For instance, if you try to compile the following markdown code with pandoc (using 1.12):
``` markdown
Page 1
This is a very long code line that will appear on every slide even on page three
Page 2
My content
Page 3
My last content
using this command:
pandoc -s -t dzslides -o /tmp/test.html
the long code line will appear on every slide. Using pre-wrap fixes the problem by forcing word wrap of code. The only drawback is that it requires IE 8 [according to MDN](, which make it less compatible.
A workaround it to wrap the code when writing it, but if you consider inline code tags using the accents \`\` in markdown this is not possible.
It would be useful to have a class attribute for the title slide's section tag. For example, this is useful for setting a background image unique to the title slide.
* No red color on incremental lists.
* Show authors and date on title page.
* Special styling for title slides (H1 by itself on slide).
* Better default font and font size.
* Better spacing between elements.
* Styling for blockquote and pre.