknown formats and unsupported extensions are now raised by these functions. * Text.Pandoc.App + Change `optMetadataFile` type from `Maybe FilePath` to `[FilePath]` (Owen McGrath, #5702) [API change]. * Text.Pandoc.Logging: + Add `CouldNotDeduceFormat` constructor to `LogMessage` [API change]. Issue this warning when we're falling back to markdown or html because we don't recognize the extension of the input or output files. + Clarify warning for missing title (#5760). + Add `UnusualConversion` constructor to `LogMessage` [API change] (Mauro Bieg, #5736). Emit warning on `-f latex -o out.pdf`. * Lua filters: + Improve function documentation (Albert Krewkinkel). + Traverse nested blocks and inlines in correct order (Albert Krewinkel, #5667). Traversal methods are updated to use the new Walk module so that sequences with nested Inline (or Block) elements are traversed in the order in which they appear in the linearized document. + New unexported module `Text.Pandoc.Lua.Walk` (Albert Krewinkel). Lua filters must be able to traverse sequences of AST elements and to replace elements by splicing sequences back in their place. Special `Walkable` instances can be used for this; those are provided in a new module `Text.Pandoc.Lua.Walk`. + `Attr` values can now be given as normal Lua tables (Albert Krewinkel, #5744). This can be used as a convenient alternative to constructing `Attr` values with `pandoc.Attr`. Identifiers are taken from the `id` field, classes must be given as space separated words in the `class` field. All remaining fields are included as attributes. With this change, the following lines now create equal elements: ``` pandoc.Span('test', {id = 'test', class = 'a b', check = 1}) pandoc.Span('test', pandoc.Attr('test', {'a','b'}, {check = 1})) ``` This also works when using the *attr* setter: ``` local span = pandoc.Span 'text' span.attr = {id = 'test', class = 'a b', check = 1} ``` Furthermore, the *attributes* field of AST elements can now be a plain key-value table even when using the `attributes` accessor: ``` local span = pandoc.Span 'test' span.attributes = {check = 1} -- works as expected now ``` + Export `make_sections`, remove `hierarchicalize`. Lua filters that use `hierarchicalize` will need to be rewritten to use `make_sections`. + Add a `clone()` method to all AST elements (Albert Krewinkel, #5568). + Fix Lua function names in pandoc.system (niszet). Change `get_current_directory` to `get_working_directory` and `with_temp_directory` to `with_temporary_directory`, to conform to the manual. * Text.Pandoc.Error: + Add constructors `PandocUnknownReaderError`, `PandocUnknownWriterError`, `PandocUnsupportedExtensionError`. [API change]. + Better message for `PandocShouldNeverHappenError`. + Better message for `PandocTemplateError`. * Text.Pandoc.Emoji: + Update emoji list (#5666). Done using new `tools/emojis.hs`, which uses the list from the gem GitHub uses. Future updates can be done with this tool. * Text.Pandoc.PDF: + Pass value of `--dpi` to `rsvg-convert` when converting SVG to PDF in the process of creating a PDF (#5721). * Markdown reader: + Headers: don't parse content over newline boundary (#5714). + Handle inline code more eagerly within lists (Brian Leung, #5627). + Removed some needless lookaheads. + Don't parse footnote body unless extension enabled. + Fix small super/subscript issue (#5878). Superscripts and subscripts cannot contain spaces, but newlines were previously allowed (unintentionally). This led to bad interactions in some cases with footnotes. With this change newlines are also not allowed inside super/subscripts. + Use `take1WhileP` for `str`, table row. This yields a small but measurable performance improvement. * LaTeX reader: + Fix parsing of optional arguments that contain braced text (#5740). + Don't try to parse includes if `raw_tex` is set (#5673). When the `raw_tex` extension is set, we just carry through `\usepackage`, `\input`, etc. verbatim as raw LaTeX. + Properly handle optional arguments for macros (#5682). + Fix `\\` in `\parbox` inside a table cell (#5711). + Improve `withRaw` so it can handle cases where the token string is modified by a parser (e.g. accent when it only takes part of a Word token) (#5686). This fixes a bug that caused the ends of certain documents to be dropped. + Handle `\passthrough` macro used by latex writer (#5659). + Support tex `\tt` command (#5654). + Search for image with list of extensions like latex does, if an extension is not provided (#4933). + Handle `\looseness` command values better (#4439). + Add `mbox` and `hbox` handling (Vasily Alferov, #5586). When `+raw_tex` is enabled, these are passed through literally. Otherwise, they are handled in a way that emulates LaTeX's behavior. + Properly handle `\providecommand` and `\provideenvironment` (#5635). They are now ignored if the corresponding command or environment is already defined. + Support epigraph command in LaTeX Reader (oquechy, #3523). + Ensure that expanded macros in raw LaTeX end with a space if the original did (#4442). + Treat `ly` environment from lilypond as verbatim (Urs Liska, #5671). + Add `tikzcd` to list of special environments (Eigil Rischel). This allows it to be processed by filters, in the same way that one can do for `tikzpicture`. * Roff reader: + Better support for `while`. + More improvements in parsing conditionals. + Fix problem parsing comments before macro. + Improve handling of groups. + Better parsing of groups (#5410). We now allow groups where the closing `\\}` isn't at the beginning of a line. * Text.Pandoc.Shared: + Replace `Element` and `makeHierarchical` with `makeSections`. Now that we have Divs, we can use them to represent the structure of sections, and we don't need a special Element type. `makeSections` reorganizes a block list, adding Divs with class `section` around sections, and adding numbering if needed. This change also fixes some longstanding issues recognizing section structure when the document contains Divs (#3057, see also #997). + Remove `Element` type [API change] + Remove `makeHierarchicalize` [API change] + Add `makeSections` [API change] + Export `deLink` [API change] + Make `filterIpynbOutput` strip ANSI escapes from code in output for non-ipynb formats, when the default "best" option is used with `--ipynb-output` (#5633). + Fix `camelCaseToHyphenated` so it handles `ABCDef` better. + Improve `isTight` (#5857). If a list has an empty item, this should not count against its being a tight list. + Export `htmlSpanLikeElements` [API change] (Daniele D'Orazio, #5796). This is a mapping of HTML span-like elements that are internally represented as a Span with a single class. + Change the implementation of `htmlSpanLikeElements` to retain classes and attributes (#5882, Florian Beeres). * Text.Pandoc.Slides: recognize content in Divs when determining slide level. * Text.Pandoc.SelfContained: + Omit content-type on type attribute for `