These pattern match: so, '--benchmark-arguments "markdown reader"'
will only benchmark the markdown reader; with just "markdown" it
will do the writer too; with no arguments all benchmarks are run.
Removed writerDocbookVersion in WriterOptions.
Renamed default.docbook template to default.docbook4.
Allow docbook4 as an output format.
But alias docbook = docbook4.
* Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML: removed writeHtml, writeHtmlString,
added writeHtml4, writeHtml4String, writeHtml5, writeHtml5String.
* Removed writerHtml5 from WriterOptions.
* Renamed default.html template to default.html4.
* "html" now aliases to "html5"; to get the old HTML4 behavior,
you must now specify "-t html4".
* Removed getWarnings, withWarningsToStderr
* Added report
* Added logOutput to PandocMonad
* Make logOutput streaming in PandocIO monad
* Properly reverse getLog output
* Replaced use of trace with report DEBUG.
TWiki Reader: Put everything inside PandocMonad m.
API changes.
* Export getLog, setVerbosity
* Add report to PandocMonad methods.
* Redefine warning and getWarnings in terms of getLog and report.
* Remove stWarnings from CommonState, add stLog and stVerbosity.
API changes: Text.Pandoc.Options:
* Added Verbosity.
* Added writerVerbosity.
* Added readerVerbosity.
* Removed writerVerbose.
* Removed readerTrace.
pandoc CLI: The `--trace` option sets verbosity to DEBUG;
the `--quiet` option sets it to ERROR, and the `--verbose`
option sets it to INFO. The default is WARNING.
Instead, just temporarily remove notes when generating
TOC lists in HTML and Markdown (as we already did in LaTeX).
Also export deNote from Text.Pandoc.Shared.
API change in Shared and Options.WriterOptions.
Thus, to "unsmartify" something that has been parsed as
smart by pandoc, you can use `-t markdown+smart`, and
straight quotes will be produced instead of curly quotes,
% pandoc -f latex -t markdown+smart
Now you will need to do
-f markdown+smart
instead of
-f markdown --smart
This change opens the way for writers, in addition to readers,
to be sensitive to +smart, but this change hasn't yet been made.
API change. Command-line option change.
Updated manual.
The type is implemented in terms of an underlying bitset
which should be more efficient.
API change: from Text.Pandoc.Extensions export Extensions,
emptyExtensions, extensionsFromList, enableExtension, disableExtension,
If deferred media can't be fetched, we catch the error and warn
instead. We add an internal function for fetching which returns a Maybe
value, and then run catMaybes to only keep the Just's.
Move the downloading/reading-in logic out of fetchItem, so we can use it
to fill the MediaBag. Now when other modules use `fetchItem` it will
fill the MediaBag as expected.