{- | Module : Tests.Readers.EPUB Copyright : © 2006-2022 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.eu> Stability : alpha Portability : portable Tests for the EPUB mediabag. -} module Tests.Readers.EPUB (tests) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Text as T import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class as P import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag, mediaDirectory) import Text.Pandoc.Options import Text.Pandoc.Readers.EPUB getMediaBag :: FilePath -> IO MediaBag getMediaBag fp = do bs <- BL.readFile fp P.runIOorExplode $ do readEPUB def bs P.getMediaBag testMediaBag :: FilePath -> [(String, String, Int)] -> IO () testMediaBag fp bag = do actBag <- mediaDirectory <$> getMediaBag fp assertBool (show "MediaBag did not match:\nExpected: " ++ show bag ++ "\nActual: " ++ show actBag) (actBag == packBag bag) where packBag = map $ \(x, y, z) -> (x, T.pack y, z) featuresBag :: [(String, String, Int)] featuresBag = [("img/check.gif","image/gif",1340) ,("img/check.jpg","image/jpeg",2661) ,("img/check.png","image/png",2815) ,("img/multiscripts_and_greek_alphabet.png","image/png",10060) ] -- with additional meta tag for cover in EPUB2 format epub3CoverBag :: [(String, String, Int)] epub3CoverBag = [("wasteland-cover.jpg","image/jpeg", 16586)] epub3NoCoverBag :: [(String, String, Int)] epub3NoCoverBag = [("img/check.gif","image/gif",1340) ,("img/check.jpg","image/jpeg",2661) ,("img/check.png","image/png",2815) ] -- content.opf uses the word `picture` to refer to the cover as much as validly possible -- to check if references are resolved correctly epub2PictureBag :: [(String, String, Int)] epub2PictureBag = [("image/image.jpg","image/jpeg",9713)] -- content.opf contains the word `cover` as much as possible, to check if possible multiple matches cause errors epub2CoverBag :: [(String, String, Int)] epub2CoverBag = [("image/cover.jpg","image/jpeg",9713)] epub2NoCoverBag :: [(String, String, Int)] epub2NoCoverBag = [] tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testGroup "EPUB Mediabag" [ testCase "features bag" (testMediaBag "epub/img.epub" featuresBag), testCase "EPUB3 cover bag" (testMediaBag "epub/wasteland.epub" epub3CoverBag), testCase "EPUB3 no cover bag" (testMediaBag "epub/img_no_cover.epub" epub3NoCoverBag), testCase "EPUB2 picture bag" (testMediaBag "epub/epub2_picture.epub" epub2PictureBag), testCase "EPUB2 cover bag" (testMediaBag "epub/epub2_cover.epub" epub2CoverBag), testCase "EPUB2 no cover bag" (testMediaBag "epub/epub2_no_cover.epub" epub2NoCoverBag) ] ]