RST quoted literal blocks are the same as indented literal blocks (which
pandoc already supports) except that the quote character is preserved in
each line.
This includes test cases for the quoted literal block, as well as
additional tests for line blocks and indented literal blocks, to verify
that these are unaffected by the changes.
Now we do as before, including blank lines after list items in
loose lists (even though RST doesn't care -- this is just a matter
of visual appeal). But we chomp any excess whitespace after the
last list item, which solves #1777.
While empty links are not allowed in Emacs org-mode, Pandoc org-mode
should support them: gitit relies on empty links as they are used to
create wiki links.
The org reader was to restrictive when parsing links, some relative
links and links to files given as absolute paths were not recognized
correctly. The org reader's link parsing function was amended to handle
such cases properly.
This fixes#1741
Document trees under a header starting with the word `COMMENT` are
comment trees and should not be exported. Those trees are dropped
This closes#1678.
Things like `/hello,/` or `/hi'/` were falsy recognized as emphasised
strings. This is wrong, as `,` and `'` are forbidden border chars and
may not occur on the inner border of emphasized text. This patch
enables the reader to matches the reference implementation in that it
reads the above strings as plain text.
Fixes issue with top-level bullet list parsing.
Previously we would use `many1 spaceChars` rather than respecting
the list's indent level. We also permitted `*` bullets on unindented
lists, which should unambiguously parse as `header 1`.
Combined, this meant headers at a different indent level were
being unwittingly slurped into preceding bullet lists, as per
Issue #1650.
Currently, pandoc has hard-coded the following in order to make tight lists in
text "\\itemsep1pt\\parskip0pt\\parsep0pt"
Which is fine, but does not allow customizations. For example, the `memoir`
class already has a `\tightlist` declaration for this purpose:
I'm proposing to use a similar solution:
@@ In Writers/LaTeX.hs:
-then text "\\itemsep1pt\\parskip0pt\\parsep0pt"
+then text "\\tightlist"
@@ In templates/default.latex:
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}\setlength{\parsep}{0pt}}
This allows us to customize the tightness to our needs.
Backward Compatibility
If a person is using a custom LaTeX template (not based upon the `memoir`
class), the `\tightlist` declaration must be added.
Previously text that ended a div would be parsed as Plain
unless there was a blank line before the closing div tag.
Test case:
<div class="first">
This is a paragraph.
This is another paragraph.
We can now handle all different alignment types, for simple
tables only (no captions, no relative widths, cell contents just
plain inlines). Other tables are still handled using raw HTML.
Addresses #1585 as far as it can be addresssed, I believe.
Currently, pandoc has hard-coded the following in order to make horizontal
rules in LaTeX:
Which is fine, but does not allow customizations. It also does not take into
consideration the current line width.
I'm proposing this change:
@@ In Writers/LaTeX.hs: